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Exta: Frost Blueprints...


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I did roughly 85 boss runs before I saw my first systems Bp drop. Now they drop like candy.

My guess is that the rare component, the systems bp, is something like a 4-5% chance. Meaning on average you're looking at 20-25 runs.

And now you know why people rush on bosses :D

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I've been farming every boss lately to get all the BPs for every frame, and none have been particularly challenging lately at the high end levels.  The one i had the longest time getting was rhino months ago.  It took me less than 10 runs to get frost.  Took me about 20 to get nyx.  Took 4 for saryn. 

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Took me about 8 runs to finish it. Was much more tolerable for me because I come from Mass Effect 3 MP and the RNG there is cruel. The main problem I have is that Kril isn't very difficult, he's simply tedious to fight. It can take about 5-10 minutes of sustained fire from not-cookiecutter weapons to down him. I wouldn't see any problem if they just halved his health, his main danger is really that you might make a fatal mistake while kiting his hammer 50-100 times in a row.

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... So, for the past many, many hours, I've been running this one area, over and over, several times within an hour, for one blueprint of Frost's warframe; the systems.

Now, it wouldn't be so much of a problem if there were a lot of mods to earn from it, or credits... but it's a pathetic amount of both, along with the quality of the mods I do get. The kicker, though, is that for about... 10 or more runs in a row, not a single blueprint has dropped.

If this is intentional, then... god damn you people are sadists. If not, pls fix pls. pls.

I just got my final piece (90 runs).  I kept a tally sheet.  My friend... got it in 4.  It's all about luck.

Also, on each run I got about 2-3 mods, a bunch of materials and about 1,500 credits. I also got several extra helm and chasis bps.  I made a ton of money (enough to pay for all the production, a shade bp and production, and the final bp).

Edited by BoogieMan82
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I fought hard for my frost blueprints. Took me three weeks of daily farming 2-5 times in a row. I had several friends who helped me when they could, and when they were busy I played online games. 60% of the time nothing would drop, the other 40% of the time I got a blueprint I already had.


While the experience was frustrating during the process... I really like Frost and have enjoyed that he was "work" to get, at least in retrospect. I don't believe anything is wrong with the boss drops. It probably does boil down to random numbers though...

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I got Ash so fast I didnt even know I had all the BPs. But I have my heart set on Frost and now its been three days and many runs, still no systems blueprint. The RNG gods really do hate me.


I've been reading on other threads not to melee the boss as it might send stuff flying? Including BPs. Is this for real?

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I think the main problem is farming itself.  A BP should drop only once a week, no matter if you play a lot or not.  Everyone can get a shot at them if they are playing and trying to get the schematic.


It is the same problem with many games with a loot system... MMORPG, etc etc...

The players that play the most are rewards with the missions rewards and XP; unlocking more mods space for their warframe and weapons.

A casual will still have some fun, and if needed, will spend big bucks on buy stuff.  However, XP is gained only by playing.. there are no tricks (unless people cheats or use glitches).


They need to keep the game balanced between casual and hardcore players.  It is difficult to please everyone and keep people playing if you don't give enough to them.  Adding a BP drop limit per week - 1 weapon and 1 warframe a week is reasonable.  It would take 2-3 months to get the entire lists.  Once you have them, then you can get skins and extra stuff... even first aid and premium items sold on the market.


For people that have them already, good for you guys, and the other unlucky like me, well, that's what keep us playing.. the attraction of loot and getting better stuff.  It's in the human nature to desire more and more... and that what keeps us playing these games and have fun with some friends.

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It took me a total combined play time of roughly 20 hours, and countless Marrow runs, to get the Saryn Systems blueprints.


Over a span of maybe a week.


I know it's supposed to be time-consuming, but this isn't the best way to do it, constantly running a boss ad nasuem for the hopes of a drop with a seemingly 1% chance.

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I got all the BPs in a few hours and then all the materials in a day or two.


The worst part of this for me is waiting the 12 Hours to make all the pieces, then another three days to make the beS#&$ted suit.




Three days.


I thought I'd be able to wear my first new suit by tomorrow since I just finished crafting all the pieces.  Really disappointed with this.

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Wow is the drop rate for Frost stuff just abysmally bad or what?


I mean I got Ash in about 10 Runs, Rhino in like 6 and most of Volt, Loki and Banshee without even trying, but I going on 30+ runs for Frost already and only got two pieces.  Now that isn't too bad really, IF.....it was a matter of just not getting the last piece I need to drop.  However, the issue is he isn't dropping ANY BP drops, not ever repeats. I get either Orokin Cells or friken 10 Alloy Plates. 


Further, the boss....Leutenant Whats His Name.....is a major pain in the posterior to kill, even with a full team and damn near impossible with only two or three  players.  Also the map is perhaps the most confusing layout of any map and trying to get out to extraction without ammo (because your almost guarenteed to use it all up on the bosses 12 million HPs.) is a royal, time consuming, pain.


Anyway, by far the worst drop rate for BPs of any boss I have fought.  Heck EVERY other boss seems to drop a BP every 2-3 times you kill them except for this guy. This, combined with one to the most pain in the arse bosses/maps makes this grind almost unbareble.  Don't the devs know that grinding went out of style with Everquest?

Edited by Belpharon
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I feel you man. I got my Rhino in 3 runs. Then it took some 15+ across 2 days for my volt.

Seems like Snowglobe is really considered OP.

RNG man, RNG. You just have to keep at it. You will eventually get it. The probability of not getting all three after a certain point becomes very minuscule.

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I feel you man. I got my Rhino in 3 runs. Then it took some 15+ across 2 days for my volt.

Seems like Snowglobe is really considered OP.

RNG man, RNG. You just have to keep at it. You will eventually get it. The probability of not getting all three after a certain point becomes very minuscule.




Well I am now on Run 46 for Frost, almost 18 hours total commited just grinding this warframe. Got 3 Chassis and 2 Helms total. No system to be seen.


RNG isn't really that much of an issue. RNG tied with a low overall drop rate is huge.


Also another unusual thing is his loot table compared to the other bosses. From what I can tell, he is limited to just one drop per kill and they have 4 items on the loot table. He seems to have an equal chance to drop the BP or.....an Orokin Cell (which is a reasonably rare resource) or Alloy Plates or Circuits of all things. The issue here is while Alloy Plates are uncommon they shouldn't be sharing the rare drop component at least not as a Boss MoBs primary drop and circuits....well give me break will ya.


My point is that if he was dropping at least decent stuff in lieu of the BP like you would expect of a tough boss, then I wouldn't feel like I am wasting my time.


Anyway as I said in my previous post, Grinding went out of style 10 years ago and it going to turn alot of people off from the game. I know I am starting to get really, really burnt out at this point.

Edited by Belpharon
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Ok final tally to get the final piece, the System.  52 runs to get complete BP set.  During the 52 Runs got 2 Chassis, 4 Helms, 21 Orokin Cells and the rest were either Alloy Plate or Circuit Drops.  Guess it was just bad luck overall since any one of those Helms or Chassis could have been a System.  Drop Rate on BPs ended up being around 10%.

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