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Warframe History, Attempt Of Connecting The Dots.


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hi, first of all, this is not my mother tongue so ... anybody with writing skills in english and time should really rewrite that. anyway, i ll go through the shame and post it anyway. i hope you ll like it, if you do not understand or find a failure somewhere, do not hesitate to comment :)





- Oct1981


a secret lab directed by eminent researchers work on a new form of medical technology, designed to cure and immune humans from all infection sources and drastically increase human lifespan. The « Panacea » project is based on a fossil spore found in the mineral samples retrieved by Apollo 17.


Panacea is based on the human DNA, animal testing seemed to be really hard, nearly impossible. A test made on deep sea genetically modified creates horribly mutated creatures, extremely aggressive, and only motivated by hunger and multiplication. They are able to infect other life forms and assimilate their genetic code in a matter of hours. A quarantine zone is instantly put on the eastern European lab, and incinerated to the ground.


The investors, unhappy about this fiasco, decide to redesign the whole project. The main investor, a well known agrochemical corporation present an Arctic facility study, under the direction of ex-military researchers, with a private army ready to control any potential threat.




- Dec1983


with the emergence of new technologies, and tensions provoked by the cold war, the original Panacea project is abandoned for a new one, exploiting the accidental discovery made 2 years before, a virus assimilating flesh and modifying it nearly instantly to survive it's environment.


A new discovery is made : this virus can assimilate nearly every chemical component known to man and merge it into biomechanical structures. From this point, all researches are classified.




- 1987


various intelligence services reports strange epidemics. A secret international agency is created to keep this new threat in check, and find it's origin. The first mention of the term “dark sector” make his appearance in a report.



- 2002


the number and the disposition of the infection spots suggest a terrorist activity. Climatic perturbations, socio economical tensions and insecurity total hide the whole operations. Media are heavily controlled.


- 2018


A new corporation, named Animus, goes public. Its domains of activity are wide : engineering, biotechnologies,medical researches, robotic researches, software development, new energies ...


the success is instant. The structure triple its length in only 10 years.


- 2028


the exhaustion of fossil energies and the rampant pollution and climate disturbances became a major problem worldwide.


The first viable alternative is proposed by Animus corp. Based on an old hypothesis, they succeed to exploit the energy of the void, the first anomaly reactor construction is accepted. It will take place in groenland, the first Animus Megapole is created around the facility under the name “Anima”.


In reason of it's concentrated population, permanent activity and numerous construction sites, the residents affectionately renamed it Bee cloud.



- 2052


sadly, the damages made on earth high atmosphere and ecosystem were proven catastrophic. On the top of it, infestation became uncontrollable. A new task force, name “green hope” is created to fight the threat on every front.


These soldiers, heavily mechanized and genetically treated to be resistant to UV and various environment hazards, are warmly welcomed everywhere on earth. The Animus, at the origin of the project, made an unprecedented profit this year.




- 2075


the magnetic anomalies and holes in the ozone layer became critical, the whole humanity is threatened. All over the world, new megapoles are built by the Animus in great haste. The new building units, fully robotic, make the work of 50 mans in ten less time. A new forcefield technology is deployed all over the structures, to preserve populations.




- 2102


the ozone layer is nearly entirely destroyed. On the 8 billion population, only 4,2 billion remains. Animus replaced most of the political structures on earth while the greeners became a separate entity, in charge of defence and relocation and remaining populations. The huge exodes became extremelly hard to handle because of the infestation factor.


Green Hope is accused of perpetuating genocides in the name of “mankind preservation”, the charges are dropped when Samahny de Luxor, vice general in change of the exodes at this time, produced evidence on the presence of a new type of infestation, that can think, and even talk.


The new generation of soldiers of green hope are even more mechanized to limit the risk of flesh corruption. The new genetic treatment allow heavy muscle growth and thick skin, allowing them to walk freely outside of the forcefields, even without mech-suits.




- 2132


widely used now, the anomaly reactors are producing the totality of the energy used. They are now exploiting the very fabric of the universe, portable version are made to rescue isolated populations.

The animus corporation is officially renamed Corpus, symbolizing the new vessel of mankind.


A new discovery is done : anomaly reactor are able to suspend time, manipulate gravity and even … allow travel through an unexplainable paradox, rename for the occasion, the Void.


In the meantime, groupuscules dissociated themselves from corpus, judging unacceptable the behaviours of the greeners, becoming more and more radical each day : the first veils were born.




- 2150


the veils gained are slowly gaining political legitimacy. The biggest of them all, the purple veil, got attacked by a dissident greener force leaded the sixth generation of matriarchs : Rakia de Thaym and Vemistera vem Tau.


These new soldiers acting in name of greater good, proclaimed the Veil corrupted and accused them to work on infested based technologies and bioweaponry.


The sixth generation soldiers are so heavily modified that a lot of them start to show genetic mutations, presented proudly as their “dedication for a brighter future”. Their war paints, mimicking a white smiley with two round eyes and a wide smile valued them the name of “griners”


the attack is pushed back by the new formed army of the veils, under the direction of a new council, called Aurora.


In the meantime, Corpus totally stopped the Green hope initiative, judging it obsolete, too costly and dangerous. The remaining soldiers disappeared, the authorities think they rejoined the griners troops. To replace these troops, Corpus release a new type of weaponized Robot baptized :  Mechanized Offensive Autonomic Systems




- 2172


the relations between the veils and the corpus are now lightened, commercial accords and technology transfers are common.


The earth is now a wide desert with no oxygen or life, and humanity thrive only inside gigantic forcefield and buried structures. In a conjoint effort, the white veil, leader in transports technologies and Corpus design extra terrestrial vehicles. With the discoveries made on VST (void shortcut travel), no place in the galaxy seem too far anymore, the second exode starts.


Meanwhile, the griners forces reclaimed the status of Nation, their new name , synonym of slavery and brutality is now The grineers. Their permanent attacks are kept in respect by the major veils and corpus. Their presence is judged secondary since all the efforts are focused on finding a new promised land. The grineers reports attacks of extremely threatening life forms, apparently coordinated and trained.



- 2354


colonization and terraforming is now usual matter. All the planets in the solar system are now habitable or at least, prone to sustain human life the three superpowers, namely the Great Veil, Corpus and Grineers are cohabiting more or less. At least they're fighting in the same direction : finaly eradicating the Infested plague.



The 1rst march 2355, the Dandelion accord is signed. Like in Geneva centuries before, Overkil weapons such as the anomaly bomb are officially banned. The application of the dismantling and the coordination of war efforts are placed in the hands of a incredibly powerful being, an gynoid; result of years or the yellow veil development, who allegedly posses “the wisdom of all the living creatures, and will unite and bring peace to the universe". In honor of this day and her creators, the gynoid named herself Dandelion, guardian of Life.

Edited by kimahn
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To come :


the great time anomaly,

the void crusades,

the orokin discoveries,

the corpus reach and new order,

the origin of infestation and Infested cults,

the second pleague,

Black Sorrow, the rise of the Tennos, the birth of Lotus.

the necropoles,

the rest.

Edited by kimahn
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