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[Warframe Concept] Kaiga - The Artist


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The Name


A bit of a shot in the dark. Kaiga is Japanese for "painting" if Google Translate is to be believed.










To those who do not understand his inner workings, it appears as though the paint utilized by Kaiga simply has a mind of its own or that he is using some sort of magic to animate it. The truth is that his paint is a comprised of millions of tiny nanobots which respond to a neural transmitter in his helmet. These conform their arrangements to his every will and possess a number of interesting properties of their own. They are also able to replenish their numbers, provided that they have the Energy to do so.




Kaiga is a Mage Trickster who utilizes his painterly illusions to deal massive damage and sow chaos in the opposing ranks.




Health 75 (225 at 30)

Shields 75 (225 at 30)

Power 200 (300 at 30)

Stamina 100

Armor - 15

Sprint Speed 1.0

Aura Polarity - Utility (-)

Polarities - Utility, Utility 


Kaiga packs the lowest possible durability in the game, but makes up for it with an extremely large Power pool and great skills.




Power 1 - Distortion (25 energy)

Kaiga lobs a glob of paint forward. The first foe in its path is struck and coated with a layer of paint that blinds them and makes them look like Kaiga. This diverts some fire from Kaiga and his team (and, perhaps more importantly, his Masterpiece), as the distorted foe gains a very high threat level. The nanobots will also swarm foes near the distorted enemy, dealing Finisher damage over time to them; the distorted foe is not damaged by this, largely to preserve it for as long as possible.


*Swarm damage and area scales on Power Damage and Power Range.

*Glob distance scales on Power Range.

*In PvP, the only real benefit is the HUD blind, though that can be a pretty significant benefit for 25 energy. On foes in PvP, it expires after a set duration.


*It will also be cast by the Masterpiece, and the Masterpiece will lock on to the foe closest to themselves when casting it.


Power 2 - Beautiful River (50 energy)

Kaiga releases a stream of paint that carries foes away and deals periodic Cold damage to them. It will continue on based on his Power Duration. If they are knocked into a wall, it will continue to damage them and pin them to the wall until its duration has expired.


*Despite what its description may imply, this is not a channeled ability. It will spawn a massive floating glob of paint that gradually expends itself to form the wave.

*You can have as many of these out as you like, including multiple overlapping ones. This can be highly devastating to clumped groups, particularly when you factor in that your Masterpiece also casts it.


Power 3 - Masterpiece (75 energy)

Kaiga waves his arm and creates a painterly copy of himself. In fact, it will look just like a stylized and watery version of him with the same color scheme. This may be targeted by foes, but does not possess any innate differences in threat level from a player. This painterly impression will copy all of Kaiga's abilties, though if it is killed, everything it created is destroyed. 


*Health scales on Power Strength.


*Kaiga can only have one Masterpiece out at once. It goes on "cooldown" until the first is destroyed.


*Using this power when it is already out will cost no energy and will simply order the Masterpiece to sprint to Kaiga's targeted location. 


Power 4 - Draconic Impression (100 Energy)

Kaiga points his sleeved left arm forward, releasing a stream of paint that conforms itself to the shape of an Eastern dragon. It flies around as it seeks foes, dealing high Impact damage to any it strikes and knocking them into the air. It also has a very high Threat level, allowing it to draw aggro from Kaiga and his teammates. Ends after a duration - affected by Power Duration - or when the dragon takes enough damage. 


*The Masterpiece also spawns one.

*It will travel through physical objects, as the Nanobots can spread out to move through the tiny spaces in matter.


Power 4 Subskill - Painting Fire (25 Energy)

Kaiga's dragon breathes fire (nanobots releasing extreme radial heat) at the target location, dealing a large amount of Fire damage (with a 100% Fire proc) to struck foes.


*The Masterpiece's Dragon will also breathe fire at your target location, allowing for truly massive damage.


Alternative Abilities


Infinite Scroll (25 energy)

Kaiga pulls a large scroll from under his sleeve and rolls it out. Distance is based on Power Duration. When a foe steps on the scroll, they become locked onto it and can only move on the scroll in either direction. Additionally, they take finisher damage with each step they take.


Perturbed Birds (25 energy)

Kaiga fires birds out of his sleeve. These are highly aggressive and seek out foes, pecking them for periodic Puncture Damage. They can also steal the weapons from a foe if given long enough, but other foes will target them to get them off - and they have a high Threat level. Their damage scales on Power Strength. Their health scales on Power Duration.


Pitfall (x energy)

Kaiga paints a pit trap on the ground or a wall by aiming with his reticule. Opponents who step in or through this fall through temporarily and are dealt periodic Finisher damage. Scales on Power Strength and Power Duration.


Noble Pack (50 energy)

Kaiga creates a pack of three painterly wolves which seek out and savage nearby foes, pinning them to the ground and dealing high Finisher damage each second. They gain immense Threat when they do so, but if they survive long enough to rip apart their foe, they will bring a health orb back to Kaiga's nearest injured teammate before disappearing. The damage of each wolf scales on power strength. The health of each wolf scales on power duration.




Incredible damage output when played properly. It is situationally higher than even Ember's.

Like Loki and Nyx, can divert fire from himself and teammates.

Versatile utility and crowd control.

Highest energy pool in the game.

Damage types are diverse, allowing him to function against virtually any foe.




Kaiga is the most fragile frame in the game and does not possess any innate invulnerability or invisibility skills. He will need to rely on dodging, blocking, cover, aggro manipulation, and his teammates to survive.

Edited by TheAscendedOne
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"Extremely creative in his methods of execution, Kaiga dominates the foreground of every battle scene, painting the walls with the blood of his foes."


Had to make a punny description.


Ironically, it's a creative concept, and I think it's pretty well done.

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An interesting concept.  Certainly more original than most I've seen.  I like the idea of a warrior artist who blends paint and death to create his works of art...


However the only skill that caught my attention was his ultimate.  The other abilities have been done before in some manner, but the dragon summon...  It's a unique concept that hasn't been explored in Warframe.  Though it is technically just a summon, as many other games have done, being able to control it with the subskill is a very interesting concept.


I can picture it.  Kaiga is being swarmed by Grineer marines, slowly lurching forward.  He is hard pressed to get out of cover to fire at them with his Vectis.  He reaches a wall.  He has two options.  Die, or unleash his Warframe's true power.  The choice is easy to make.  From behind a pillar he conjures a massive, gleaming dragon, at once a work of art and a weapon.  Expending all his remaining power he commands the dragon to knock the majority of the stunned Grineer to the ground, then incinerates them all where they have fallen.


Not normally one for Warframe concepts, but at least yours is interesting, and his ultimate isn't just a "press 4 to kill all enemies" skill, but it could still create untold destruction on the battlefield in the hands of a skilled player.

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My own art skills are pretty mediocre and tend to lend themselves more to cloth clothes so I thought it would be best to not make the laughable attempt, lol.




Metal's review is pretty spot on, though I happen to love Skill 3. It's simple, but the complexity and fun of this kind of skill is always in how it is utilized.



I had, however, considered this alternate first power (or some more balanced variation of it) which would be absolutely hilarious.


Skill 1 - Pitfall (50 energy)


Anything is possible with nanobots. Even Looney Toons logic! Kaiga paints a pit on the target location (ground or wall). Any foe who steps into/through it appears to fall in (though they are actually devoured by Nanobots). Allies who step onto it also fall through, resetting aggro, but the nanobots will spit them back into the air. Any loot will be similarly spat out. 

Edited by TheAscendedOne
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A section for alternative abilities was added with a few examples. In any given build, I want him to have at least one non-ultimate threat skill (whether it be Distortion, Noble Pack, Perturbed Birds, or another such skill), but there is significant room for variation on that.



Feel free to make any suggestions for alternative abilities. I'll incorporate these into that section or even replace the defaults if I care for them enough.

Edited by TheAscendedOne
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