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The Mentorship Program


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TL;DR version.





Greetings, young Tenno.

You might be wondering what this "Mentorship Program" is about. Put simply, this thread is here to help new players find "Non Intrusive Assistance" from Wiser, Elder Tenno Masters.

If you've attempted to play in ONLINE mode you may have encountered many Elder Tenno who preferred to blaze ahead through the compound, slaughtering everything in sight and having the mission objective completed long before you've even figured out which way you should be going.

This is not fun, and this is not assistance. And if you're anything like me, it is absolutely NOT what you want.


This thread is for new Tenno who wish to be guided by a wise and patient Mentor willing to stick by you and assist you when things get rough, but leaving completion of the mission parameters up to you entirely. By posting here, you are acknowledging that you're looking for this kind of help.


To the would-be Mentors out there, please keep in mind the following.

1. Your priority is essentially to play a support role. Ensure you stay near the Trainee at all times so that you can apply first-aid immediately if he or she falls.


2. Ensure you bring a WarFrame capable of surviving under pressure and under fire. If your Trainee has fallen in the midst of a large group of enemies, try NOT to slaughter them all simply to create a safe-zone for your Trainee to revive in (if at all possible). Teach your Trainee to walk, do not carry them.


3. Assisting the Trainee in scoring kills is in no way frowned upon. Just ensure they are doing at least half of the work. As a point of reference, their kill score should be equal to or HIGHER than yours.

4. You provide this service free of charge. A proper Mentor requires nothing of his or her Trainee other than their effort and devotion to WarFrame Mastery.

With that said, let what I hope to be a successful Mentorship Program begin.

Edited by Soldatto
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I feel like it will be hard to find trainees.
I often do cassini runs and meet a lot of rank 0-2 players. I offer them to help, or answer their questions but never say a word. So ... I just do my job and farm bombard (when will I get my crimson dervish?!)

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Well they could put in the Mentor System like other games have so like if you above master rank lets say 5 you can volunteer ( so you are not forced to) to help new player that just joined and show them how stuff works >_> i mean it would really improve the gaming experience for new player including that update 14 is supposed to be making getting into the game easier for them ( new players )

Edited by Volerin
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Perhaps more luck would be had posting this under Players Helping Players.

I could be wrong, though.

Neat idea, I'd love to take part as a mentor if it were to kick off.

Edited by Churpy
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Met a newbie just a bit ago named "KeeperofLies" on Mercury. Was more than grateful for my offered help but can't seem to connect to me. I also had to go.

If any noble Mentors can keep an eye out for this dude and help him/her? out I think he'd be pretty psyched.

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I wouldn't mind being mentored. I'm very new and not at all used to how this game works, and I'm not really a fan of playing with totally random people (the last couple of people I played with charged on ahead whereas I prefer stealthing around sniping with the bow).


I'm on and off the game most of the day, and will be until late August when school starts again for me. Usually after 2 pm EST. I'd like to get myself one or two cool new weapons if I can, and I got the blueprints for Ash so that's on the wishlist as well (though I have no idea how to get the components to build him).

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hi there, actually.. i really really need mentor. i need someone that can teach me about anything in this game. i've found one mentor, but, i think it's might be better if i have more mentor. so whenever i go online, i can find many alternative mentor. :) so, if interested to teach this new born baby, just add me. IGN : Luxfrood. thanks before..

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I wouldn't mind being mentored. I'm very new and not at all used to how this game works, and I'm not really a fan of playing with totally random people (the last couple of people I played with charged on ahead whereas I prefer stealthing around sniping with the bow).


I'm on and off the game most of the day, and will be until late August when school starts again for me. Usually after 2 pm EST. I'd like to get myself one or two cool new weapons if I can, and I got the blueprints for Ash so that's on the wishlist as well (though I have no idea how to get the components to build him).



hi there, actually.. i really really need mentor. i need someone that can teach me about anything in this game. i've found one mentor, but, i think it's might be better if i have more mentor. so whenever i go online, i can find many alternative mentor. :) so, if interested to teach this new born baby, just add me. IGN : Luxfrood. thanks before..

Dear beginners I would be happy to help you 8)

Don't hesitate to add me if I forget to add you and let's make real tennos out of you !

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Hi, i started playing a few days ago and although im having a lot of fun, im struggling to find other players to do missions.


Ive only been able to play survival on mercury mainly and i would like to try out other parts of the game.  It would be great if any players out there are willing to guide me through different aspects of the game and wouldn't mind doing some missions with me.


My IGN is ShinraBansho, hope to see some of you guys out there :D

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Would be interested in finding a mentor or some people to play with in general.  I have been playing for about a week and my current goals are:

Exploration (would like to unlock sectors and planets), grinding of mods and mastery levels, meeting people and having some fun :).

I'm sort of tired of joining games where people run off on their own and just leave you there, so it would be nice to meet some teamwork oriented people.  I usually play starting at around 6pm EST onwards into the late hours :P.



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Hi, i started playing a few days ago and although im having a lot of fun, im struggling to find other players to do missions.


Ive only been able to play survival on mercury mainly and i would like to try out other parts of the game.  It would be great if any players out there are willing to guide me through different aspects of the game and wouldn't mind doing some missions with me.


My IGN is ShinraBansho, hope to see some of you guys out there :D


Hey, maybe we can help each other out, I sent you a friends request ingame :).

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I wouldn't mind being mentored. I'm very new and not at all used to how this game works, and I'm not really a fan of playing with totally random people (the last couple of people I played with charged on ahead whereas I prefer stealthing around sniping with the bow).


I'm on and off the game most of the day, and will be until late August when school starts again for me. Usually after 2 pm EST. I'd like to get myself one or two cool new weapons if I can, and I got the blueprints for Ash so that's on the wishlist as well (though I have no idea how to get the components to build him).


hi there, actually.. i really really need mentor. i need someone that can teach me about anything in this game. i've found one mentor, but, i think it's might be better if i have more mentor. so whenever i go online, i can find many alternative mentor. :) so, if interested to teach this new born baby, just add me. IGN : Luxfrood. thanks before..


Hi, i started playing a few days ago and although im having a lot of fun, im struggling to find other players to do missions.


Ive only been able to play survival on mercury mainly and i would like to try out other parts of the game.  It would be great if any players out there are willing to guide me through different aspects of the game and wouldn't mind doing some missions with me.


My IGN is ShinraBansho, hope to see some of you guys out there :D


dear all of great mentor. i've added you to my friend list, but you dont confirm it yet. hope to see you in the game soon :) some people are thinking that newbie is an idiot :P. Btw, am in game rite now.


Would be interested in finding a mentor or some people to play with in general.  I have been playing for about a week and my current goals are:

Exploration (would like to unlock sectors and planets), grinding of mods and mastery levels, meeting people and having some fun :).

I'm sort of tired of joining games where people run off on their own and just leave you there, so it would be nice to meet some teamwork oriented people.  I usually play starting at around 6pm EST onwards into the late hours :P.



Oh wow, I've been away for a few days and look at all the new ment-ees!

You're all more than welcome to add me and the other would-be mentors in-game and we'll be more than happy to help you out when we're on!

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I would be interested in mentoring a player. I have over 220 HR of game play, soon to obtain Seeker rank. Anyone who needs help PM me if i'm online or just add me. I'll be happy to accept and play any mission you need assistance on.I can play a supportive roll very well as I have multiple frames to fit the missions objectives and your needs.

Edited by AVENTUS
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