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Multishot On Shotguns


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I really enjoy using the shotguns, and when you get hell's chamber for them, even better. The one thing that kind of bothers me is that when I think multishot, I think more pellets. I do understand that it does that for shotguns, but to me, it seems like it behaves like multishot on pistols and rifles, where the additional rounds are overlapped with the initial round fired. I personally think that those additional pellets shouldnt be overlapped with the original amount of pelets, and that it should work more like the angstrum with multishot on it. There are so many more projectiles/spread with that mod on it, and I love it haha. If I am wrong, and it DOES do what I think it should do, then I'm sorry for waisting your time xP 


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120% to be more exact, but OP's suggestion unfortunately means equipping multishot would severely affect the effective range of the shotgun which is already pretty damn short for most, but decent for accurate shotguns like Tigris.


This is somewhat in contrast to how multishot works on MOST weapon ie: it improves the number of projectile fired at any given moment but does not reduce their effective range which .. well it shouldn't be since then the multishot would carry negative trait as well rather than just positive.


Of course there are some weapons that behave just like that..  ie: they suffer negative trait when equipped with multishot like angstrum for example (which completely loses it's pin point accuracy single shot if you equip multi shot on it), but do we really want that for shotgun's multishot? Because i SURE AS HELL don't....


on Angstrum it's somewhat justifiable to an extent given it's not a hitscan weapon with a punch as hard as a truck.... and AoE....


but on shotgun??? 


Look if you REALLY want more spread that badly... then feel free to equip the corrupted mod Vicious Spread... there problem solved...


But the multishot itself should not be altering the spread property of the weapon... unless if that involves adjustment of the mod cost as well or other rebalance of it's property.

Edited by Melcyna
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I don't think I did a good job on how i wanted multishot to work, sorry xP

I don't want the multishot on a shotgun to increase spread like it does in angstrum (i know there is a spread mod, ive been trying to get it for a while lol), but to actually have the additional pellets not overlap with the initial ammount of pellets. I made a crappy picture of what I mean, but I dont know how to upload it with the text :c

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