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Would You Recommend Lex Over Akbloto?



My basic assumption is that whatever costs more is more powerful xD


Ive been told Akbolto costs  a whopping 105,000 credit (while Lex is 35,000).


I currently have a Lex maxed out, and I am considering building the Akbolto, could you let me know your bias :)



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7 answers to this question

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id say its preference, and suitability.

no point in taking akbaltos if youve got a boltor for instance.
i try and have one wep per frame per fore, so one for fast hitting infested, one for APing grineer and one for stun shocking Corpus.

as for pure damage, if you can pump enough rounds into a grineer at range, the Akbalto is your best friend, if its close range (infested) then its a sack of something rather unpleasent.

i was building akbaltos but opted for aklatos instead, and just punch grineer instead :)

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Akbolto is very strong, but it is definitely a difference in playstyle to the Lex. If you ignore Primaries/Melees for a second, the comparison is basically with Lex a more methodical aim and headshot sort of gameplay. While Akbolto in my opinion is more run & gun. Both are high damaging, Lex is very accurate though and Akbolto needs a sort of lead on aim because of the bolt ammo-type.

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Way smaller ammo supply, tiny clip, horribly slow reload, pistol mods are still better than rifle mods. I'll stick with the Lex.


Do the match first with the new buffs to AP mods, Freeze dmg and etc rifles FINALLY can be a primary weapon.

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Lex is my fav, takes out so many enemies from many ranges.


Depends on your primary. Mine is a shotgun and sometimes I pull out the braton vandal. I need the extra range and accuracy when I use my shotty.


Akbolto would be better if you were using say the paris or snipertron.

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