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Kubrow Loyalty And Why Can't I Pet My Sentinel?


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 So, like a number of other players, once the U14 hit the deck and after a few hours I was already awaiting my for my very first Kubrow. Getting a pack on the market and rushing the hatching process I finally got my first Kubrow! And after approximately two days she was combat ready.


 I ran a few missions and found that my Raksa Kubrow which I named Saya, was squishy as hell, despite the fact she was meant to be a guardian type. I found it strange as my Wyrm and Dethcube sentinels at low levels didn't die as much as she did. So I thought, give it some time, get some mods. And after having luck to only find a Shield-Link mod, she became just slightly less squishy, but still managed to die a few times.


 As everyone know, each time the Kubrow die on a mission, their loyalty goes down, the Kubrow likes you less and they perform worse on missions. You can bring them back up to speed by interacting with them and get their HP boost up again using an item from the market.


 So this is the point where I ask, the hell? I understand that Kubrows are meant to be Tenno pets and the devs want us more emotionally attached to the game, but who came up with the idea of maintaining your Kubrow like this? Sentinels require no maintenance, their loyalty doesn't grow down and you don't need them or rare mods with low drop rate to actually make them efficient in combat.


 As much as I love the addition of pets to build up lore and allow players more customization to their loadouts so on and so forth, maintaining your Kubrows loyalty with being allowed to pet them three times to bring their attack boost again.


 So why not let us build up their loyalty again not only by interacting with them, but also finishing successful missions where they survive to the end? Wouldn't you like your Kubrow to become more loyal to you each time you return to the ship after a mission together? Rather than pet them thrice and wait till you can do it again and hope they don't die again so their loyalty doesn't drop again and formce you to unequip them from your loadout in order to get them back to 100%? I know the game is still in "beta" stage and so is the update, but I hope the Kubrow system gets updated and fixed, because at the moment, I take my Kubrow no place else but Earth and lower missions since I can't find any mods to beef her up and I don't want her to die constantly and loose her loyalty and attack boost because her bleedout time was 2 seconds...


 Anyone else feels the same? 

Edited by IEpicWolfI
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Because your Kubrow can love you


Your sentinel will never love you.




Plus, just find a Loyalty mod in Earth and rank it up a couple times, she won't bleed out as quickly. These dogs are very tough animals once you get the right mods, like the Raksa which can have up to like 1300+ HP and close to Valkyr's armor value if modded right.


Although, I will agree with the loyalty going up after surviving missions together, and would also love a small blue dot on the map to keep track of them.

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Yea if they wanted you to have to maintain your pet they should just have it to where you have to feed it. Its annoying only being able to bring loyality back 3 times per 24 hour period. So we grind the S#&$ ouuta trying to find an egg (if you dont buy one off market), wait for the thing to mature, then it dies in mission and you have to wait to use it again. WTF. Grind then roadblock at its finest. I have tried and tried to give the kubrow a chance (currently its lvl 16) but I am finding it annoying that it dies constantly and the maint. on it is absurd. Its much easier to equip my carrier and continue to play the GAME ...not job but a GAME to relax. If you cant tell im kinda pissed off by update 14 :/

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I hope the devs are listening to all Kubrow feedback, I'm really not enjoying it at the moment and I have two that I 'd love to bring with me, but not only it takes 3 hours for them to be ready from stasis, but then the loyalty crap and rarity of mods and how you go about actually getting a doge :/

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My problem is that the petting doesn't work somehow. I tried via "Interact with..." it starts some animation, then breaks off and I still have my 3 Interactions. I tried hitting the E button next to my Kubrow with the same result. It stayed at its current loyalty (at which it does +40% damage).

Is this normal? Can I only increase loyalty when it is below 50%? Sorry if this was dealt with elsewhere, I just wondered.

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