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Alad V Gone Nuts.


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Nothing to say there aren't some kind of infested deep inside Jupiter that chose to make a wounded; suffocating Alad V their newest recruit. If the Orokin had towers like the Corpus do then it stands to reason some may have been infested and fell from altitude toward the abyssal depths of the Red Giant.

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i wonder if Alad v will become an infested or something like that, i mean, he said "us", why would he say that ? Not for the infested in a normal way in my opinion

He probably hears voices in his head or something but I think and hope that he will be come an infested boss to fight later in the game.

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And now I'd like an explanation to how the hell he survived this...


Clones I think. At the beginning of the last event (when there were Corpus ships full of Infestation) he often said that he known how many 'lives' he still have...

So, clones. That's it.

Edited by Latronico
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Clones I think. At the beginning of the last event (when there were Corpus ships full of Infestation) he often said that he known how many 'lives' he still have...

So, clones. That's it.


A very.... disturbing, yet interesting idea.

(He had connections to the Grineer prior to the gradivus dilemma...so... that might indeed be plausible. I just don't think that's how their cloning works...)

Though.... I think he was just talking bullsh when coming up with the 9 lives or whatever.

He's talking a lot of crap... like "tenno don't have eyes"... and whatnot.

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Clones I think. At the beginning of the last event (when there were Corpus ships full of Infestation) he often said that he known how many 'lives' he still have...

So, clones. That's it.

And Lotus also seemed baffled at how many troops he had on the ships, which on its own would be suspicious enough, but coupled with the fact that he has threatened the Corpus, I can't imagine they just handed him extra troops. I actually thought the reveal was going to be about some cloning technology or secret Grineer deal, not just the Infested.

Edited by Jokubas
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I actually hope they don't have a moment where he "snaps." Alad V is a pretty typical mad scientist, but even as far as he's gone, his dialogue is still pretty lucid. I like that, it makes him a little more unique, and gives them more room to take him. Once they start making him repeat nonsensical sentences over and over while writing them on a wall, he stops being a character, if you know what I mean.

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