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Snipertron, eats sniper ammo but use rifle mod?


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Ok, I noticed that there's no, NO sniper mod (God, I'm embarassed to notice this after a week) but there's sniper ammo. Snipertron just use rifle mod to boost performance.

Not a big problem but is it intended? or it's because we have only one sniper rifle in the game.

The name implies it's intended.

A sniper rifle, after all, is still a rifle. It just uses bigger bullets.

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I can see sense in it from technical side. Shotguns itself work different way than rifle, while sniper and assault rifels pretty similar. Different .cal is it.

I whould more wonder why Bronco uses pistol ammo and mods instead... well, maybe only is Bronco shoot bunch on bullets, that's why it have only 2 in clip.

Edited by Cleff
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It's actually a good question, it's not like the Latron and the other Assaultrifles have much in common, even though eating the same munition from a gameplay perspective. Even having the same, large-sized ammo pool. I guess (and i'm realy just guessing here) that the ammo pool is currently connected to the munition used, and they wanted a different, smaller munition pool for the Snipertron so it got it's own kind of ammo. *shrug* It's not like you run out of munition for it anyway.

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