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Patch 5.3 ,Ember:Overheat ablity


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I love Ember and the changes made to her, but Overheat is now mostly useless no real boost from it what so ever and use's 50 energy for almost no real duration or power increase compared to Pre-Patch overheat(witch I loved)

Also I know alot of people dont like her looking like a rooster but I like it xD Maybe do a community vote for Warframe design changes?(outside of the concil that is)

Other then that ya thoughts/opinions on 5.3 Ember anyone?

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Ah thank you for clearing that Up Iv'e been trying to use it and even when walking into people it doesnt seem to have much noticable effect whatso ever unless I hit them with my melee at witch it only last the time to maybe swing 1-3 times befor its gone maybe something with its distance is off idk still feels extreamly useless compared to Volts Aoes and her other Abiltys(World on fire is amazing now tho so :D)

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