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My feelings about the game...


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Shooting and action mechanics are just great, i think, that's why i spend so much time in this game with my friends. But, i think if sword fighting will be more interactive in future (some kind of blocking of bloody fatality) it will be even more great then before.

I like weapons. They are really different from each other, but we sure need more of them.

I don't like skill system at all. For my first time i tried Loki, and i still thinking that he is one of most needed parts of any team who is going to kill boos, because he's disarm skill is everything in boss fighting, allowing you to easy complete any boss except jacal. His hologram was great too, but after new patch it not immortal anymore and not it's pretty useless because its dying too fast. Stealth is second his best skill, because it allowing you to escape and even kill enemies while being stealthed. But swapping with an enemy? 75 energy cost... really? Who will even need to do that?

Oh no, i need. Once i tried to joke with my friends and swapped with him when he launched elevator. But skill was kinda slow, so i appeared under elevator platform, and there was no way for me to go back, and i was the only one who have key from door on that level. That was really good joke, i agree =)

Also, my friends tryed volt and escalibur. Last one is about "kill, kill kill", i like none of his abilities, but i was surprised of low mana cost of the pretty useless in close corridors power jump. WHY, OH MY DOOOOG, WHY you can't make same cost to the volt's speedup and ashe-loki teleports? Other volt skills are fine - shield that can add dmg, stun, and great aoe that can clean massive areas from enemies. Escalibur crying in the corner.

Then i tried ashe. First ability - weak single-target shoot, almost useless, using just for fun sometimes. Second - almost similar to loki stealth. Thrid - teleporting to enemy, using 75 energy to do it... DOOOG WHY DOOOG? I will just run to anybody or shoot from the distance, or just use ult (it costs only 25 more energy), not stupid teleport! Make it cost 5 or 10, or add massive dmg (i mean, massive, like 4-5000 dmg) dealed to the targeted person - and it will be better.

Then, ulti. He teleporting and killing enemies around him. Sometimes he appers somewhere behind map after using this. Once i fall down under map and died because of it. Many times i used it when there was A LOT of people around me and i killed only one person with it. Also it cannot kill flying targets for some reasons. So, it is hell of a bugged and too much useless ultimate (if compare to loki or volt).

Ember. My friend tried this one... he dislike every ability, and swithed back to volt after leveling up ember to lvl30. I saw that abilities and i just have no comments on this...

I still haven't tested the rest of them, but i am sure that at least half current abilities needs remake (full or just lower energy cost A LOT), because for now i see the best choise to play only volt and loki, there is no need for anyone to take other warframes (nothing will change a lot from this).

Also i dislike economics. I have so much money already, but i see no way to spend it - i tried all weapons for now, but money keeps going and going, i have already 400 000 (if i am not wrong). Same with resourses - some kind of them are dropping in every planet a lot, so i have thousens of them, but to make ANY warframe or good melee weapons from blueprints you always need rubedo, alloy plate or some reare plates, and you must farm it again and again... it's just unfare, i think.

And that last one, but maybe. the most important... i already completed all of the bosses and soon will finish all of the missions. There is no enemy in galaxy who can even scratch my armor. For the first time i feell like i just made a... complete walktrough in mmotps? Is that all, or you have new things coming out after release? New type of ships and enemies? Ground levels? Or atleast more ssssssame levels with higer threat from enemies?

Good luck with the game, it feels a lot different from others, that means that you doing good job for now.

p.s raise difficulty of that level up test, because it made me laugh so hard, espesially on lvl3)

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Super jump is acctually one of the most useful abilities for escaping, reaching a better position, or dodging out of gun fire, especcially when upgraded. For example, excalibur can reach areas you would have to take an elevator for or go through a S#&$load of enemies you are no longer ready to fight. In the jackel boss fight i used it to launch onto a plat form and fight it from there, providing sniper support for my teammates as they fought on the ground. I'm also a fan of excaliburs abilities as they make him one of the best for direct assault.His offense is his defense and vise versa. Only 2 of excaliburs abilties are kill kill kill, but they all can be used in defensive or offensive way, and be mixed and matched with each other for better results.v even with rhino,ash, and volt, excalibur is my favorite.

i agree on the rest, thats just my 2 cents. :)

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I play Loki currently and I personally think atm Excalibur is probably better due to Loki's abilities being mostly situational. The only thing I would consistantly use is Invisibility and that costs 50 energy for ~10 sec of free kills. His disarm is useless vs Infected and Switch Target I only use to travel across bridges since it does no damage, likely puting you in a group of enemies far away from friends. And Decoy gets devalued when you have multiple Loki's in a group because if you accidentaly put both up, someone wasted 25 energy in a world that seems to be hiding it from everyone. So far Loki is just too situational to really be anywhere as good as the other choices sadly. If a boss can't be disarmed all you can do is Invis and shoot him but might as well let the other frames take energy drops to help dps because all you can do is pew pew and sneaky sneaky. I do well but I know I would destroy if I had a Volt and could just nuke rooms. Soloing is so damn hard as Loki too if you don't have the energy. Just hope I can piece together some other Frames soon unless they remake Loki into something usefull.

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