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Generic Pattern Scrambler 10P And Premium Patterns 40P..


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Okay, I see no one like the pattern scrambler, but was it a bad idea. No. The pattern scrambler was a good idea but was poorly implemented, and at a very crucial moment.


Here is how things should work:


We should be able to buy exact-premium-kubrow patterns for 40p, and the cheaper alternative to this should be the 10p generic pattern scrambler. This will give everyone a chance to get a cool pattern. The people who want exact patterns can spend 40p for a pattern, and the people who want random patterns can spend 10p.


Generic patters for the pattern scrambler.

Premium patters for exact buy.


Generic patterns: generic spots, generic stripes, and generic blotches.

The pattern scrambler should have a small chance of giving a premium pattern.


Premium patterns:


Spots: Dalmatian spots, Hyena Spots, Cow spots, Cheetah spots, and etc...

Stripes: Tiger stripes, Bongo Stripes, Zebra Stripes, Okapi Stripes, Raccoon stripes, Skunk stripes, Lotus stripes (Head Lotus or Body Lotus), and etc....

Blotch: Fox blotch, wolf Blotch, German Shepard Blotch, African wild dog Blotch, and etc.





For colors people should be able to pick what ever color they want. Coloring your kubrow should be the same as coloring your warframe.


Now I can understand, it the DE do want unrealistic looking kubrow (kubrow with green and pink colors).

So the DE should make a brand new color palette exclusivly for the kubrow.


Ex. Classic Kubrow Color palette, Saturated Classic Kubrow Color palette, Orokin Kubrow Color pallete, and so forth.


Classic Kubrow Color palette come with a unlocked middle region.


Tell me what you think.


I can understand if you think we should be able to use our old color palettes, so maybe the DE should limit the colors that can be applied, or filter the colors to make them more realistic when applied to the kubrow.

Edited by OrphanMaker
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