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[Suggestions] Dojo Rooms: Hangar, Gambling Hall, Others


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Now some of these suggestions might of already... You know... Been suggested... But I want to bring them back up and add some of my ideas with them.

Upgrade-able Rooms

Instead of having multiple rooms that are better versions of another room. Why not just have us, have the ability to upgrade it in the room options. For example:

- Barracks

- Shadow Barracks

- Storm Barracks

- Mountain Barracks

- Moon Barracks

However some rooms like the Great Halls can probably stay the same for space and expansion.


Devstream 28 announced personal player ships to be coming out soon. This will be a large room that has a large open place for ships to enter and land. This can be the starting area of the Dojo. The room has 1 door for entering and exiting.


Gambling Hall

A large open casino, cantina-like room where players can hang out and gamble. There is a bar to buy items at cheap prices which can be used entertain the players, how some other items can be used to help players in duels or in missions. Only some are reusable. The room has 2 doors. One for entering other is for another a race (see below).

You have to hire a bartender to run the bar. Each bartender has an item only they can sell. However other items all bartenders can sell. Also all items are accessed by gear menu. (DE please enable gear menu in the Dojo for this to work... lol.)

All credits that go into the bar are transacted to clan vault.

Universal Items:

- Sake, causes the player to dance uncontrollably for 10 seconds. [50 Credits]

- Water, can be drunk or splashed at players. [50 Credits]

- A cup, temporary gear to hold liquids. [10 Credits] (Reusable for 3 liquids)

- A bottle, yours to keep gear that hold liquids. [500 credits] (Reusable)

- A bowl, temporary gear that holds food. [10 Credits] (Reusable for 5 foods)

- Ice Cream, can be eaten or thrown at players. [50 Credits]


Hiring the bartender will require donations from personal credits. Paying them takes money out of the clan vault. They receive their paychecks automatically. If you don't have their money they will wait 3 days until you do then they will leave. They can also assign special alerts or quest. Rewards do not come out of vault.

Krag Cogar:

A Grineer who was a former assistant of Hay Vek and is obsessed with his hatred for Hay Vek. He retired from the Grineer Corps. to be a merchant, because it was a more suitable way of living he states than being a "slave".

He cost 5000 credits to hire and a pay check of 700 per week. (100 per day)

His special items are:

- Skate Fang (5), increases base damage by 50%, but player is poisoned by -5% per sec. 35 sec duration. [1500 Credits]

- Kubrow Milk (5), restores 50% HP, Shields and 100% Stamina. [500 Credits]

Example Missions:

- Swift Intervention, Extermination Mission of 210 Enemies [Rewards: 10,000 Credits, 1000 Rubedo]

"The old geezer is at it again. The spuckled piece of dust should just rot in a shipyard, hes getting nowhere with this. Anyway I heard old uncle Vek is sending more marines to Earth. After what you guys done the past few years its a clever but reckless plan. Go stop his reinforcements"


A Corpus merchant who has a goal to surpass Darvo. She dropped out of the Corpus Academy after realizing that why does she need a boss when she can be her own boss.

She cost 5000 credits to hire and a pay check of 700 per week. (100 per day)

Her special items are:

- Infested Lungs (5), enhance stamina to be unlimited while decreasing HP and shields. 15 sec duration. [1000 Credits]

- Plasma Slooshi (5), turns all HP into shields but leaving HP at 10. [1000 Credits]

Example Missions:

- A Friend In Need, Rescue 2.0 Mission of 5 Wardens [Rewards: 5,000 Credits, Fieldron]

"A old friend of mine got caught trying to steal feildron from Corpus supply camps. Please go rescue her? If you do then you can bet your arse that you will be well awarded."


Members can donate a specter to run the bar but the specter can sell universal items. Specters do not have a hiring cost or paycheck. However they only can run the bar for a week and they are gone. They can not assign mission and cannot be taken back. Only one specter can run the bar at a time.

They also will start taunting randomly. For Example:

Anua "I always wondered Tenno, do you trust Darvo? Or are you just another pawn in his monopoly?"

Krag Cogar "Hey I heard Hek has a "warframe" of his own. It's as strong as yours... or even stronger..."


There will also be mini-game decorations that can only be placed in this room. PvP games can be bet credits on and the winner can win credits. Some classics are PvP such as:

- Checkers

- Chess

- Darts

Others games are:

- Brawling, a mini dueling zone where 2 AI will brawl each other in close combat. A brawl occurs every hour and can last for 5-20 minutes. Given enough time for players to place bets on who will win. Winning bets get credits while loosing bets go to clan vault. Brawlers varies: From Butchers vs Power-fist to Scorpion vs Pod Crewman.

- Slots, yes... the terrifying slot machine that might or might not eat all the credits in your wallet. If it doesn't then it alternatively fills your pocket with credits!

- Matching, easy way to loose or gain credits. Will have 30 cards to match and every match you receive 100 Credits.


Take note winning credits from other games do NOT come form the clan vault. Instead another source. Well upon creating any of these decoration mini-games the Warlord or clan leader must sign allegiance to a faction. In doing so every week the clan will be assigned a special operation. This operation must be completed or else funding for these decorations will cause them to become unavailable. However not destroy just "Out of Order".


Combat Simulator


A large simulator which is suppose to simulate real mission scenarios.

Here Is how it works. Inside there will be a semi-flat room where you fight. There is also a room inside the wall which can be accessed by a door on the other side of the room. The door leads upstairs to a window which gives a clear view of the "battlefield". The room with the window is the control center. It has a panel which can spawn enemies.

Here is the purpose of the control room inside the wall. Say a officer wants to test a recruit. The recruit will stay in the center while the officer goes up to the window and spawn enemies to test the recruit.

Lone Training:

Now what if I want to practice alone? Up in the control room there is a teleporter which will teleport you to the "battlefield" once you spawn the enemies you want to fight.

Simulator Scanner:

Now it would be too easy if you access to the enemies already. Once this room is built everyone will be given a simulator scanner in their foundry. After they craft they must scan enemies to be used in the room.

Scans varies from clan type, regardless of unit type:

- Ghost 50 scans per Unit

- Shadow 100 scans per Unit

- Storm 300 scans per Unit

- Mountain 500 scans per Unit

- Moon 1000 scans per Unit


Spawn limit is 30 Capacity:

1 Capacity Units:

- Orokin Drone

- Shield Ospreys

- Butcher

- Pod Crewman

- Charger

2 Capacity Units:

- Scorpion

- Flame Blade

- Power Fist

- Corrupted, Elite, Normal Lancers

- Troopers, Elites

- Corrupted, Elite, Normal Crewman

- Detron Crewman

- MOAs

- Leapers

- Runners

- All Crawlers

5 Capacity Units:

- Crawlers

- Sniper Crewman

- Ballistas

- Shield Lancers

- Seer

- Rollers

- Corrupted, Elite Heavy Gunners

- All Ancients

- Oxium, Leech, Mine Ospreys

- Guardian, Corrupted, Shockwave, Fusion, Railgun, Anti-MOA

- Guardian Drone

- Tech Crewman

10 Capacity Units:

- Napalms

- Bombards

- Tech Crewman

- All Eximus



A "hotel" where clan members can own their own dorm rooms and access their foundry and arsenal from there. Warlords can choose to tax the dorms, it is up to them.

Edited by JohnMarkLee
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I love everything except the the gambling room thing,

though the idea is nice I just don't find it appropriate for us tennos


Now I would really love to have Tenno dorm rooms, 

It would add more feeling that the dojo is my 2nd *home* first being our ship thingy.

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The Combat Simulator is a must-have and the Hangar isn't far behind.  Upgradable rooms are cool as well.  Dunno that Tenno would really be into gambling though, they don't seem like the type for that.


"Who needs fun when I can stare at space for 18 hours straight?" -random Excalibur guy

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The Combat Simulator is a must-have and the Hangar isn't far behind.  Upgradable rooms are cool as well.  Dunno that Tenno would really be into gambling though, they don't seem like the type for that.


"Who needs fun when I can stare at space for 18 hours straight?" -random Excalibur guy

I dont know mate, im a fellow Tenno like yourself and I would gamble my a** off if there were a casino. But thats just me. :) I also agree combat sim and hanger are a must have addition.
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I dont know mate, im a fellow Tenno like yourself and I would gamble my a** off if there were a casino. But thats just me. :) I also agree combat sim and hanger are a must have addition.

Well yeah but I'm just saying you don't have the personality of a Tenno because you're actually a dude playing as one...


DE seems to take that aesthetic pretty seriously...aside from, perhaps, the spearmint scythes...

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Well yeah but I'm just saying you don't have the personality of a Tenno because you're actually a dude playing as one...


DE seems to take that aesthetic pretty seriously...aside from, perhaps, the spearmint scythes...

yeah your quite right, im just a dude playing a game. But if there was a casino I would use it, thats all im saying. If DE decides that does not fit the lore and theme of the Tenno, then sweet as, im 100% ok with that as they do a great job and turn out a great product (IMO).

Candy cane scythes...yeah they are bit of a laugh. Bit like the pumpkin air capsules.

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yeah your quite right, im just a dude playing a game. But if there was a casino I would use it, thats all im saying. If DE decides that does not fit the lore and theme of the Tenno, then sweet as, im 100% ok with that as they do a great job and turn out a great product (IMO).

Candy cane scythes...yeah they are bit of a laugh. Bit like the pumpkin air capsules.

Come to think of it the Tenno might not be so interested in gambling...but Darvo might.


Maybe a sort of Corpus defector's Casino where you can spend your credits on random mod slot machines?

Edited by Metalarcher
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Come to think of it the Tenno might not be so interested in gambling...but Darvo might.


Maybe a sort of Corpus defector's Casino where you can spend your credits on random mod slot machines?

lol now your talking. Darvo pops his head up running a defectors casino! Brilliant. That would be far more fitting to the lore. You have my vote for this :)
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I love everything except the the gambling room thing,

though the idea is nice I just don't find it appropriate for us tennos


Now I would really love to have Tenno dorm rooms, 

It would add more feeling that the dojo is my 2nd *home* first being our ship thingy.

So much this.

I would absolutely love having dorms. 

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