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Quest Feedback


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The missions to get Mirage were awesome imo. Mostly because I had a reason to be there (story behind it and a guaranteed reward). The only thing that I didn't like about the quest system is that all the quests are one time deals, meaning once you complete it you're done and can't do it again. 


There should be more quests like these even if they are just similar to alerts, like hunt down blah blah blah or kill this many something or other. Sure its not very entertaining if its your main goal but what else to you do in warframe...? Since the quests don't force you to complete them as fast as possible you could accept it and then ignore it for awhile or just take it slow but each one would give you a story and a reward at the end of it. Even if the reward is an xp boost for weapons or frames, resources, or maybe even a one-time use foundry upgrade that lets the user rush one item. The destination planet could be any one of the fourteen and would be chosen based on the setting of the backstory. So if its in a desert then Phobos, jungle then Earth etc.  The difficulty of the quest would not depend on the planet's level but the difficulty of the quest chosen (Difficulties should be able to be picked by the tenno with a multiplier to the reward such as: Easy x0.5 reward (7-13), normal x1 reward (15-20), hard x1.5 reward (25-30), True Tenno or some other name that would show the need for experience x3 reward (35-40).


Example of a "Hunt" quest:

A random boss is roaming the map and could be anywhere. The boss and his guards would be the only enemies affected by the difficulty setting (meaning if the planet were Phobos the normal enemies would be around level 15 but if the difficulty was on easy then the boss would be around level 10-13 or if it were on Hard then the boss would be around level 30). The tenno must roam the map and hunt down the boss before extraction becomes available and the boss will begin to hunt the tenno with a larger amount of guards if the alarm is tripped.


Example of an "Exterminate" quest: All enemies on the map must be eliminated but reinforcements (which will have many heavy units) will arrive if the alarm is tripped and then tenno will again be hunted and all enemies are affected by the difficulty setting.


Example of a "Hunted/Bait" mission:

You are to act as bait and hold out against an enemy assault but instead of just a time limit (not a time frame but a set time you have to survive so no waves or other tenno looking for loot) you will also have a large area to defend from enemy control (like interception escept instead of them hacking a terminal they capture it by having more mobs in the cell) and PLENTY OF OXYGEN. The enemy will be able to make new entrances into the cell (like in invasion missions where there are faction pods that spawn the related faction mobs). Tenno would also have control over the access panels and can lock or unlock the doors themselves to stop the enemy from advancing for a short period (this would not affect the pods only the doors and the doors can be opened by enemies that hack the panels which would allow a large mob or enemies to enter the cell after gathering behind the locked doors).


Example of a "Rescue" mission:

Instead of a hostage being stuck in a cell they are in transport through a ship or on a planet (meaning they are being moved by a floating platform with plasma bars for corpus and for grineer they would just be walking with a large group of gaurds that contain one captain and at least 2 heavy units or something like that) and the tenno are must rescue them before they reach a teleporter (on a ship) or another transport or extract (on a planet) and the enemies guarding the hostages increase in speed and numbers when the alarm is tripped.



Thats all I can think of atm but I think you guys get the picture.


Basically they are regular mission types with special objectives and features that can be aquired through the quest system.

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