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Minor Gameplay Enchancments (List + Discussion)


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so I have been playing since launch, this game has always been entertaining, especially when I got into a clan. but there are still some things that really bother me about the game


1. No indicator showing who is the host: I really want this, I also want the ability to have a vote to change hosts, it must be unanimous, but the game needs it, some hosts are just too bad.


2. resources, health orbs and energy orbs or any other drops affecting the camera: I don't know when this started, but recently I have been noticing it more and more and its incredible annoying. when items float up to your carrier to be collected, they pass by your character and the items move the camera about and mess with your aim, this is unacceptable


3. adjust sound on sweeper, sometimes its impossible to hear it going off so you don't even realize that its stealing your kills


4. when I turned on depth of field and fired my bolto, I noticed a sweet muzzle flash effect, unfortunately the effects of depth of field are too strong and it makes actually playing the game rather difficult due to the extreme fluctuations with it. is there any way this effect can be made another option? I don't know what it would be called...but it would be cool...


5. Re balancing the resources on each planet, nano spores should be moved to the new infested areas that will be coming out, nuerodes as well, they are left overs from the old star map.


6. id love to see Earths moon added to the star map, and Id like it if sedna and phobos were actually asteroids like they should be, I don't care how long its been it doesn't work. id also like Europa to be made an ice planet....if you are going to name your planets after real planets and places and make a few of them resemble what they might be in thousands of years, then can we at least get planets that look like what they should? Europa is a ball of ice, the moon would have innate low gravity, mercury would be naturally hot.


7. a story: I know its pretty inconceivable right now, but it has been a while since the game came out and DE has poised the game to have quite the interesting story, and they have even given themselves a means to do it. with the way the star map is setup right now, there are endpoints to each arm. and there is a boss on every planet except earth. each boss could advance the story and players would have more incentive to play farther and farther. there doesn't have to be an end to the war, that can wait until the game shuts down, but an intruging story would be awesome


8. prevent stuff from being sold for too much at once: people are taken advantage of, it would be a simple matter of preventing people for paying more than 350 plat for any item. yeah im sure that some people would have a problem with this, but it is often the case that those are the people who take advantage of others.


9. special clan missons: we all know the dojo can hold more than 4 players....so why not give clans access to missions in which 8 players can be involved? like a survival or a defense, it would be incredibly hard, but it would be great fun. I realize its a hosting issue, but it would be worked around. and those who are not in a clan....suck it go find a clan


Edited by ENDER357
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Please paragraph, and change the font of your great wall of text, I only read "so I have been playing since launch", before my brain started telling me to abort.


Also when is since launch? Do you mean pre-U7 glory days or launch on ps4?

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Please paragraph, and change the font of your great wall of text, I only read "so I have been playing since launch", before my brain started telling me to abort.


Also when is since launch? Do you mean pre-U7 glory days or launch on ps4?


how about you get off your high horse and read it like everyone else....and i mean pre-U7


but for your convinience, i did change to times new roman, and i made the lettering color more gray so its easier to read

Edited by ENDER357
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1. The game automaticly picks the best host, if it doesn't do that it's a bug. But voting for a new host doesn't solve anything.


2. That is a bug for sure, I never had that problem and if I were you I would post that in as a bug thread.


6. Yes, the moon would be cool.


7. everybody already knows this, and DE are already looking how to best implement this.


8. Most likely never gonna happen, also don't see the reason why it should.


9. One does not simply "work around" things.


Tho I may not agree on most points. Thank you for trying to make Warframe better

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1. The game automaticly picks the best host, if it doesn't do that it's a bug. But voting for a new host doesn't solve anything.


2. That is a bug for sure, I never had that problem and if I were you I would post that in as a bug thread.


6. Yes, the moon would be cool.


7. everybody already knows this, and DE are already looking how to best implement this.


8. Most likely never gonna happen, also don't see the reason why it should.


9. One does not simply "work around" things.


Tho I may not agree on most points. Thank you for trying to make Warframe better


i want 8 player games because its something not many games do....and it could be fun in warframe

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1. The game is supposed to automatically select the best host. I think the net code needs a some work maybe? That might improve things.


2. I believe it has been happening since carrier came out. I'm not sure how many people have complained about it, so fixes for it might not be high on the priority list or be there at all.


4. Agreed, we need a more expansive options menu.


6. I'd like to see a complete overhaul of the solar map with relative sizes and orbits. The new menu coming in U14 looks flashy and all but still does not show planets with moons


7. Story is being worked on, allegedly, but again lore is not high on the priority list, nor has it ever been. Since closed beta all we've gotten is a few paragraphs of written lore in the codex and that's about it.


8. Probably never going to happen, unless items were given an official max price, which can only be lowered and even then highly unlikely.


9. There are no dedicated servers yet, so I don't think this will happen anytime soon. Steve did show a player area that is still in testing to expand on the 'MMO-ness' of warframe. Not sure whether the 8 player thing is impossible via peer to peer though.

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1. The game is supposed to automatically select the best host. I think the net code needs a some work maybe? That might improve things.


2. I believe it has been happening since carrier came out. I'm not sure how many people have complained about it, so fixes for it might not be high on the priority list or be there at all.


4. Agreed, we need a more expansive options menu.


6. I'd like to see a complete overhaul of the solar map with relative sizes and orbits. The new menu coming in U14 looks flashy and all but still does not show planets with moons


7. Story is being worked on, allegedly, but again lore is not high on the priority list, nor has it ever been. Since closed beta all we've gotten is a few paragraphs of written lore in the codex and that's about it.


8. Probably never going to happen, unless items were given an official max price, which can only be lowered and even then highly unlikely.


9. There are no dedicated servers yet, so I don't think this will happen anytime soon. Steve did show a player area that is still in testing to expand on the 'MMO-ness' of warframe. Not sure whether the 8 player thing is impossible via peer to peer though.


realative sizes and positions would be great

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i want 8 player games because its something not many games do....and it could be fun in warframe

Well of course. a lot of guys asked for it and even more would be very happy if it would happen (myself included), but till there is any way or time to make it happen with coding, balancing, level-design and some more of all the problems come looking with such a large group of frames, There is not really much someone can do about it.


But there is some hope since there will likely be a 4v4 mode in the new moba-style solar-rail battles.

Edited by TheSadisticDragon
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well....I guess its possible to have one system hold 4 players and the other system hold the other 4 and just have those 2 computers talk to each other about both teams..since hit reg is client side we don't have to worry about that....you just need to get the information about the other players to all players


I would think it would be possible to do.......I don't see why not

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