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Burston - Accuracy please!


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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about. I have no problems using the Burston and find most of the rounds line up together quite well at medium or close range (long range I switch to my LEX).

If you're shooting at an enemy across a long room and all your bullets are going wide, use a different weapon, or close in.

Same here, exactly the same.

Although I do feel the cone is a bit too big. You can actually see the bullet tracers going random while zoomed. Although I doesn't bother me gameplay wise, I expected it to be more accurate.

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I do like the burston quite a bit and have been happy with it (lvl17) so far. However, as I said, the braton seems... quite comparable to it. I just use 1 click bursts just like the burston. Since my braton was neglected on the shelf for so long it's still pretty low level even after my tests yesterday (level 7 or so?) but with single clicks it already feels close to my burston in overall performance. I'm sure it will only get better with level up. So, from this anecdotal evidence, I can conclude that the braton is better, all things considered. The full auto for emergencies (teleporting lesser bosses and melee grineer, rushing infestations) is a definite advantage, I think.

If they tweak it, like most of you guys suggest: more accuracy than the braton (tighter spread?), slightly shorter time between bursts, I think it would be perfect. Just fine for the comparative costs.

The thing that bothered me most with the burston is when going up against bosses like the general on Saturn. His shields just come up so quickly that you're just wasting bullets with the burston. For mobs it's still pretty good. I'm going to level up this braton and have another go at that boss! :)

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So I tried the burston again with the new 5.3 patch.

It feels ALOT more accurate, often shooting at or near 100 accuracy with the first shot(sometimes I get a 3 round burst of UFOs), wiith the 2nd usually being VERY VERY VERY close to the same, and the third shot sometimes going UFO(but not always, maybe 1/4 are UFOs). I was able to get long range ability almost as well as the Latron(though the longer distance/lower damage meant I wasn't doing as much damage, but I was hitting now, with about 2/3 the burst).

It wasn't mentioned at all in the patch notes, but I tried the Sicarus and that seems to behave a bit differently as well. From my testing, the Sicarus seems to have climb only now(I wasn't noticing shots going left or right, just a steady climb over the three round burst), where the Burston still has bloom only, but much less of it(And it seems like the cooldown on the bloom got reduced. I was aiming and walking forward, unleashing accurate burst after accurate burst).

Anyone care to try it and see if I'm just hallucinating?

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