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[Question] is there a way to fix the ancient disruptors ability?


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Okay, so this may seem like a "troll" thing but i actually am very serious

this mob has an ability that is supposed to be a disorentating flash, but instead of a solid white or grey/black, it spontatniously hightens the red/green contrast on the screen, - this is very very very bad.

my case, for example - i have photosensitive epilepsy, it's not severe enough to require me refrain from computer use, but there are certain things that should just not be in games, at least with out an option to turn them off or a warning - this is one of them

a solid white wouldent be an issue, but the sudden swap in complete contrast doesn't just disorentate me, it throws me off so much that i need to quickly avert my gaze and get off my computer, because of this reason i can NOT play infested levels, at all, one third of the game's content is unavalable to me... please give us an option to dull/change this effect, if not entirely remove it.

is there any way to disable it?


Either remove that effect or dull it down. PLEASE

Edited by RawrKitty
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turn the screen black or white the same goal is achieved, i don't get why you'd post such a $&*&*#(%& response

you get the intended effect with out the contrast red causing massive issues?

Edited by RawrKitty
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no way to i guess? tried playing with my contrast but it seems to have no effect, but i did notice a preculiar effect, the issue is only present when the disruptors activate that ability in already very bright red areas otherwise its not that problematic :l

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It's a shame this is an issue for you. I think the effect looks great and would be diminished if it was black or white, which I realize might be selfish. It's not unheard of for developers to release fixes for problems such as yours, though I hope they just make it an option instead of the default.

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That's what im saying, i don't want them to change it for everyone, just give it as an option, or at least put a damn warning on it, i've yet to encounter this kind of problem in any game in years, and its nothing more in this game than that ONE mob's ability.

with the exception of this one issue, the visuals of this game are phenomenal

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Yay, glad to know that DE responds to support tickets well, they patched this this morning :3

Yeah, i made a ticket last night and got a response almost immedatiely, i'm very glad to see this changed, thank you DE

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