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What Kind Of Pets Do You Wanna See Added?


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a war elephant! Probably with plasma gun mounted, i mean, when we're gonna siege grineer motherland (and their queens) i want something big

or a mini vor clone, with his strange laugh each time i kill something.



Twin-headed hairy pink octopus with blue polka spot. Don't ask me why but hey tentacles!

and now suddenly we get to talk about heavy troops here xD.

octopus aren't impossible, though is difficult for me to think of an amphibian octopus, but an spider-like octopus may be possible following my mind, my idea would be a way too mad to explain without shame.  :$ sorry u.uU

an elephant may be a way too big like to carry it on  the liset xD, Lotus Zoo isn't an idea i like either xD.

but could be useful to think on how we'll confront the queens too xD.

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I want a Thanator because it looks awesome. I wish it does 2x damage to Kubrows. :)



Large Cat O.O






giant ninja cats

something like the Thanator a bit more little than the kubrow with a short Lion's mane and fur instead of raw skin , and antennas instead the tentacles for the cat moustache, essential for balance xD.


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