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Mod Variety


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I just posted a thread about organizing mods and I touched on how I would like to see more variety in restricted mods.

"While we're on the subject of mods I wanted to bring up the specific mods and how much they dissapoint me. When I see "Loki Mod" I get excited. A mod for a specific item should be unique in what it does, not just a limitation on what can equip it. Perhaps a burston mod should add one more bullet to its 3 round burst. A loki mod could extend the duration of cloak or add health to the decoy."

Right now the only purpose finding a "Snipetron" mod serves is you being unlucky enough to find a mod that is restricted to one type of gun. While the current mods are great and I have no real problem with them, theres simply no point in adding mods that only work for one weapon.

I figure these weapon specific mods should be much rarer than they are now, but add special effects as described above. Snipetron mods could have effects like a thermal sensor that can see enemies through x meters of terrain when scoped in, and a higher penetrate ability.

Gorgon could be ricocheting bullets because why not. it would be hilarious to watch.

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Agreed. Getting "named" mods usually means disappointment either way - it is either a generic mod not fitting other stuff or it's something that is ranked 1, 2 or 3 that I can pretty much throw away as trash. If named mods would do specific stuff for they parents, they would be tons cooler.

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I got a better one

Exalibur mod(Blue): 30% Armor

Warframe mod (Blue): 70% Shield/80% Health

I mean... Really? I'm not saying that I'm not happy with the mods, I'm just poiting that there is no difference between warframe mods and Unique mods to warframes except the limitation of which warframe can use it (Like was already sayed on this thread, just bumping up, because this is really something that could be worked on)

The mods should be something that makes your warframe UNIQUE! Not just another mod that you can put it and will only bump some shield points or amor points... I mean, I got a Blue warframe mod that gives me 32% armor/33% Melee damage and is not even excalibur mod is a normal "Warframe mod"... If they re-roll that idea of changing mods that would be an awesome boost for the game variety!

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Funny you should mention that...

From the Mods & Artifacts sticky;

Frame and weapon specific mods are planned, yep! I am surprised how fast the Artifact info got out, nice!


By planned I mean-not just a type restriction on the mod, but a non generic benefit. Eg Rhino charge goes twice as far. Etc.

Edited by Arcalane
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