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Why Major Changes To Enemies And Parkour Could Make This A Top-Tier Game


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I started playing this game back in February with a few friends. Initially, we had a lot of fun with it. When we first discovered the infested with our low-level gear we had a lot of fun trying to find perches to attack them from without getting slaughtered. The first time I got hooked by a scorpion and hit by a shield lancer we took it as a good sign, thinking the enemies would display more and more invulnerabilities as we progressed. But the only thing that kept increasing was damage scaling. Eventually my friends gave up on the game because they were bored of the cycle of modding to defeat stronger enemies, who then get stronger, meaning they had to mod up more. Now I'm the only one who plays, and I agree with them about the enemies.


I went on the forums for the first time two days ago, and found this:




Notionphil's post on enemies seemed to show me immediately the right direction (I'm not going to explain it since the link is there and most of you have probably seen it already anyway). Some changes in the game seem to follow this philosophy, but not correctly (Prosecutors) because they simply limited the kinds of builds and mods used, not the way of defeating the enemy. I still just shoot prosecutors or stab them repeatedly.


Another post I found that seemed to be asking for a major step in the right direction was Aure7's post about Parkour:


as well as his post about animations, which he links to. Parkour right now seems to rarely be rewarding, besides sliding and coptering, the latter of which shouldn't be in the game at all. But what parkour could be is a way to approach newer enemies. Imagine if at level 15 or 20 the Corpus started adding wall-MOA's, who you'd need to parkour towards to melee? And at level 25 they started adding riot shields to some, so you couldn't just shoot them from the ground? And if Grineer had tall melee units that wouldn't be attack-able from the front, so you'd need to vertical wall run over them to kill them from behind? Maybe those specific ideas have flaws you guys will point out, but the point is that much of the monotony of the enemies would be removed as parkour becomes necessary to kill them, offering one new way to create "Better dumb enemies" as Notionphil calls it. This would be better than the Eximus system, because barring the cold eximus, most players still attack them the exact same way. The enemies should reward players for using their parkour skills more than it does for ranking Serration higher and higher.


The point is, if the game had better enemies and better parkour, people would be encouraged to keep playing to master all of the parkour tricks and expanded parkour abilities. Getting more powerful weapons would be a bonus, not a necessity. And on the subject of weapons, these things should take precedent over introducing more and more weapons that don't change the flaws of the game in the first place.

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