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Exta: Frost Blueprints...


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Yea I reckon this is definitely a problem. That boss takes way too long to take down and hardly ever gives something up. I've fought him plenty of times where the result was no resources, no module and but ofcourse, no blueprints. I've only ever got the chasis blueprint once, after about a week of farming. Where as other bosses seem to hand the stuff out on a silver platter. Not to mention most other bosses don't take a painstaking amount of time to get down. I say get rid of this $&*&*#(%& 0.01% drop rate.....


I personally have run him 70+ times and every time he did drop a MOD and a resource like a detonite ampule or an orokin cell. The blueprints however... I still need chassis and i've been trying for over a month 2-3 times a day.

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I got all the BPs in a few hours and then all the materials in a day or two.


The worst part of this for me is waiting the 12 Hours to make all the pieces, then another three days to make the beS#&$ted suit.




Three days.


I thought I'd be able to wear my first new suit by tomorrow since I just finished crafting all the pieces.  Really disappointed with this.

You Lucky Sonnovab****

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I think the main problem is farming itself.  A BP should drop only once a week, no matter if you play a lot or not.  Everyone can get a shot at them if they are playing and trying to get the schematic.


It is the same problem with many games with a loot system... MMORPG, etc etc...

The players that play the most are rewards with the missions rewards and XP; unlocking more mods space for their warframe and weapons.

A casual will still have some fun, and if needed, will spend big bucks on buy stuff.  However, XP is gained only by playing.. there are no tricks (unless people cheats or use glitches).


They need to keep the game balanced between casual and hardcore players.  It is difficult to please everyone and keep people playing if you don't give enough to them.  Adding a BP drop limit per week - 1 weapon and 1 warframe a week is reasonable.  It would take 2-3 months to get the entire lists.  Once you have them, then you can get skins and extra stuff... even first aid and premium items sold on the market.


For people that have them already, good for you guys, and the other unlucky like me, well, that's what keep us playing.. the attraction of loot and getting better stuff.  It's in the human nature to desire more and more... and that what keeps us playing these games and have fun with some friends.

Sorry but, I can't say I agree,

For example, when I finish any homework and/or assignments, I enjoyplaying warframe on a Friday night as an all-nighter reducing the drop rates would make a lot of people such as myself a little pissed off as to a loss between the amount of effort put in and the resulting output of items.

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