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Planet 2.0(An Input Thread On How To Make Each Mission And Planet Unique)


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Hello everyone, my name is Pbrandon1 and after seeing multiple threads pertaining to missions and not that many on planets, I decided to work on an entire rework for the entire Star-map.



First, before you get ahead of yourselves, no, I do not think this will be implemented in one go. Although, it could be implemented in parts like Rescue 2.0. So it could go Exterminate 2.0, Sabotage 2.0, Void 2.0, and etc.



My plan is to provide a thread where you guys are able to give your ideas on how missions should work for each planet and the level range for the missions to.



This will not include reworks on bosses as that is already being touched by DE so we must see what they show before  we decide to attack them with the might of a thousand Warframe players like we have been doing for most of the updates. (Sorry DE, but you have been &!$$ing off the community a lot.)



Anyway, I have already decided to take the liberty of working on some of the planets missions and I as I work on this, I will be taking ideas from your comments and other threads so I can get a full understanding of what you want. (I will include links to those threads, don't worry.)



This will also include a change of where mods will be located which seems to have been discussed in another thread. I will not touch on this because I feel there are much better people who could do this much better. I will just lay the foundation and you can change it the way you feel and we will go from there. ALRIGHT LETS GET STARTED!



WARNING: For the most part, this thread will be working off of enemies that exist right now. I will see if people want to add a new enemy to add interesting changes to the game modes. We will also try to add in new modes to replace places that already exist.



Planet/Mission Reworking:




Inner Planets:



Level Range:1-5 








Level Range: 1-1


Due to Mercury being the place where most Tenno are known to start from, many Grineer have been moved away to higher sectors to prevent greater losses in defending Mercury. This has caused a few ships to be left with only a squad's worth of men to defend them. Your job is to take advantage of that and completely wipe out the few men defending those ships.



The missions will range in size from 8-20 and have one commander with them. These enemies will be spread out in about a medium sized to large sized Ship tileset so that you can feel the abandonment but still not feel like you are a travelling and not seeing enemies for miles.(This will of course depend on the size of the force).



Even though there are a couple of enemies, they are a bit smarter then most enemies since the Grineer did not want to feel like abandoning the ships with weak soldiers but strong soldiers. These enemies will be Elite Lancers that do more damage(like they always do) but can be taken down easily and Grineer Powerfist, Scorpion, and a Ballista. These enemies will travel in groups of two, three, and sometimes one. They will try to combine their abilities to provide an effective way to deal with enemies like a Scorpion latches a Tenno into a Grineer Powerfist or an Elite Lancer. These units will be on alert since Tenno are most commonly known to roam the area, no matter what. Plus, these areas will have more traps then usual due to the lack of troops. This will provide a little bit of a challenge for new players while also not making it too hard. 


The rewards will be ship parts for your ship that we will be getting in U14. It would be quite interesting considering the fact we are clearing out a ship of men and can't take any parts of the ship to use for our own is sad, especially considering the fact the Corpus have the best looking ships. It would be cool if we could design our ships to a Grineer or Corpus look but not limited to just that.


TL:DR Decrease Troops, increase groups of enemies



Sabotage:(M Prime)


Level Range: 1-2


Sabotage will consist of a regular mission of Sabotage just like it is in Warframe except that we now have Sabotage provide an increase in resources when looking around.



Containers, lockers, and dead enemies will now have increase in the amount of dropping resources making Sabotage a great way to earn resources. Although, the problem will be that players will have to first go through one section of the map and kill enemies as they go, then get the next section which we consist of an area defend by patrolling Grineer and there will be two sets of Mining Equipment next to each other and your goal is to push through and destroy all of them. To counter-act this increase in resources, you will now have more locked lockers and fewer enemies spawning in. The lockers will provide greater resources but will be few and far between.



This will also make bringing Master Thief along with you essential if you want more resources. Sabotage will provide a challenge while also rewarding with greater resources dropped. This idea will make sense lore wise since we are in a mine and of course they would be storing more resources then usual but more will be locked to contain them.



Other Idea:


You could also make it where the lockers and containers that give you greater rewards will be in the second section of the map with the Mining Equipment. They could be in giant containers like the Corpus have lying around or rooms and some of the lockers in the big containers or room are locked. This could make grinding for resources much more easier while also providing a bit of a challenge for it.


Enemies in the ship will be Lancers, Troopers, Butchers, Powerfist, Commanders, and a Warden which will be camped up in a position. 




TL:DR: Have sabotage be put into two sections like Suspicious Shipments and have it where gives you greater resources at the cost of more locked lockers and fewer containers.





Level Range: 1-2


Capture will now consist of just tweaking of the system we already have. This time we will now have it where important targets will now be guarded much like the President is where he has a circle of people around him while he walks. The important individual will be guarded with heavy units while a leader is in the front.


Units will be in guarding position this time then in patrol mode. The mission will be to capture the person quickly before he is able to reach his location and leave the ship. There will be two targets that require capturing meaning splitting up may be required to capture the units at effective times. Although, the thing will be to remain in stealth because if the enemy alerts the entire station then the targets will begin to pick up speed and try to escape quicker.


The best thing to do will be to remain in Stealth until you are able to get to the targets. On the top of your screen you will have a line which is split in half with one line and will show how far each target is to reaching their location. You could also add a camera that show the target in at what pace their moving and how well they are guarded but that is a decision on your part. You could make it entirely a surprise.



This system will stay the same that even if you miss one you are not penalized with a mission failure. This time though, capturing both the targets will allow you to keep one of the second one you decide to capture.



Your Grineer or Corpus person you now can keep will be a replacement to extractors. Extractor will be gotten rid of and replaced with Enemy Workers. Enemy workers will now gather resources for you but they also have to be maintained like the Extractors.


Those who have Prime Access will be able to get a Orokin Worker that instantly loves you, and is quite effective, and is fearless, but just because he starts out great doesn't mean he can't be terrible. If the Prime extractors get damaged to 0 health, luckily enough, it can be repaired but require a combination of each keys and rare resources to create a Makeshift Janus Key that one it's used, the power is to much for it and it breaks. In process of the repair though, it will become a bit corrupted, making it lose its some of its love towards you. (Will be Continued)



They will have feelings toward you, effectiveness, health, and also fear.


I will keep this idea for Enemy Workers here for now until I decide to make a thread to continue this idea.



TL:DR: Increase defense and set locations for the targets to go to. Targets will continue to walk until alerted and then will pick up speed if alerted. This will make Stealth required more. You will have two targets and one of them will be like a reward which then will replace the idea of Extractors but will need to be delved into more in another thread. 



Mobile Defense:(To be Finished)



Defense:(To be Finished)



Survival:(To be Finished)



Captain Vor Assassination will be increased to 1-5.


EDIT: Since Captain Vor has decided to pursue the void and has become corrupted, his boss node will probably get removed and replaced with a spy mission or another boss.






Level Range: 3-8







With the corpus I have decided to take the business route by including positions on how a business would be run. So, since we are at one of the lowest planets on the star map, we would of course include some low men.



So, with this, I have decided to go with about 15-20 men manning the station with a Supervisor included.



The 15-20 men will just be crewmen walking around, working, sitting, doing idle actions. Maybe even going to their locker. The supervisor will be walking around, looking at the Corpus doing their work, making sure they aren't lacking at their job. The supervisor will be like a Warden but with a name change.



Unalerted, these guys will go about their business as if nothing happened and will be equipped with nothing but working equipment, prova, or even nothing.



Alerted, all of the men in the station will suit up with their guns and retreat to a location in the ship and wait along with the supervisor. Your job is to get to the fall-back position before they do or kill the supervisor before he is able to get there because once he gets there, he will lockdown the position, making it impassable to any types of hacking. While you try to get to the Supervisor, all of the doors have lasers set on them and the turrets have been set-up, making it more of a challenge to reach them before they get there. Only way to deactivate them is to deactivate the room.




Optional: You could also make it where it required a series of hacking to be able to get into the location, preparing those early Tenno's for a Mastery Rank ahead of time. Once they get through, there will be turrets already set up, the Corpus are set up in multiple locations and the Supervisor is set up at a high location.



This idea would be quite interesting since it makes you feel like the Corpus prepare ahead of time with Emergency Locations, much like a company would in times of danger.   






Tenno, reports have suggested that there are increased production of Moa spawners here. Your job is simple, take the device provided by the board and overload the system, ceasing development of the Moa spawners for now. Corpus Crewmen, Elite Crewmen, and Moa's will patrol the area and also work.


Nothing special about this mission. The same set-up for resources will be applied here if you read the sabotage mission for Mercury.







After waiting for a period of time, a Manager finally decides to leave the comfort of his office and head out for a board meeting. It is your time to strike. Your job is to capture the Manager and the Acting Manager before they are able to reach there destination. The Acting Manager is trying to reach his office while the Manager is trying to reach his ship that will take him to the board meeting. The Manager will be heavily guarded with Corpus Techs trailing him with Moas and Elite Crewmen on both sides. The Acting Manager will be lightly guarded with prod crewmen and crewmen. Your job, capture them, and get in and get out.



A simple mission for this one Tenno. Your job is to capture 3 Corpus crewmen who have seemed to act quite suspicious in their movements and what they have discussed. Once you have captured them, they will be interrogated to pull information from them.


Un-alerted, these men will go their usual business, and walk around, and work. 


If alerted, these men will run to an escape pod that will launch them from the ship to another receiving ship that will defend them much more then before, making it difficult to make contact.


A simple mission with an award of a Corpus crewmen of your own.


Spy:(To be Finished)


I haven't fully thought out how to get a nice spy mission without it being unfair to people but the idea will require more stealth and also the rewards will contain nav-coordinates and with this and some more resources, you construct this beacon that will locate ships that do some pretty hefty damage and more guarded. The missions will be randomly selected between Sabotage, Rescue, Exterminate, and Capture. The rewards from those missions will be quite good but I will work on the Spy concept and ship concept so it is fair, hard, and isn't just a damage increase.(Probably might be...)




Defense:(To be Finished)



Survival:(To be Finished)







Level Range: 8-13




I wanted to tackle this idea immediately because after reading a thread, it gave me a great idea. Interception will be much like a strategy game. I know, your probably thinking "GET OUT! GET.....GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW WITH THAT IDEA!", but hear me out.



You will spawn in like normal by dropping in then see Corpus coming out of hiding and greeting you with a wave of the hand or them speaking then you will get control of your character and Lotus will greet you with this.



The game will start with Lotus telling you this,



"Tenno, today your being joined in your mission by the Corpus which will be assisting you across the map in sabotaging the Grineer. You will be leading squads of your own men across the compound to obtain information and damage supplies that will be used for future Toxin Injectors. This mission was much too dangerous for you take on alone so we had to call in assistance."



Then you will gather your squad of men which will be ten men, what you get will be randomized but fairly randomized so you don't get a bunch of shield ospreys or anything worse. This will be distributed amongst the squad of four.



The number of troops you command will increase as there is fewer Tenno in your squad making it fair for solo players.



First, you will have to wait until the Corpus are able to hack into the Compound then once they have, the fight will begin.



The Lotus will tell you,



"You have broken into the compound and they alarms have sounded. Quickly complete your missions and get out before you are overwhelmed by the Grineers numbers."



Alarms will sound and things will go down. Multiple amount of Grineer troops will be sent to you and your job is to be able to manage your men and send them into positions while pushing through the compound. You only get those men but they will be Elite troops, so they are able to take more damage and dish it out too. You can go about the mission either way, to whether it be taking out the injectors or collecting information.



The section about collecting information will be from collecting information from a broadcast like the original but just less going from multiple locations to just two. The other section will involve much of a sabotage feel to it but instead, you are going into a storage room and destroying as many crates as you are limited too.



Once you are done, push your way to extraction and get the heck out of there. It will show you boarding your ship and it shoot off while a corpus ship will shoot off behind you. Remember, the more soldiers you have with you when you complete the mission, the greater your rewards. If you have more the troops, then it will just change the amount you need when you get out.



10= T4 Void Key


7-10 Troops= T3 Void Key


4-6 Troops= T2 Void Key


1-3 Troops= T1 Void Key





Controlling your troops will be simple to just a map of the 1-0 keys. It will highlight the soldier then you all you have to is press enter while in this selection mod and start commanding by placing them against walls and giving them commands on who to attack and you can also make your troops follow another Tenno too. If you have more soldiers due to a lack of Tenno, then you can just scroll through the next set of men.



It will be on your on UI on the bottom left and will provide an image of the troop too so you can understand what they look like instead of having to look through a bunch of clones.



This may be lacking in objectives but this is only a taste so the Tenno can understand what they will be doing. This will teach them how to manage troops and reward them for keeping up with all there men.





 This where we see a bit of a ramp up in the difficulty. Tenno will now start to get platoons of men patrolling these three sectors and will now start to see leaders. Platoons will range in size from 26-64 and contain commanders that will lead groups of men on patrols and seen guarding certain locations.




There will be Lancers, Seekers, Scorch, and Butchers when you first start in the groups but as you advance, you will start to experience heavier units like the Eviscerator, Heavy Gunner, Bombards, Trooper, and Ballista. Finally, you will meet up with Platoon Leader or Eximus which will be normally sitting in an open area if un-alerted with his legs crossed pondering something while Elite Lancers, Troopers, Ballistas, Heavy Gunners, and Shield Lancers guard the area. If the sector is unalerted, then they will just be normally patrolling but if the area is alerted then the Eximus will be standing with Shield Lancers stationed in front in a choke point with some men positioned next to the Platoon Leader   to receive his buff. He will mostly be an Arson Leader or a Life Leech one due to the amount of Infestation Invasions and Life Leech could be kinda a symbol to how the Grineer are leeching the life from Earth, hehehe...I'll go stand in the corner.


Rewards will be decorations for the ship or ship parts.



Sabotage:(To be Finished)


Survival:(To be Finished)


Defense:(To be Finished)


Capture:(To be Finished)


I will add mars and the outer planets once we have thought up an idea for the first three planets which will serve as a tutorial but not really. 

Edited by Pbrandon1
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Those are pretty interesting, I will try to insert your texts into my ideas on how invaded nodes will work and more.


Interesting, I will try to insert this into my work when working on invaded planets.

Edited by Pbrandon1
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