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Dissapointing First Impression From Dark Sector Pvp


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here's my first impression of the thing.


As you can See by the title I found it dissapointing , let me explain why. ( bugs aren't a part of it since there will always be bugs and DE fixes them pretty fast)



How damage works in this game is weird.


When I'm defending , It takes me A good amount of bullets to take down 1 enemy player but even though we've just started I keep getting 1 shot.....



And how are we supposed to gain affinity to boost our weapons if our weapons can't kill anything since none of the mods are active?


THe AI trash mobs should be a wee bit easier to kill , and not be ammo drains like now. It breaks the pace of the game imo.


Unless you've got all your mods active , they are ridiculously time consuming to kill.



But that's just my first impression on the defending side.


I'll add more feedback after playing offense and with some other frames and weaps to see

Edited by Deidaku
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It is very fun but short lived and has it's bugs. The weapons don't level up fast enough and the mods that get unlocked from leveling is very limited and due to that damage is very limited. It takes a long time to kill the final core and trying to do that on limited revives while the opponent's Mag is spamming Pull which both damages and stun locks you is very irritating.

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