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Exta: Frost Blueprints...


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... So, for the past many, many hours, I've been running this one area, over and over, several times within an hour, for one blueprint of Frost's warframe; the systems.

Now, it wouldn't be so much of a problem if there were a lot of mods to earn from it, or credits... but it's a pathetic amount of both, along with the quality of the mods I do get. The kicker, though, is that for about... 10 or more runs in a row, not a single blueprint has dropped.

If this is intentional, then... god damn you people are sadists. If not, pls fix pls. pls.

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There's nothing to fix...I spent 2 hours non stop one night and got nothing, the next day I spent 30mins-hour and got all 3 BPs...there's no pattern there's just a percentage drop rate. Perhaps farm other bosses and then come back to this one, maybe work on getting all the components in case you're missing some? Just gotta keep farming!

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yeah they need to change how the drops works for blueprints. boss should have at least one rare drops each mission rather then getting a small amount of nano spore,circuits, ferrite, and other commons.its just unrewarding.

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Wait, you have systems, helmet and chassis? The blueprint to make the frame out of those 3 parts is in the store

If not, well, RNG is the final boss.

... So, for the past many, many hours, I've been running this one area, over and over, several times within an hour, for one blueprint of Frost's warframe; the systems.

Just pointing out :p think he meant crafting materials in his other reply. I would be up for helping you farm this later when I finally get home. Should be more fun with people you know rather than random people or solo. Then again, I'm just a random person

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I don't have the systems. That's the ONE piece I'm missing, and 2 days of farming has done nothing. And seeing that someone's gone 3 weeks for it... well, there goes my hopes of getting Frost on payday when the build time completes.

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I don't have the systems. That's the ONE piece I'm missing, and 2 days of farming has done nothing. And seeing that someone's gone 3 weeks for it... well, there goes my hopes of getting Frost on payday when the build time completes.

I'm sorry for making it sound so bad, it's just that you need to lower your expectations.

I finally got my System after I begged Lech Kril for it.... AND promised I'll never go to Exta to farm Frost ever again. ^_^;

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Yea I reckon this is definitely a problem. That boss takes way too long to take down and hardly ever gives something up. I've fought him plenty of times where the result was no resources, no module and but ofcourse, no blueprints. I've only ever got the chasis blueprint once, after about a week of farming. Where as other bosses seem to hand the stuff out on a silver platter. Not to mention most other bosses don't take a painstaking amount of time to get down. I say get rid of this $&*&*#(%& 0.01% drop rate.....

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Oh, Lech Kril isn't that bad. It's not like his shields are like Ruks, and it's easy to kite his slow-&#! melee attack out for easy DPS.

That being said, if they made it too easy to farm up warframes, why would anybody buy them?
I think that the major problem with the drop rates is that the game is atracting a crowd that's not used to dealing with them.

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Apparently people have been getting bad drop rates on stuff? I guess I'm pretty damn lucky, because it's only taken me 10 runs on a boss to get all my bps for any given suit that I've been farming for, and that was only for the Rhino. Saryn was 7 runs, Frost has been 4 so far, and I've got only the chassis to go.


What this means, really, is that drops should be more consistent, because if some people have to spend an exceedingly long amount of time compared to others spending virtually none for the same result (without paying actual money to fast-track), there is a bit of a discrepancy in drop tables that may need to be remedied. Of course, these examples might be the extreme outliers on a percentage drop scale, myself being on the lucky side, and OP being on the decidedly unlucky one.


This be Claen'tor, signing off.

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So you think grinding is the way to have a game move forward then? It's not that I'm not patient. It's just the fact that over a week has passed and I am not able to get a single blueprint from this boss,that's ok I guess, I can handle that. It's the fact that sometimes he just doesn't drop things and by that I mean modules and/or resources. To me, that seems incredibly buggy, to not even drop a resource or a module, which seems to be a regular and routine occurrence for any other boss you will fight. 


This all seems incredibly unrewarding considering you've wasted all your ammo trying to take him down. Let alone the fact that I have to wait from 30 minutes to an hour to find a decent squad that knows what to do.

But fine, I guess you're right, we should all get trapped into a Skinner box and continue to grind just to keep the game interesting. Because, everyone hates content updates and new things, nah nah, we just want to do the same old thing over and over again, just so things "aren't easy".

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They should just raise it a little..not too much but a little to keep people interested ><




I'm sorry but currently we can obtain 95% of every item in this game without the use of actual cash. The rates of these blueprint drops aren't abysmal - I don't wish to brag but every single frame I have, I've crafted (Frost, Ember, Nyx, Ash, Saryn, and Mag. And I have Volt ready and waiting in my foundry). It just takes time and patience. Remember: This isn't a single player game. MMOs like this need certain systems to keep the game interesting. Raising the rates of these drops or giving one rare drop with each boss kill will be highly detrimental to the longevity of this game, because everyone will have quickly crafted everything they wanted in days and....welp, that's that until new content comes in.


Not to mention, DE gives us the option to simply buy these items outright. Look at it at a business point of view: DE made this game not just because it's their brain child, but because of the money it can rake in for them. Droprates for these blueprints MUST stay rare and low so that people won't just immediately shrug off the option to buy them outright if they have the money to do so (Only reason why I haven't bought any outright is because I enjoy the feeling of working towards a particular goal and achieving it).

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I'm sorry but currently we can obtain 95% of every item in this game without the use of actual cash. The rates of these blueprint drops aren't abysmal - I don't wish to brag but every single frame I have, I've crafted (Frost, Ember, Nyx, Ash, Saryn, and Mag. And I have Volt ready and waiting in my foundry). It just takes time and patience. Remember: This isn't a single player game. MMOs like this need certain systems to keep the game interesting. Raising the rates of these drops or giving one rare drop with each boss kill will be highly detrimental to the longevity of this game, because everyone will have quickly crafted everything they wanted in days and....welp, that's that until new content comes in.


Not to mention, DE gives us the option to simply buy these items outright. Look at it at a business point of view: DE made this game not just because it's their brain child, but because of the money it can rake in for them. Droprates for these blueprints MUST stay rare and low so that people won't just immediately shrug off the option to buy them outright if they have the money to do so (Only reason why I haven't bought any outright is because I enjoy the feeling of working towards a particular goal and achieving it).

You're right, however, there is a fine line between longevity of a game and complete nuisance and a waste of ones time and patience. Purely praying on a person patience is the wrong way to go. I see what you're saying though, from a business stand point, having things excruciatingly hard to get really pushes people into buying things outright. It's a double edged sword though, as more people will probably be warded away by the constant push toward paying real money for a free-to-play game or else they get nowhere in the game.


At the present time, all the drop rates for the other blueprints are too high, however dropping them down to the level of the frost blueprints is also a mistake. It's finding that balance that keeps people trying but also stops them from questioning it's existence. Just because someone else got it, doesn't mean they did, and therefore in the eyes of the beholder, it is impossible to get.

Having goals is good, but everyone should understand that only setting long term goals is a mistake in itself and only result in failure. These blueprints are stepping stone goals to the real thing and maybe instead of having hugely low drop rates for these component parts, maybe having more components to a Warframe is a better way to go. Thus having multiple short term goals in order to reach the long term goal, the Warframe itself.

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