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Mercury Nav Segment



I've completed the missions where I obtain the mercury nav segment.

However, aboard my ship I have a waypoint that leads to my foundry, I am unsure what to do at this point. I have searched for new blueprints, something to craft with this new component and have found nothing. 

Not sure if this is a bug, or I just can't figure it out.

Assistance would be lovely. 

PS. I've tried going to navigation, but when I do my screen goes dark and I revert back to the ship...

Edited by Instance
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Actually, i did the same thing, i completed the Negator in the foundry before doing the resources mission...wonder if that's the reason


Just scanned through region chat, and it seems i and you are not the only ones. 


Ryujenkai, Swagadillo, Flawlesssai and others all completed the Negator in the foundry, BEFORE doing the Resource run mission to get the needed resources, because we all already had enough resources, and then completed the resource mission anyways, and got stuck with NO mercury Nav Segment on earth mission to be completed....


Shoki1199, Quath, Ranatsu, AccessTheGamer


Flytrap, Lleerk

BrianEvol, Kirren and others but the game crashed

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I'm in a similar situation, but I built the negator AFTER doing the resource cache mission. It's telling me to find the Mercury nav segment, but there's no waypoint or apparent clue to where to get it from. I did the Mercury assassination mission (killing Vor) but I got the Venus nav segment, not the Mercury.

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I figured it out go to the codex, click on quests, and then click on howl of the kubrow and then

begin... that should fix it :D

Problem: 'Howl of the Kubrow' doesn't exist.


EDIT: Is there a way to skip the quest entirely? That would be appreciated.

Edited by AdeptJR
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Yeah crafted it thinking I could get out of doing a resource collection mission, lol. :P Had to do it anyway and now I can't even play anymore story.  Guess the kubros will have to wait.  Shame on me for cutting corners.

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Problem: 'Howl of the Kubrow' doesn't exist.


EDIT: Is there a way to skip the quest entirely? That would be appreciated.

i had the same problem and then i did Jackal assassination  and got the kubro quest now it is fixed 

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I am having the very same problem, no matter how many times i kill Vor or relog into the game, i still do not get the Mercury Nav Segment even though it says i got the venus nav segment and i have already gotten the Ascaris Negator blueprint and built it, this problem is just confusing and it leaves me stuck.

Is it a glitch? are the developers doing a another hotfix to correct this problem?

Any ideas?

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Do the terminus mission on mercury, at the end you get the segment

never mind...didn't work...

i also cant see a quest marker to get the mercury nav segment... tried terminus, didnt get the segment.

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Same problem as above: built the item before the gather resources quest, now Vor's Prize won't update even though I was prompted to install the Mercury Nav Module.  Also, killing Jackal did open up the Kubrow quest, but I don't have a "guide" marker to get to the next quest in that line.

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Same problem here.

Made the removal thing from myself before resource quest, now there's no indicator on where to get the Mercury Nav.

I hope devs see this and get me out of this quest... I wanna progress normally


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Try killing the Jackal, it'll give you the option to start the Kubrow missions, after you start the line segment for the questline it gives you the option to start the Vor's Prize questline again, its possible itll let you re-start it at that point.

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