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What Is Missing From Warframe ?


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Notice - Gameplay problems



2.Lack of Lore Depth

3.VERY IMPORTANT - Lack of race/gender choice which can guide to Tecnocyte virus applications as well as absense of voice tone choice

4.Tecnocyte Virus weaponry and applications absence

5.Skills not upgradable

6.Lack of Bosses only Defense missions

7.Difficulty is very low,there is no boss like Devil May Cry

8.There is no free exploration

9.Primes are not stronger than normal versions

10.Enemy vehicles and the ability to hijack them on demand have not apeared yet

11.Mounts with leveling up ability are absent

12.Poor collection of Tenno garments

13.Wolverine-like claw with big diameter blades in addition to other huge weapons followed by the apearance of Really hardcore enemies that will require raid teams or experienced players cannot be found in the game

14.Wow -like auction house not ready yet

15.PVP rewards and PVP raids should be in the game so as to make factions more realistic

16.Lephantis has not become a Warframe yet

17.Armor icon should be included in UI after Armor system is upgraded

18.Skate weapon/vehicle and Dual Shield Claw weapons are absent as wellas many of the players inovations which should be included in a massive manner

19.Underwater and flying battle should have already been included due to gravity defiance option the suits have to include

20.No Warframe suit fusion so far

21.No special stage where you find or pass the test to gain the Prime parts in addition to the absense of the level beyond Prime Warframes

22.No Samurai adversaries so far as well as Edo decendants related to spiritual entities with connected to them powers

23.Nightmare mode is not enough neither as rewarding as it should be followed by the need of new rare mode cards

24.Warframe production number increase by the usage of concept arts

25.Creation of Stats and skill trees as seen on Path of Exile game without removing the card mod system that will have many applications such as exceed energy charge auto area/homing combos

Hoo boy. I like me things that come in list forms (it's why I read Cracked.com). Let's see...


1. Not sure what y'mean, there. I don't see any problems with repetition, myself. Not any really big ones, anyway.;
2. I'm pretty sure DE intends to expand upon the lore later. They wouldn't DARE leave it as ambiguous and vague as it is right now. We ARE still in Beta, after all...
3. I've heard people say DE has expressed plans to allow every warframe to come in both male and female variants. I'm curious how that's going to work... Like, you'll set your "tenno gender" and then all warframes you get are going to be of that type, or...?
4. Technically the WarFrames and all Tenno-based things are derived from the Technocyte Virus.
5. Yooouuu can rank them up and make them stronger? They won't do anything different, though. I'm fine with this, myself.
6. Did you mean lack of bosses ON Defense missions? I'd rather NOT see them there.
7. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii disagree.
8. If you spend all your time playing Defense you'd probably think that, yes.
9. They are.
10. WarFrame tends to not take place in open areas big enough for vehicle interaction to be feasible, so that's something you can blame on the maps. Personally, I don't care if we get vehicles or not.
11. See above.
12. We ARE in Beta... Personally I'm not very impressed with the dinky little laughable armor attachments they're throwing out. They look silly on everyone. Is that just me?
13. "Wolverine like claw with big diameter blades"? No claw-type weapon should have overly large blades, and Wolverine's claws are definitely not known for being overly huge so that confuses me. As for bosses that require a "raid team", I think it's nice that DE has made everything possible to do solo, if not insanely difficult at the higher levels. I do not want to be REQUIRED to have a team at any time, so I disagree with your assertion.
14. Trade channel. You just have to do it manually.
15. I actually hope this game STAYS in a PvE focus. It's one of the few online games I've seen that DO.
16. Pfft, hilarious.
17. Why?
18. Skates? I'm with ya on the claws, though. Claw weapons would be interesting. I imagine they'd have similar moves to dual swords like the Dual Kamas... I'm still disagreed about vehicles.
19. The suits have gravity-defiance options? I'd like to see some underwater areas myself.
20. Suit fusion? Like, combining different suits together? Interesting... not sure I'm FOR it, but interesting...
21. Honestly I dislike the idea of prime frames on the whole, but that's just me.
22. Wh-wha... I'm going to just pretend you said "No other tenno-like enemies". In which case, we have Tenno Conflict missions for that.
23. Nightmare mode is so stupidly difficult at times I actively avoid trying it. F*** energy vampire + super enemies...
24. What? WHAT?
25. Isn't WarFrame's mod system complex enough? Last thing we need is ANOTHER complexity that befuddles and scares away new players.
Edited by Soldatto
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2.Lack of Lore Depth


Currently being worked on by DE.


3.VERY IMPORTANT - Lack of race/gender choice which can guide to Tecnocyte virus applications as well as absense of voice tone choice


You can choose gender by using Mag over Excalibur or vice versa, so that point is invalid. The Tenno are mute, so of course you can't change their voice tone. What game have you been playing? It doesn't seem to be Warframe.


4.Tecnocyte Virus weaponry and applications absence


ClanTech weaponry in the bio-lab, or even some of the Market ones.


5.Skills not upgradable


Yes they are - you use fusion cores to increase their stats.


6.Lack of Bosses only Defense missions


Clearly you haven't heard of assassination missions or any mission that isn't Defense.


7.Difficulty is very low,there is no boss like Devil May Cry


Try Lephantis with Excalibur, a Braton, Lato and Skana. That'll fit both of your issues.


8.There is no free exploration


Yes there is - it's not open world, but you can freely explore the maps.


9.Primes are not stronger than normal versions


Discussions about that are ongoing as Primes would possibly render regular frames pointless.


10.Enemy vehicles and the ability to hijack them on demand have not apeared yet


This isn't Halo. Besides, we don't need vehicles when we have automated proxies.


11.Mounts with leveling up ability are absent


...Please tell me you aren't serious.


12.Poor collection of Tenno garments




13.Wolverine-like claw with big diameter blades in addition to other huge weapons followed by the apearance of Really hardcore enemies that will require raid teams or experienced players cannot be found in the game


Claws are coming in U14, with any luck. Raid teams are impossible since DE don't have dedicated servers and peer-to-peer connection would be terrible. Experienced players often play solo or with friends because public gamers seem to get dumber every day.


14.Wow -like auction house not ready yet


Possibly coming, but not priority.


15.PVP rewards and PVP raids should be in the game so as to make factions more realistic


Rewards for PVP would be easily abuse-able and raids aren't possible as aforementioned.


16.Lephantis has not become a Warframe yet


Infested-frame is an idea many have had already but being Lephantis? No thanks.


17.Armor icon should be included in UI after Armor system is upgraded


We already have a listing of Armour in the bottom right corner in the Arsenal.


18.Skate weapon/vehicle and Dual Shield Claw weapons are absent as wellas many of the players inovations which should be included in a massive manner


Derf Anyo's getting a hoverboard, if that's what you mean. What the Hek are "dual shield claws"? Lastly, DE don't take an incredible interest in the forums and player innovation - or they do and they're considering it, OR the creators don't think about its effect on gameplay / lore.


19.Underwater and flying battle should have already been included due to gravity defiance option the suits have to include


Suits don't have gravity-defiance - the reason they aren't sucked out into space when a window breaks is because the pressure change doesn't do that in reality, only in Hollywood. Plus, underwater battles may be in the works for Neptune or Eris.


20.No Warframe suit fusion so far


Of course not - it's to give them unique abilities so they can't be fused to create super-OP combinations.


21.No special stage where you find or pass the test to gain the Prime parts in addition to the absense of the level beyond Prime Warframes


You receive them upon extraction, which means the level itself was the test. Anything beyond Prime Warframes would render regular frames pointless to put a reactor in.


22.No Samurai adversaries so far as well as Edo decendants related to spiritual entities with connected to them powers


These are technophilic or megalomaniacal factions, not samurai. This is Warframe - we don't have spiritual entities either and the powers are connected either to the Technocyte virus or the Void (the most accepted theory).


23.Nightmare mode is not enough neither as rewarding as it should be followed by the need of new rare mode cards


They are perfectly fine in terms of reward. We don't need new mod cards for them.


24.Warframe production number increase by the usage of concept arts


Concept art doesn't always mean what's best for the game.


25.Creation of Stats and skill trees as seen on Path of Exile game without removing the card mod system that will have many applications such as exceed energy charge auto area/homing combos


See Mods 1.0 for skill trees. Besides, Mods 2.0 is better than skill or stat trees.


Bold text = my comment on it.


All I can say is that I don't even... what? For the love of the Lotus, NEVER be allowed in the Design Council lest we have your votes as our plight because this made me wish Warframe was never out of closed beta.

Edited by Blackout751
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MANY THANKS for reading my answerts and moving the thread to the next level of giving ideas to the WArframe community and Digital Extremes


   reptillicus you do have a point yet what we want is something that will unfold to our eyes the Warframe Universe or a part of it ?


Blackout751 please have in mind that I am merely suggesting,hmm it is good that you are defensive towards the curent game state yet gaming fatique may prove even my support to your opinion wrong.The future of anthing can be acompanied only by rules that can act like water  


Soldatto 6.I would really like the option of ONLY Boss stages in all defense waves with Mythic loot

12.Hmm they are testing Armor implementation system in the game.I really like them yet I expect much bigger armors

13.Wolverine has almost big blades we should have blades twice thier size.Raid bosses should be available for solo too yet with lower leverl loot and lower power as well as different in apearance bosses.

17.It would be easier to calculate

18.hmm it is important to say that we should have a more versatile system in weapon equiping and carying choicves for example a dual Nami Solo equipment option

19.The suits are supposed to use energy and energy can offer levitation furthermore it is rather normal for suits to change states when the user wants to battle airborne or underwater

24.The players are creating mass amounts of Warframe suits it is more than a same to leave even one of them out of the game


Auxeus Bosses should be much more than serious when fighting us furthermore they should be able to give us a very unique power only at the hardest difficulty,both options not yet available


Ionus hmm the communication gap concerning grammar happens to many for which I must sincerely apologise yet I will ask you to observbe my opinions in comparison with the choices of the community and those of the DE team,the armors as well as each and ever5ything I proposed are becoming game reality Edited by VoidGhost
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lol im just wow know what your problems are befor u try lutting them down like a serioues qestion and if i miss spelled any thing its because i nerely broken my key bored fully so some of the letters ar e not respownding

 like they should

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