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Armor 2.0 And Survivability Mods


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as the title states, i'll be discussing 2 things in this thread. 


1)survivability mods. split in 2 parts 

part 1: vitality/redirection/vigor

part 2: anti toxin/steel fiber/flame repellent etc.


2) a potential overhaul to the armor system.


survivability mods: part 1

I think that the effect of vitality and redirection should be halved and the base health/shields of every frame doubled.


survivability mods should be an enhancement not a must.


example: rhino's hp is 100 (300 at max rank). with maxed vitality(+440%) its 440 (740 at max rank)


with the proposed idea his hp will be 200 (600 at max rank) with maxed vitality (+220%) it's 440 (1040 at max rank) 


in other words your only way of surviving even mid-level content (not including the use of powers like iron skin/invisibility etc..) is to equip vitality/redirection.

but with the proposed change you have a chance of surviving mid-level content without such mods at max rank but if you wanted to enhance that survivability then equip those mods :o


armor system overhaul

similar to damage 2.0, 

armor should be split into the following:

-slash damage resistance

-impact damage resistance

-puncture damage resistance

example: a warframe with 15 armor could have

15 S resistance

11 I  resistance

14 P resistance

but another 15 armor warframe could have:

9 S resistance

15 i resistance

13 P resistance 

(unlike dmg 2.0 the armor isn't divided across all three types of damage, instead the current armor value is the value of this warframes highest resistance and the other 2 types are decided by DE. to provide another unique side to frames)


steel fiber will increase the total armor by a set amount to make it more usable on weaker frames, but new mods that increase specific types of dmg resistance will be introduced with this overhaul.


now for the part you probably weren't expecting..


elemental damage resistance! and last but not least... proc resistance! (those godamned ancients man...)



1) elemental damage resistance


it's kinda similar to the armor system but it's separated from it.


it's damage reduction values could be calculated the same way armor resistance is currently calculated. up2DE


example: a warframe could have  maybe..60 elemental resistance. 


s/he will resist...


15 fire damage

10 shock damage

20 toxic damage

15  cold damage


but an elemental warframe with 60 elemental resistance.. let's say.. ember, so fire element.


will resist..

30 fire damage

15 shock damage

10 toxic damage

5 cold damage

again, this is just an example.


now what about combined elements?


it will basically go like this..  blast = heat + cold.

lets say you have 20 fire and 15 cold resistance. 

so 20 + 15 /2 = 17.5 blast damage resistance


frames like mag (magnetic element: cold + shock) with 60 Er will have resistances like these

she will resist..


10 fire damage

20 shock damage

10 toxic damage

20 cold damage



survivability mods: part 2:

this part will cover mods like anti toxin/flame repellent etc..


these mods will be changed to increase the values of elemental damage resistance  instead of adding it like it does now.


edit: possible addition: make a new place for resistances in the arsenal which is basically for mods like steel fiber/anti toxin/retribution/reflex guard/vitality etc...it's different for each frame and it's rank is the warframe's rank. can be forma'd.(will reset frame rank aswell) highlighting it will show you the warframe's elemental damage resistances/physical damage resistances and proc resistance and it has 5(?) mod slots

edit:maybe frames with high armor will have low elemental resistance and those with low armor (caster frames) will have high elemental resistance.



2) proc resistance (this is needed, DE.)


similar to status chance on weapons.. a new proc resistance stat will be added to frames.


basically it's the chance that your frame will resist knockdowns/bleeds/poison etc


it works like this.


let's say a level 1 ancient has  25% knockdown proc chance

(higher level ancients will have higher proc chances to finally add variety)

and your frame has 15% proc resistance




there's a 25% chance that the ancient will proc a knockdown and if it succeeds.. your frame will have a 15% chance to resist that proc.

proc resistance mods will be added to enhance this.

(it could be split into elemental proc resistance and physical proc resistance but that might complicate things even more) 


hope you liked these ideas :D and remember feedback is welcome!
















Edited by -Scourge
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oh and i forgot to mention how this affects enemies..


basically it's the same way..


example: bombards are blast resistant/ scorch is flame resistant/ napalm is both blast and flame resistant (which means poison devours him completely) etc...

Edited by -Scourge
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elemental resistance was mainly inspired by warframe passives. instead of giving a frame 100% fire immunity i decided to give all frames elemental protection but those that specialise in that element are better protected from it. (obviously)

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Nope, because I have a hard time analyzing the overall positives and negatives of really complex ideas.


I'll just go ahead and comment anyway: I think this would be a great armor system.


How would this affect Valkyr, though? (Everyone loves her armor value)

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How would this affect Valkyr, though? (Everyone loves her armor value)


it would work almost the same way it does now,


let's say DE decides to give her high slash resistance, 200 armor so...


200 slash damage

180 impact damage

190 puncture damage


something like that.


you will be able to improve her slash damage resistance with both steel fiber and a slash damage resistance mod.


also.. as a berserker-type she will have high proc resistance.

Edited by -Scourge
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Concerning your Vitality mods math:


Mods are based off the base values, meaning all mods work off the value at rank 0 (Since Ranking up bonuses also work off the base unranked values)


So the current math for the Rhino health pool is:


Base 100 (300 at 30)

With maxxed Vitality (440%) it's an increase of 440 health giving a total of 740 health at rank 30 - Not the 1320 you claimed.


With base health of 200 (600 at 30) - Which is far more than is required even in level 40-50 stuff -

A max Vitality of 220% would be an increase of 440 health giving a total of 1040 health at rank 30.


I could also argue the point about "Survivability mods should be an enhancement not a must" - I'd say that for difficult content (Level 50+) that you should have to mod for survivability in some way, be it getting CC abilities or boosting your health/shields - Currently, content below that level doesn't require modding for survivability, it's just helpful to do so (Even playing solo on my Nova I can survive well enough with just Rejuvenation and a rank 4 Redirection)

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Sounds great to me, Scourge, I really like this system. Those other mods would require more slots to use, though. Again, i call for ability mods to be taken out of the main pool and put off by themselves, so we have 10 slots free instead of 6. That would give us more room to equip good stuff like those!

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Sounds great to me, Scourge, I really like this system. Those other mods would require more slots to use, though. Again, i call for ability mods to be taken out of the main pool and put off by themselves, so we have 10 slots free instead of 6. That would give us more room to equip good stuff like those!

 yeah, that's a good solution too,

but i think having a place to put all the mods that enhance survivability together would be a great addition.


one of the reasons is, if they add  elemental resistance stats and proc resistance it would crowd the stats area for the frame. and making a new place for that is the only right solution.

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