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The Main Reason I Won't Play Warframe Long-Term


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Game is rediculiously easy


People are beating it way to quickly and have no reason to farm (IE farming = making the game even easier)

Sure you can go for a high wave on Defense, but it's all exploit farming with OP skills and my interest drops to zero


I ended Pluto with mostly level 2 and 3 mods and it was a flat out steam roll through Pluto too


What happened to the hard stuff at the start?

Jackal offered fresh new content like ammo starvation, counterable CC, 1 hit kills, it's own arena, respawning mineons, and a damage cap


Bosses after him would get stuck during an animation, glitch on terrain, or would just miss 100% with their attacks


I actually stopped recommending this game to friends after the first group quit in less than a week and rightly so

If you managed your credits right there isn't anything new to see after the first 3 planets


You could already have the best 2-3 weapons and nothing gets harder than Jackal


Congrats. . . You Won Warframe!

Edited by MaximumSquid
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For me I think the main reason I won't be staying long-term if the pricing strategy stays in its current state is that you can't buy weapon slots or warframe slots with credits. Once you max out 4 characters assuming you spent your free plat on 2 warframe slots, there's a lot less incentive to stay if you have to delete your characters that have personal signficance to you. It's like diablo 2, where players like to keep all their characters that they built from the ground up (or any mmo or game where you can collect characters). You have to assume that everyone is a potential customer, and the way you do that is to get them addicted and attached to as many characters in the game as possible to the point where they feel like spending plat outweighs their time investment into the game.

To give an example, I bought every single champion in League of Legends with IP, and with that much time investment

I'm more willing to spend money on skins because certain champions (a growing # btw, due to constant addition of new champions) have personal significance to me. I've spent money on plenty of skins, and hell if Riot really wanted to make more money they could also let people buy different skill particles with IP or RP and I'd actually spend money on that too.

The lack of long-term personal attachment to characters in warframe due to restricting warframe/weapon slots could be one of its biggest future problems because the playerbase will shrink fast if potential plat spenders (which should be assumed to be EVERYONE) don't have enough incentive to stay to provide entertainment for the ones who already spent plat. Maintaining a large addicted playerbase is crucial to a f2p game like Warframe staying alive through microtransactions.

my 2 cents.



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lol because it's unreasonable for someone to pay like 10 bucks to unlock another 8 slots? Come on man.

The psychology of it makes all the difference, and people who are able to capitalize off knowledge of their customer's thought process are the ones who are the most successful in this business.

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This game is what you make it. If you are a boring person, and play in a boring way (no flips, no dives, no slides) the game is going to be boring.


I'm actually having the opposite problem. I WANT a goal to grind towards. I WANT the challenge of fighting infested with nothing but an MK1 and lato.


Why? Because it feels that much sweeter when you unlock your next gun, and start leveling it up.

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There's some truth to the slots. . .


I think far more people will quit when there's nothing worth while to do, but a few will stay on to grind


People limited to 2-4 warframes are going to be out of grind very quickly


I personally have sold. . . wow. . . you really want to see this BS?






Lato <--- well used to craft bolto. . .still gone

Plasma Sword





Heat Sword



and will be selling Snipetron, Furis, Pangolin very shortly all in some silly and weak attempt to get to rank 6


If I was smart I would of quit like the rest of my friends after beating the last planet


Grinding bad weapons to 30 and then selling them because I can't get slots is miserable. . .

Unbelievably Miserable


Due to the additional blueprint grind involved in Frames I will not be selling any of these

When my last frame hits 30 that will be the end of the road for me

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I've been in lots of betas (closed, open, etc).  As soon as they go public, they are basically set in stone.  Sadly, i've rarely seen a soft-launch beta change anything drastically


I've been in LOTS of beta's too and conversely have seen changes between then and live. but i will grant it's not usually significant most the time. However warframe devs are the most productive devs i've yet seen, who are more than ready to listen to the forums, and this is also a kickstart project, not a formal MMO developement.


as for having to pay to play? i call BS. until last week i hadn't spent a cent on this game and i've was in closed beta (i bought founders to support the game, i may end up a lifer at this rate.)  I have all planets unlocked and the only issue i EVER had was finding a group to unlock more locations, because i generally don't prefer play solo in warframe, so much more fun with others.


the only things that you HAVE to spend money on are extra weapon/frame slots and MAYBE orokin catalysts/reactors if you're not lucky.  Like me, i've only got 1 reactor and 1 catalyst EVER from in game. no i'm not bitter :D


oh and more colors for your frame if you like to decorate like my wife. everything else can be gained by grinding and credits.

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I've been in lots of betas (closed, open, etc).  As soon as they go public, they are basically set in stone.  Sadly, i've rarely seen a soft-launch beta change anything drastically


Well you're new here so I'm gonna be nice and inform you of some things.


After enduring the Firefall beta (long story short, Firefall sucks), I too was skeptical of DE's ability to continue patching the game after open beta and was skeptical of DE in general when I first started playing. Don't get me wrong, this game is all about farming stuff, so if you don't like farming/grinding stuff this probably isn't the game for you. DE Though, patches very regularly and they actually listen to their fans and fix issues as quickly as possible. Since Open Beta for example there have been not one, but 10 patches to try fix everything they could and it hasn't even been a month. All the while most patches actually added even more content to the game on top of fixing issues.


The fact that it's entirely possible to access all content in this game (besides limited edition weapons and Founder's pack goodies) without paying a cent also makes this game not entirely pay to win. Right now it's "Pay to help DE out and get some goodies quicker" 


As far as difficulty. I believe DE is planning on adding a difficulty slider. So you can adjust how hard you want each mission to be, while hopefully getting better rewards for doing it on a harder difficulty.



Edited by Nokturnal
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i never understand what people are coming from here. this game is easy if u want it to be easy but difficult if you want it to be difficult.

i am sure here is not one person that can say he either solo or co-op did the game without dying once...

obviously farming can get easy if you start doing it in lower lvls or get used to the boss and lvl etc but lets be honest here not everyone is a pro gamer but everyone in here seems to be acting like one...

i would say about myself i am a decent player in most games and i did purchase the founders pack here and had platinum and also used it which for sure made things easier but if you dont keep your first weapons and warframe and spend all your credits on moding but change weapons and warframes from time to time you are able to challenge yourself cause once you have access to all of the solar system and you go with a new warframe and weapons to higher lvls you realize this is not easy


so what i think is this is up to everyone on how to play this game and how difficult you want to make it for yourself


also your type of playstyle plays a big role


we all know you are able to rush all missions quite easy but if you start actually experiencing the levels and killing all mobs you will find yourself in positions that are not so easy to get out of


making friends and playimg in the same lvl helps as well if you dont want "better" equiped people in your team



think about it!

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