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Join Elysium Noire! 5 Years Running Strong! Looking For A Clan With A Fun, Helpful And Hilarious Player Base? We Got You Covered, Join Today!


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Hey there, I'm a relatively new player (MR 6) looking for a nice community to zip and crash around the solar system with.

I'd appreciate it if I could be invited when a spot is available.


I'm Nydonnin in-game, though you probably already know that through my forum username.


My IGN is Jared33333 (I know it's crap). I've heard a lot about it and seen its awesomeness from a friend. Anyways, I would like to join your clan if recruitment is still active. My Mastery Rank level is 5.


Hi guys,


I am interested in joining your clan. Current Mastery Rank is 9. Thanks for considering!


I'd like to join. Want some people to run missions with and all that.

IGN: Maselko


so i joined this clan there big they say there helpful they say in the last 3 days nobody has said a word im not even sure there not all bots lol so joining a clan that at-least has ppl in chat would be great so please through this new teno a bone and give me an invite. I dont know what im doing and i have really alfull dps but im friendly.


IGN is StellaBlue


Invites sent! Welcome to the Noire! =)

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Alright sir, friend request sent. :) Just message me anytime here or in-game.

Hey i am mastery rank 9 and i am 3000 xp away from 10 my warframes are banshee ember excal mag loki frost valkyr and my fav weapon atm is the tonkor currently with 3 forma soon to be 4 i have completed the shadow debt event and i do play this game every day i am very active unless there is something up with school i would love to join your clanmy in game name is ExplosiveNova22 please and thanks

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Hey, new player here, I've been looking for a clan for a little while and this one seems nice. Also love the name of it.

IGN: TungxMetal


IGN: Anonymon 


I would like to be part of this clan, i'm still kind of new to the game, but i want to get better, and i thought joining a clan might help!

I hope i get invited.

Thanks in advance.


Id like to join.

My IGN is watshisname123

I am level 7


Hi, I'd love to join :D

IGN: UnsungElegy


Hello my good people i've sent Exmorties EN a freind request hopefully i'll be in the clan by sun down oh if you need my name its xXWolfColeXx


hey may i get an invite to this awesome clAN?

IGN: unicornfromhell92


Hi, I've recently had a relapse into Warframe but felt I wanted to be part of a clan again, mainly to have folks to readily chat with (and also a Dojo to get the research for newer weapons :P)


IGN: bossfight1


Looking for a new active and social clan cause many players in my old one were inactive.

IGN: Damdern101


Invites sent! Welcome to the Noire =)

For the rest, please be patient as we are full at the moment.

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Hi Everyone,


i would like to join your clan as well. If you are full i can wait for someone to leave so please just invite me at your earliest convinience.


My ingame name is spooky3do :)


Kind Regards.



Edited by Spooky3do
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