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I assume this has been posted already considering the frequency with which I've seen this happen lately, but I figure I would contribute to the choir. There is a rather annoying bug affecting the infested land based (as in non-ospreys). Whenever there is a host migration, they become stuck at their spawn points and will not leave unless approached. New spawns will then also be stuck. This leads to what I like to call door-to-door infested hunting, which involved the player running back and forth from spawn to spawn and killing each group of stuck infested. For some reason the osprey are not affected by this.


It would be fantastic if this could be fixed since as of right now, Seimeni can quickly become an exercise of frustration.It becomes a lot easier to kill the mobs, but not really my idea of a fun experience.a


Ok so this appears to be a tileset issue. The same issue with mobs getting stuck at their spawn spots after host migration happened last night in Casta which share the same (shipyard?) tileset as Seimeni.

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