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Credit Farming In Warframe


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Hi everyone, I am doing this post to ask for feedback about the credit rewards in the game so I am gonna put my points and look what you can tell about the issue or give answers to justify the actual state of the credit thing if you wish. Of course this has to be polite and respectuous so we can focus in the topic and be all the accurate we can. Let´s start:


-Farming credits it´s starting to be a issue even for advanced players, why?

 -The costs of Kubrow breeding and maintenance( this last one has improved in the last hotfix and I am happy with it).

 -The cost of transmutation and the actual state of transmutation where the rare mods aren´t guaranteed anymore.

 -The costs of forma, this one it´s because the improvement in difficulty in the game and the introduction of the Tower 4 missions made lots of players involve more on their gear than before.

 -The reduction of credit rewards in invassion from 50.000 to 35.000. I am not saying to raise all the rewards to 50.000 but make the lower level invassions have less credit reward and the longer and harder ones in Ceres and such have 50.000, specially when you have bigger possibilities of being hunted by the Grustrag.

 -Sechura reward lowered from 22.000 to 14.000, I can understand this because it made Sechura a Joke of 5 waves and that´s not the goal of dark sectors but sometimes we were forced to play it because we didn´t have much alternatives for credit farming.

 -The credit rewards in conflicts aren´t totally fair for players because you can enter the conflict and don´t earn rewards because when you ended the reserve it´s over. I don´t like this because, yes I have lots of fun in conflicts but I don´t get anything to help in my progression like in any other type of mission so I think the game has to give a credit reward when the two reservs are done so we can find more rewarding to play the Dark Sector Conflicts, wich I will keep playng because they are awesome =).

 -Making Orokin Derelict Defense at least is more expensive than the credits you earn from the mission ending in ''negative numbers'', I don´t find an expression but lets say you pay 5.000 and ressources for example and you get 4.000 or something like that, I don´t remember it exactly but I think you can get what I am saying.


Maybe the solutiuon is doing void keys 24/7 but I liked more when there where alternatives like the invasions to get credits so you don´t get bored, as a experienced player with hundreds of hours I don´t like repeating the same thing over and over to farm credits, having more options is better and the rewards have to fit more the costs of playing the game but this is my analysis and feelings of the issue and it hasn´t to be taken as the truth without previous reading and critical thinking of the post. Let me know about your thouhts below and any answer from DE will be welcome too of course


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I have had no issues with credits at all. Before DS I was poor and lucky to have 200k. Now I'm guaranteed 20k cred mission rewards with no keys and the occasional 200-800k battlepay that I can run a few times. I sit on a constant 1.5 mil, and I think Kubrows will do little to hurt my influx.


Credit obtainment has been buffed drastically, but so have upkeep costs. I think we are finding a good mixture so far, however I will have to agree with you on the invasion point. They are simply not rewarding enough. I propose invasions take the base battlepay from Dark Sectors for that tier node and offer roughly 3-5x that amount of credits. So if the base amount of credits for that tier node is 20k, it'd then be 60k-100k. This gives more options while not outclassing the other. It'd also help to improve reducing never-ending invasions.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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My gripe, specifically with invasions, is that the rewards are not at all equivalent. 3 fieldrons are worth 45k for their blueprints alone. 25k is a joke, and one orokin cell for 5 missions? rofl.

That´s another point, why only ONE orokin cell, in the time invested in 5 invasions I can get way more cells from Sargas Ruk or even doing dark sector defense in Saturn and it doesn´t seem fair for the players to invest all that time for just one orokin cell, specially when it´s required for the important things to craft and the prime weapons need 10.

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I rarely have credit problems. I currently sit at 500k credits because I've been buying some team restore pack blueprints, and soon a cipher x10 blueprint.


Newer players may have a bit of trouble however, and I think there could be some credit tweaks so that new players will have a more smooth experience. For high levels, I'm sure it's fine. If you go and max a Serration or something, of course you'll be put at an uncomfortable level of credits, and you have to expect for that to happen and not complain. You know, I'd rather not have it to where the game has NO WAY to run out of credits.



My gripe, specifically with invasions, is that the rewards are not at all equivalent. 3 fieldrons are worth 45k for their blueprints alone. 25k is a joke, and one orokin cell for 5 missions? rofl.



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I rarely have credit problems. I currently sit at 500k credits because I've been buying some team restore pack blueprints, and soon a cipher x10 blueprint.


Newer players may have a bit of trouble however, and I think there could be some credit tweaks so that new players will have a more smooth experience. For high levels, I'm sure it's fine. If you go and max a Serration or something, of course you'll be put at an uncomfortable level of credits, and you have to expect for that to happen and not complain. You know, I'd rather not have it to where the game has NO WAY to run out of credits.

 I agree with you on that, I only ask why the rewards aren´t totally online with the level of the missions or the time invested. Specially about invasions and Dark Sector conflicts were only a few players can get the big rewards and the rest of thousands don´t get anything, don´t get me wrong Darks Secotr Conflicts are awesome but give us at least 20.000 or something like that when the two reserves are over.

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It wouldn't be so bad if regular missions had decent credit gains.

Defense and survival give you a TON of resources, why must they also give over 2x the regular credits at the end?

IMO make regular missions, those missions nobody like to do against the forgotten factions nobody cares about anymore (Grineer and Corpus) give 30k credits each, see if we can breathe some life into the dead sectors of the solar system AKA 99% of the whole thing.

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 hola La Verdad es Que Yo ni me quejo PORQUE COMO sabia de los Cambios a prepararme aunque si Estoy conciente de Lo Que Dicen y les Apoyo en Cuanto Tuve informasion estafa Semanas de anticipasion de los Cambios me PUSE un ir un Sechura como loca digo loco y me PUSE un farmear del tanto asi Que CUANDO Llego el Momento de los Gastos estába muy Preparado del tanto asi Que No Baje de los 2 Millones de creditos y aumentando Ahora Pues bien no es QUE SEA


pro pero bueno Mas de Uno de Los JUGADORES Viejos Por Ahí Esteban practicamente Llorando porciones creditos No Es de Que Lastima produscan en Pero Sí se hubieran Informado Como Yo Pues no estarian baño ESTAS o Simplemente hubieren Tomado La decisión que De Simplemente no hay PARTICIPAR EN ESA kubromania hubieran Hecho saldos y TODO párrafo era Cual DETERMINAR La Mejor opcion o silo consiguieron lo estafa Pues platino Mejor que podrian una versión hecjo es


PONER un dormir un el perro que mas podra servicio sin cachorro muy tierno Pero el Bolsillo Tiene Prioridad y Pues pudieron Simplemente ignorar Tener Que granjear creditos y dejarse de tanta problematica yo sí que mas de uno del dira Pero chamo ESE No Es el Caso la cuestion es Que malograron la Cosa y es a instancia de parte es Verdad Pero si Miran los demas Temas de foro Sobre Todo en el Estadounidense practicamente VEMOS Que la Gente sí quejaba De que el


era game Demasiado facil y estába aburriendo y señores Con La mayoria de JUGADORES quejandose en el chat de la región aqui Pues la terminaron de empeorar Por Eso hicieron ESO INCLUSO les doy ejemplos'' y cito ONU Caso Que me entero porción Otro Jugador De que en el chatear Estadounidense MUCHOS JUGADORES SE quejaban de la de habilidad de nova de Que podia es sin desatar la radio Amplio do Poder Que Hace estallar TODO no me acuerdo como se llama


el Caso es Que los JUGADORES de porción aya sí quejaban de ESE Poder y Pues Ahora nos encontramos estafa novas Menos Poderosas Que los antes yo podia me acuerdo Que nova en el sector oscuro no me acuerdo del Nombre perdon Por Eso voy solo un Decir ALGUNAS referencias en Donde UNO debe defensor de un Una capsula En Una habitasion muy grande en el Donde Hay Un danado ascensor y UNOS Contenedores en where UNO sí podia Montar y TODO lo


demas Pero el Caso es Que en la ESA Amplia habitacion nova los antes podia estafa ESE Poder Alcanzar a Todos Los Enemigos Dentro de la ESA habitacion ahora si Alcanza sin Tercio de La Misma es del mucho'' ven señores Que USTEDES propiciaron ESTO yo los antes me quedaba callado viendo COMO Que algunos en Medio de bromas invitando en la región diciendo'' susuren Quien va una tal instancia de parte'' sí andaban quejando de lo monotono Que era el game y Pues ahi Tiene las


Consecuencias y Encima he estadounidenses Pues quejandose de Que Daban MUCHOS creditos Y Que sobraban las options párr obtenerlos facilmente el mar Que Estadounidense lo siento no es mi intención ofenderlo porción nada ni el Estilo Pero Ellos la TIENEN PORQUE facil aya La Central de la compañia la TIENEN aya de Que No Tiene HACER tramites Complejos párr comprar el los de platino y practicamnete ademas aya les Salen Regalados ESTAMOS los de platino


Hablando de estados unidos no de Colombia o Ecuador u Otro país latino-americano Que un CUALQUIERA sí le dificultaria HACER tramites párr switch to Moneda locales porción dolares y despues HACER mas tramites párr adquirir platino ven asi Que Pues porción Lo Que Dijeron Other señores Ahora Nosotros aqui ESTAMOS lamentando ESO Ahora Falta Que nerfean una los kubrows y Sus HABILIDADES please no lo exijan Por lo que mas Quieran bueno pecado me mas navidad





post data : me disculpo por hablar aqui pero habia un enlace en el foro en español que conducia hacia aca y pues me disculpo por eso ok 

Edited by gustavocontreraz
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