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Join Elysium Noire! 5 Years Running Strong! Looking For A Clan With A Fun, Helpful And Hilarious Player Base? We Got You Covered, Join Today!


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hi everybody :) I would like to join.


IGN: stner

Hi there, I would like to join you. 


IGN: dbvertigo


I would like to join your ragtag team of awesome awesomeness






I would like to join your clan :)


Invites sent! Welcome to EN =)

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IGN: Razzakx

MR: 3


New player looking for a some friends / help :)


Still In a Clan. Please leave and inform me once done :)


Hi! i just disbanded my clan (was the only member for about a year, built the dojo all by myself) got tired of playing alone, may i join?


IGN: Lankander

Successfully Sent


IGN: jahtar

Can i be member of your family?


Still in a Clan. Please leave then inform me :)


 Hi i would like to join... IGN: tolivetodie


Sucessfully sent :)


Hello (^_^)/


was hoping to join the Elysium Noire clan :)

IGN: Vangogo


Successfully Sent :)


Hi I would love to join your clan my IGN is xVallanaRx  .Mastery Rank 16 .I play for like 2-3 hours ,a day if there is no new content to do .   If you need more information just ask.


Successfully Sent :)



WELCOME TO ELYSIUM NOIRE :) To those who are still with their previous clans, you may PM me In-Game or just reply here.


Razlo-EN-, Dreadnaught/Warlord at your service :)

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I'm interested in joining.


IGN: Detri


Hi , I'm looking to join your clan if you have space

IGN: Denaen2

Thanks in advance


Would like to join if you have space :3

IGN: Nim0o



I would love to join.

IGN: Lvesoccerart


Invites sent! Welcome to the Noire =)


I'd love to join this clan if possible! You guys seem really cool I just recently really got into warframe and are looking for good people to  play with. Hit me up?



LF clan invite c: 


Seems like you both are still in a clan, just post here again once you have left you current clan. We will be waiting! =)

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I don't know if you guys have any slots open but I would like to join.


Have 5 days of game time and I'm rank 6. Had to stop due to real life being important and all that jazz. 


My favorite role is crowd control and I love Nova (personal favorite),Mag and Nyx.



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