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Menus Are A Maze


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So it may be just me but the menus are a maze. If I open the Armory then go to the Foundry and then the Market I have keep backing out by pressing Esc until I'm back to the solar system map. Sometime three or four keystrokes, which when you read this doesn't sound like too many, but in practice it's really counter-intuitive and slow.

Also I keep getting stuck in the Armory. I can't Esc back to the solar system map or wherever I was last. It just hangs there until some arbitrary allotment of time passes (always a different interval) and then it backs up.

P.S. An Exit button would be really nice too.

- MS out.

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This. Would also be nice if it was possible to fuse the mods in the same window as applying them, since taking mod out of the weapon to fuse it isn't a free action. And a setting to disable the godawfull menu animations.

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I like Warframe. I like how it plays, I like it's campy humor, it's a good game.

But I'll definitely agree that it has a bit of an "insane maze" menu interface scheme. The manner in which you join & exit groups with friends in particular is a mess.

I understant that those who've been playing for months are probably thinking "what do you mean?" And already, I know where everything is now myself after about a week of pretty regular playing. However, as someone who works in web design, I can say that the game's menu's were designed by programmers, not by people who know how to organize information to make it easy to access & use. I see this all the time in web design, it sometimes causes conflict between the graphic designers and the coders, but ideally it's best if each department trusts the other to know what they're talking about when they're speaking on their own area of expertise. Basically, warframe needs an overhaul to the heirarchy of presentation in the menu system. Yes anyone who plays it regularly for a week can figure some of the more arcane aspects of it out, but it's not "stupid friendly", and for better or worse, mass market content needs to be "stupid friendly".

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I like Warframe. I like how it plays, I like it's campy humor, it's a good game.

But I'll definitely agree that it has a bit of an "insane maze" menu interface scheme. The manner in which you join & exit groups with friends in particular is a mess.

I understant that those who've been playing for months are probably thinking "what do you mean?" And already, I know where everything is now myself after about a week of pretty regular playing. However, as someone who works in web design, I can say that the game's menu's were designed by programmers, not by people who know how to organize information to make it easy to access & use. I see this all the time in web design, it sometimes causes conflict between the graphic designers and the coders, but ideally it's best if each department trusts the other to know what they're talking about when they're speaking on their own area of expertise. Basically, warframe needs an overhaul to the heirarchy of presentation in the menu system. Yes anyone who plays it regularly for a week can figure some of the more arcane aspects of it out, but it's not "stupid friendly", and for better or worse, mass market content needs to be "stupid friendly".

Knowing where everything is doesn't make everything all that lot easier to use, too... There are some strange issues with the context popups, no way to quickly fuse mods that are installed in a weapon or quickly take it out of said weapon, horrendous chat window selection and scrolling, poorly thought through 'mods' window with it's sorting and small, overlapping buttons, that don't react instantly due to the animation delay (HATE, but that's only my opinion it seems... Though I'm yet to find a person to give me a good reason for an animated menu besides "It looks pretty"), small meters in the actual game, that are a bit hard to keep your eye at, lack of useful UI for sentinels' health or party shields and such. Lack of a big map seems bad, too. As well as damned small text everywhere.

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insane maze!? it's perfectly bloody fine! agreed that the menu might need to be simplified to make more accessible for some player, however.

Reminds me of the raft of people who quit blacklight: retribution after downloading it because they couldn't find out how to get into a game. (button on top left corner which said 'play game'. interface so similar to other fps it's beyond me how players failed to navigate it).

Edited by xStonedRaveNx
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I like Warframe. I like how it plays,

But I'll definitely agree that it has a bit of an "insane maze" menu interface scheme. The manner in which you join & exit groups with friends in particular is a mess.

Basically, warframe needs an overhaul to the heirarchy of presentation in the menu system.

Edited by flunkymomo
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Also I keep getting stuck in the Armory. I can't Esc back to the solar system map or wherever I was last. It just hangs there until some arbitrary allotment of time passes (always a different interval) and then it backs up.

This is (I think) because the client has to communicate with the server when you go to your Foundry, Arsenal, mod screens etc. So if they happen to have some issues(which they have been), or your housemate is an Internet hog, it will be a bit slow.

I do agree with you that the interface needs some work. But they're not completely horrible, and I think they're fairly navigable.

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