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Initial Invulnerability For The Stalker


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I'm sure you've all seen it.

The flashing lights....the quiet whispers...someone mentions his name.

Everyone stops and does an ammo check, using abilities and buffs to be ready for his arrival.

The silence....he appears....aaannnnddd is shot dead before he can even stand up.


Bit anti-climactic huh?


Thus, a proposition. Give him invulnerability when he spawns.
Or simply make him spawn with "Absorb" already on. It's such a shame that such an awesome character is treated like the gift giver. Like Santa Claus. Only appearing for people to cheaply kill before he's even ready. It'd encourage more of a "fair" fight against the Stalker. I mean even the crazed G3 have a flashbang entry. 


Hell they could even give him his own unique absorb animation instead of a bubble to make it even cooler.

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I wouldn't mind if it were possible for me to kill him after he stands up. Getting one-shot consistently means that I have no qualms about shooting him dead before he gets up.


the problem is though if you don't kill him before he stands up he can nearly one shot you especially if your playing a frame like loki


My Rhino gets one-shot by his Slash Dash (which he teleported to me midair to execute) or his Dread if it procs bleed.


It's not just a problem for fragile frames.



So now this brings us to my second point of making this thread. You see I knew responses like this would be incoming. And all it's done is show us that Stalker needs adjusting.His combat mechanics are rather unfair. I'm sure everyone here can agree there's a difference between difficult, and cheap. People asked for buffs over and over for the Stalker cause they were able to kill him so easily.....but of COURSE it's going to be easy if you're killing him before he even gets up!


Thus my second proposition (Still believe initial invulnerability should be a thing).

Low shields

High armor

Moderate health

And much lower attack power


Reasoning why?


Stalker is an aimbot. He hardly ever misses, and he can in essence, "lock on" to us strafe around and nail us with his insanely strong weapons. With low shields we'd be able to give him a slight chance to protect himself if we don't stay on the offensive. With the higher armor and moderate health we could have more of a chance to fight him fairly and actually see him for more than a mere few seconds. But of course, this is only possible if his attack power is lowered. Can't very well fight him if he one shots most frames.


He can already TP to us, can cancel out or buffs and powers, and reacts quite quickly with his slash dashes and instant weapon switches. He needs to be looked at if we're to have any sort of hope of fighting him fairly.


Give both the Stalker and Us a chance.

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So now this brings us to my second point of making this thread. You see I knew responses like this would be incoming. And all it's done is show us that Stalker needs adjusting.His combat mechanics are rather unfair. I'm sure everyone here can agree there's a difference between difficult, and cheap. People asked for buffs over and over for the Stalker cause they were able to kill him so easily.....but of COURSE it's going to be easy if you're killing him before he even gets up!


Thus my second proposition (Still believe initial invulnerability should be a thing).

Low shields

High armor

Moderate health

And much lower attack power


Reasoning why?


Stalker is an aimbot. He hardly ever misses, and he can in essence, "lock on" to us strafe around and nail us with his insanely strong weapons. With low shields we'd be able to give him a slight chance to protect himself if we don't stay on the offensive. With the higher armor and moderate health we could have more of a chance to fight him fairly and actually see him for more than a mere few seconds. But of course, this is only possible if his attack power is lowered. Can't very well fight him if he one shots most frames.


He can already TP to us, can cancel out or buffs and powers, and reacts quite quickly with his slash dashes and instant weapon switches. He needs to be looked at if we're to have any sort of hope of fighting him fairly.


Give both the Stalker and Us a chance.

Agreed. Since i'm playing Loki on a high-utility build (so no health and shield mods) is is almost impossible for me to kill the Stalker. The only chance i have is when i roll at the moment hes about to shoot me with his Dread (if he goes for me with his kunais i'm instakill'd) and he misses me. He was completely alright in U10 when he was actually balanced but now hes almost impossible to beat.

Edited by FxG_ReAp0r
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Agreed. Since i'm playing Loki on a high-utility build (so no health and shield mods) is is almost impossible for me to kill the Stalker. The only chance i have is when i roll at the moment hes about to shoot me with his Dread (if he goes for me with his kunais i'm instakill'd) and he misses me. He was completely alright in U10 when he was actually balanced but now hes almost impossible to beat.


This is because so many people cried he was too easy without providing constructive feedback on how to better approach the situation.

DE simply buffed him, scaled him better and shoved him back out the door in hopes of satisfying the player base.


With him not being common...it's taken time for people to get a feel for how he behaves and fights. Hopefully DE will come to their senses and give him another look-over.

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This is because so many people cried he was too easy without providing constructive feedback on how to better approach the situation.

DE simply buffed him, scaled him better and shoved him back out the door in hopes of satisfying the player base.


With him not being common...it's taken time for people to get a feel for how he behaves and fights. Hopefully DE will come to their senses and give him another look-over.


Hmmm regular Stalker fight:


-Ports to you

-Slash Dash

     -if you're not dead get one-shotted with the bow

          -if you're still living: 300dmg/second bleed proc



That's my common Stalker-encounter while leveling stuff or if i'm not fast enough to crunch him down 1 second after he stood up.


He's supposed to be strong i get that but i think he should be on the same level of difficulty as Harvester/G3 (which are clearly weaker, not low, but manageable).

Edited by FxG_ReAp0r
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I'm sure you've all seen it.

The flashing lights....the quiet whispers...someone mentions his name.

Everyone stops and does an ammo check, using abilities and buffs to be ready for his arrival.

The silence....he appears....aaannnnddd is shot dead before he can even stand up.


Bit anti-climactic huh?


Thus, a proposition. Give him invulnerability when he spawns.

Or simply make him spawn with "Absorb" already on. It's such a shame that such an awesome character is treated like the gift giver. Like Santa Claus. Only appearing for people to cheaply kill before he's even ready. It'd encourage more of a "fair" fight against the Stalker. I mean even the crazed G3 have a flashbang entry. 


Hell they could even give him his own unique absorb animation instead of a bubble to make it even cooler.




It's a joy to one-shot him while he appears and usually, if you're solo, he'll one-shot you if you don't hit him. So the answer is NO!


Also, it's already a FAIR fight.


My Dread or his Dread. My dread is better. I win. Fatality.

Edited by Semshol
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I'd like this.


Mostly because I only recently realized you can kill him during the spawn (he was invulnerable during that time before). I just patiently wait until he moves before killing him. And if I make a mistake and he kills me, so be it. Playing a game with no chance of losing is just plain boring.

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