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Advice For A Return Player



Hey guys, so I  haven't played Warframe in quite some time (patch 9.?), and am looking at starting back up.  I loved playing the game, and was heavily invested into it, with well over 200 play hours and having placed #56 overall in the Spy Drone Extermination Event. With that being said, all of the changes I've missed out on are a little overwhelming, and I'm looking for some advice. Really anything that you think would help me get back into playing and enjoying the game that I wouldn't know from missing these past updates.


Thanks for all your help :)

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2 answers to this question

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As said above me, visit the codex for guidance on damage 2.0

You can bring only 1 weapon to gain more affinity for that weapon.

Resource drop has been greatly increased. And resources drop in the tower too!!!

Survival missions are the good farms now. Interception missions are good too, you can farm T4 keys there (T4 has been added).

Hijack is a new mobile defense modification where you use your shield to move the object. Rescue rework has happened.

New black globes drop from enemies called Nav Cordinates, you can craft a key from them and go to a place called Orokin Derelict where the infested now lives. On those missions you can farm Golem Nav Cordinates for an assasination type mission where is a huge @$$ boss with good tactics, you can farm the famous Nekros warframe there, basically he will make your farming life easier.

In the derelict you can get a new type of mods: Corrupted mods. These take away some of your stats but greatly increase stats in some other areas (there is cap in efficiency: 75%, so you can just make free abilities). You can farm these with special keys crafted from the market using a tower key.


Frost, Vauban has been nerfed. (Hard cap on dmg and enemies lifted).


Charging melee attack no longer exists.

You can get your melee out with holding down F. That way if you use your melee you can get kombos that increase your damage. Right click to block.

Holding down left click while attacking increases your damage with a slight cost in energy.

Stance modes are like auras, just for melee weapons.

You can trade mods and prime parts now. (Don't just jump in, observe the platinum market, ohh that too can be traded).

New stalker types: G3 (grineer), Zanuka Hunter (corpus) can come after you now, they drop new shiny handcannons, they are one of the most powerful weapons in the games.

They can come after you complete 5 dilemma mission against them: this is another new type of mission. Explained below.


Invasions occur in galaxies in an automaated system like alerts.

There are 2 "types": infested outbreaks: you can play against the infested on that node to defend the owners of the node.

Or Corpus vs Grineer battling for the ownership of the node, which one wins the battle gains the ownership of the node and from that point on the node will be played against that faction on regular missions

After a ceration ammount of mission you become eligible for battle payment. You will receive that later, when the battle on the node is complete.


Nightmare mode: if you finish a planet you become eligible to it. When you complete a mission in nightmare mode you are given a special dual mod. They are harder than regular missions bec there are extra factors in the mission : no shield, low gravity etc.


And watch out for arc traps they zap!


Edit: New enemy types and Eximus enemies. (Eximus are a bigger version of enemies, basically leaders, big hp pool and an ability).
Oxium is farmed from oxium ospreys, and Argon crystal is from the void, they are halved each 24h.

Edited by Mateszhun
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