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Wieldable Melee Weapons


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Being an 'old school gamer' I prefer wielding melee weapons rather than the current single key system.

Problem is that cycling through three weapons with a single key is clumsy.

Solution is simple: cycle through weapons with the mouse wheel, but keep 'f' for last weapon switch, in other words, like TF2.

MW is already used for slecting powers, but I found that number keys work much better, and I don't really hear other people using MW over number keys, I think it's safe to assume that noone would mind.

Controls with the new system:

normal attack - LMB

charge attack - LMB (hold)

block - RMB (people might even use it that way)

But I would keep the current melee key for two things:

Pistol whipping/rifle bash. Seriously, the Gorgon is a giant metal baseball bat (that shoots bullets), you really should be able to slap someone silly with it.

Sync-kills. If an enemy is below a certain amount of hp (specific number or percentage), and you have a melee weapon equipped, you are given a prompt for an execution style kill, similair to God of War's circle button (I believe Yahtzee calls it the f***-you button).

Stealth sync-kills are fine as they are, you shouldn't have a melee weapon equipped to get the prompt.

Problem remains for people that use a controller. Simplest solution I can come up with is that controllers get their own radial menu that is used for weapon selection and consumables (ammo boxes and stuff).

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No offense but cycling through weapons in general is clumsy. I prefer the current system. I don't need to switch to melee. It is always at the ready.

Now if you want to talk about more variety in melee combat... I'm all for that. makes A sword slash>>to shotgun blast to face so much smoother.

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Thats why I suggested combining this with of the current system, 'f' switches back and forth between last used weapons, and melee is still always at the ready. And this would add variety to combat by having more control options.

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I would be for a little variety in the melee attacks as well, rather than the same few attack animations each time. The fact that it behaves like a third person action game having melee attacks is cool, however it would be great if the melee weapons were realized a bit more according to their individual traits. One of the heat swords for instance has a secondary grip that makes it appear as though it could be wielded like a tonfa, cool idea but nothing currently done with it. Smoothing stealth kills and possibly having an execution kill when the enemy's HP drops low enough as the OP mentioned is a great idea also.


Edit: After posting I realized that Darksiders has a similar mechanic, although allows for more creativity in melee attack combos, while at the same time allowing one to make use of a gun and aim with it and so forth.

Edited by Andaeros
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Being an 'old school gamer' I prefer wielding melee weapons rather than the current single key system.

Problem is that cycling through three weapons with a single key is clumsy.

Solution is simple: cycle through weapons with the mouse wheel, but keep 'f' for last weapon switch, in other words, like TF2.

MW is already used for slecting powers, but I found that number keys work much better, and I don't really hear other people using MW over number keys, I think it's safe to assume that noone would mind.

Controls with the new system:

normal attack - LMB

charge attack - LMB (hold)

block - RMB (people might even use it that way)

But I would keep the current melee key for two things:

Pistol whipping/rifle bash. Seriously, the Gorgon is a giant metal baseball bat (that shoots bullets), you really should be able to slap someone silly with it.

Sync-kills. If an enemy is below a certain amount of hp (specific number or percentage), and you have a melee weapon equipped, you are given a prompt for an execution style kill, similair to God of War's circle button (I believe Yahtzee calls it the f***-you button).

Stealth sync-kills are fine as they are, you shouldn't have a melee weapon equipped to get the prompt.

Problem remains for people that use a controller. Simplest solution I can come up with is that controllers get their own radial menu that is used for weapon selection and consumables (ammo boxes and stuff).

Totally agree with you on the need for more melee wielding control.

I think all would agree that the current melee controls lack a feeling of Ninja like finesse that is otherwise expected from the Tenno.


My own feedback on the current flow of combat is that it all falls apart when it comes to melee controls;

Dodge, aim, shoot, sprint, slide and then commence the spamming of "E"....

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