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Detailed Discussion Of Wareframe..


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   So as the thread title implies I set up this thead because I wanted to hear other play's thoughts and opinions on the game as well as discusion of things they dislike and ways the game could be improved.

     As for my personal views, so far I like the game with fun gameplay and a lot of interesting ideas mixed into its narrative and I love the character designs, however I also think it has some fairly substantial flaws.
   For one as far as I can tell this game does not scale difficulty between playing solo and having a full party and early mission when played solo can be brutal to a new player.
I burned though all of the revives teh game initially provided withing the first three mission simply because I had not yet gotten a handle on the controlls yet and would get surrounded and struggle keep track of which button did what.
Even now this is sometimes an issue as I often press the switch weapon button to go to my side arm and it goes to melee instead, pressing it again returns to my previous weapon and pressing a third time will finnaly take out teh side arm but by them I die before I can actually use it. Currently I'm using level 10-15 gear and still getting swarmed and killed in level 7-10 missions with barely any time to react. The obvious solution being to simply scale down enemies when a character is playing solo.

   Another Issue I find with the game is that obtaining new weapons without using real world currency is very time consuming.
From the developer point of view I see why this was done: They want plays to buy stuff so they can make money.
However this is bad for plays because it limits the options a player can use, especially early on.
You're a new player but you hate the weapon you chose when you started and want a new one? Well either fork over actual money or just deal with it untill you figure out where to get all the matierials you need to craft a new weapon, unlock the mission that give those items AND mannage to farm enough to craft it.
Personally I am fine with the weapons I chose since they are fairly well suited to my play style howver I could easily see this being VERY offputting to a new player who was unlucky and chose a weapon they didn't like or simply didn't like any of the options. Of course this issue could be solved by adding weapons to the market that can be purchased with the in game currency instead of actual currency(there are a couple that you can purchase without real money but I MEAN only a couple. there are two in the primary weapon category and from what I've seen non in the melee and side arm category.)
There could still be premium weapons that cost actual cash for the developer to make money on but a few options for plays that don't have loads of money to blow on an mmo shooter would be appreciated.


     Speaking of the developer trying to make money... it wouldn't hurt to cut the prices on some of the frames.
I was considering buying a couple, then I looked at the prices. YIKES. Almost $20 per frame? Seriously? It's basically just an alternate player skin with a few abilities attached and you're charging what essentially amounts to enough to buy an entire game's worth of content?(don't believe me? Transistor on steam $20. also Fallout 1,2, and 3 $10 a pop also on steam.)
I could see charging as much as $7 per frame(at most) but $20 seems insanely high when one considers what it actually does which could hurt the developers profits in the long run.
Sure when they do make a profit it will be $20 but for every 1 play that will fork over that much just for the new skills there are likely to be 10 players who are put off by the price but would gladly have payed $7 for it.
Which is a shame because I really do want this game to be financialy successfull and for teh devs to continue making content for it but between the weapons costing money and the new fames being so expensive I have serious doubts about how many plays will be willing to put money into this game.


     This game also has some problems with the characters initial ability to customize a character.
Sure you can choose between 1 of 3 frames, but the menu where you do so has them darkened out so they you can really only see their silouette and while it describes the frame's abilities it doesnt tell you much about what it is good for(is it a high HP charater intended to tank hits but slow or a fast one that evades hits but low HP?).
your initial weapon choices are basicly a bow and arrows or one of two rifles for your main weapon. fists or one of two weapons that are more or less swung like a sword(though one is a blunt weapon) for your melee. Though admittedly the side arm choices fair slightly better but still aren't great.
You cannot choose your characters gender, nor the initial colors. Sure you can edit the colors at any time later but even then most of the color pallette is locked(and you guessed it, costs actual money to unlock).
After you've played for a while you open up some options but being forced to use a fairly stock character for such a long time when you start does hurt the experience and can leave early levels a bit dull, not helped by the lack of weapons that you can purchse with in game cash mentioned earlier. Unfortunately I could see this lack of diversity turning a lot of plays off when they start the game which is a problem for an mmo.


    The last issue of note that I have is tied into the weapon and frame issues mentioned earlier, The issue being that the game is lacking in rewards to motivate the player. Sure the gameplay is fun but what is the player's motivation to grind through level after level? sure there is in game currency to be gained but you can't buy new weapons or frames with it, those both cost actual money. So what CAN you do with all that in game currency? Buy blueprints so you can craft the weapons and armor.
You grind level after level to save up cash for an item that basically amounts to permission to make an item you will actual use.
There is a reason why most games give blueprints FOR FREE as a reward for completing missions and boss fight IN ADDITION to gear that you can use right away. That reason being that they aren't terribly exiting.
The only substantial rewards you seem to get for doing mission are mods which can give a player new skills or make the character stronger in general but these don't effect gameplay in any terribly significant way  compared to what changing weapons can which can lead to things begining to get stale fairly quickly.


    As I said earlier I do like this game and really do want it to succeed. However as an mmo it has to compete with the likes of Warcraft, Elsword, League of legends and many others and Wareframe has a LOT it needs to improve on before it will even stand a chance. The core gameplay is fun and I have plenty of good things to say about the character designs and lore but the game does very little to reward players for completing missions and bosses and unless you grind for a a notable amount of time or invest real world money has very few character customization options or choices regarding weapons and playstyle.
There is a lot of potential here but also a lot of work to be done and given the shop prices and the heavy focus on microtransactions to the detrement of character customization and rewarding the player for investing their time, I could unfortunately see the developers desire to make money being what eventually drags the game down.


Anyway that is my opinion of the game so far, but I would very much like to hear what you have to say and discuss your opinions of the game.

What do you guys think?

Edited by AzureGamerZero
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Shhhhhh! your not supposed to post, he's still editing!



Yeah sorry about that. When I was initially typing my post I pressed tab and it submited my post before I was anywhere near done but it is finished now.

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