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Join Hivemind, Be One With The Mainframe!


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Could you invite me?

Hey Redshift,


I have tried inviting you but unfortunately it says you are in a clan. let me know when you leave(or decline any other pending clan invites) so i can invite you.






im interested in joining. IGN makawan

invite sent



I'm interested in joining, IGN Tevrol. Thanks!

invite sent


can i join ?

invite sent


i would love to join, IGN supernerd1212, always more fun to have a core group instead of running alone

invite sent

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Hello, new player here. Just starting to get a bit more into warframe and figured joining a clan would be cool. The Hivemind sounds badass and caught my attention so here I am. Looking to do some missions get some new gear going and all that good stuff. Hit me up.

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I would like to join IGN: P00pnose13, my last clan was not so active so I would like to see a more active clan this time around.



Hello, new player here. Just starting to get a bit more into warframe and figured joining a clan would be cool. The Hivemind sounds badass and caught my attention so here I am. Looking to do some missions get some new gear going and all that good stuff. Hit me up.

Invites sent! Welcome to the Hive

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I just logged in and i realized i'm not a part of Hivemind anymore! xD
I got kicked out? I wanna know the reason.

I did nothing wrong, i just wanna know if i should find another clan ( i don't really wanna do that but.. )



Edited by Psychzor
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I just logged in and i realized i'm not a part of Hivemind anymore! xD

I got kicked out? I wanna know the reason.

I did nothing wrong, i just wanna know if i should find another clan ( i don't really wanna do that but.. )

Wait....what?! This may be an issue with how the servers were acting earlier. You sure there was nothing that happened? I didn't hear anything on Razer comms about kicking anyone today. And I thought I saw you on earlier too? If you're 100% positive that there was nothing that happened (Cuz none of us would kick without at least a warning) I'll reinvite you.

Edit1:Ok so it say's you're still apart of Hivemind via Contacts list but in the chat list you are not. I'm going to report this and see if this can be sorted out. I think it's a server side issue but please just hang tight.

Edit2: Ok Psychzor it's not just you https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/60794-clan-bugged-no-clan-chat-or-allegiance/

Edited by Mogar
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I just logged in aswell, and I can see that I'm no longer part of the clan either.. I don't believe that I have done anything wrong, so I'd like to know the reason why I am no longer in the Clan (hope that it is only a glitch)

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I just logged in aswell, and I can see that I'm no longer part of the clan either.. I don't believe that I have done anything wrong, so I'd like to know the reason why I am no longer in the Clan (hope that it is only a glitch)

Please refer to my post above. This is a bug happening to other clans as well. There has not been any talk at all of anyone being kicked so please don't be alarmed. Also please know that we will tell you before hand if you are doing something that can cause a kick but know that we WILL AT LEAST GIVE WARNINGS. There should never be a kick with absolutely no reason so don't fret!

Edit: ATTN: THE ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED. The underlying problem seems to have been something with MOTD not working well with offending characters: In this case being double quotes. A hotfix will come out some time soon. Thank you to DEGlen for taking the time to find this one out. You may now go about your business, Tenno.

Edited by Mogar
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