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Desecrate Nekros Build - How To Survive In A Long Survival?



So I plan on using these mods to maximize Desecrate:


- Desecrate

- Overextended

- Stretch

- Streamline

- Fleeting Expertise

- Equilibrium


Which leaves me four mod slots to work with. Now ideally, I want to use both Natural Talent and Flow, leaving only two mod slots. I was thinking about going Vitality and Quick Thinking, although I'm wondering if that alone would keep me alive in a late-game survival. I guess I could ditch Flow to get Rage, but then that doesn't leave much energy to work with. I could also ditch Natural Talent to get Rage, but then my Desecrate spam will take twice as long and be less effective overall.


The thing is, I want to survive in long T4 Survival runs, or in G3/Stalker/Harvester farming runs. I know Rage and Quick Thinking used to be really OP, but then they were nerfed somehow. I'm wonder if it's still a viable combo with so many desecrated health orbs and Equilibrium. Very confused on what the best way to keep Nekros alive is.



Edited by (PS4)icysuspect
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4 forma nek here and I rarely use half the mods you are considering.

Get rid of overextended, equilibrium and dont use natural talent either.

My T4 Survival layout






Fleeting half maxed


Redirection or Rage

40 min T4s.....np.

can you read the title

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Desecrate *needs* NT, +75% efficiency, and at least +45% Range. You can get by with a single range mod, although +90% is probably a better minimum for pugs, and +135% would be best.


That leaves you with 6 slots for EHP mods. Go nuts. Most of my frames get 3, maybe 4 to play with. 


I'd recommend giving Reflex Guard a try too. It's not for everyone (won't work when casting, might interrupt shooting) but can be really awesome when moving from cover to cover.


Also, in a way, adding back in Stretch will help with survivability as you can stay in cover longer as teammates move on, and sprint forward to new cover less often. I wouldn't use Equil or even Rage, energy generation through pickups is often enough (remember 50% more loot = 50% more energy orbs too). You could also ditch OE and use only Stretch if you intend to use Terrify, which is okay CC in an emergency but I hate the random target selection :S.


My 'tanky' setup is (Carrier with Guardian) Desecrate, +75% Eff, +135% range, NT, Redirection, Vitality, Reflex Guard (only needs R6-8), and Soul Punch (I love having the knockdown CC). The other setup that works well is swapping OE for Intensify and SP for Terrify, but range is pretty crappy so the groups gotta stick together.


Edit: I deal with having less energy generation by not spamming Dc on a single corpse :P. I can see swapping out shields/RG for Flow+QT and healing back up with a Life Strike melee, but it feels a lot more squishy to me, I prefer to shield tank with RG and Guardian. If you're ONLY role is Desecrate, you might as well go melee only with no Shields, drop in Rage, RG, and Life Strike. Can basically toggle energy generation by facing away from enemies, turn off incoming damage by facing them :P. Playing around with health tanking is a lot safer with the ability to block on command and having LS at the ready.

Edited by Darzk
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Yeah I'm actually running a QT/Flow/Equilibrium build on my Nekros right now. Rage feels unecessary, though I'll put it back on and see if it makes life any easier. If you play carefully, it's pretty sustainable and can save you in tight pinches. The only issue is when you run out of mountains of health orbs (i.e., just entered a new room and nobody's killed anything yet). In this case, it's best to have some Health Restores at the ready.

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And he's not that necessary, as i went 65 mins without him just the other day.


I spend 60 - 80% of my time in endless missions just desecrating, not fighting. Pick the biggest or toughest killing machine in the squad to follow around and no matter which weapons you bring to the table, your firepower won't be necessary. Just desecrate.


The mythical necessity of a Nekros in survivals can be argued with players like this in your squad. Very rare though. Like a Unicorn in pink shorts.

Edited by (PS4)PoeticProdigal
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