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How To Make This Game More Appealing


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Hello, I have been browsing the threads for some time now, and thought I'd make an official post on this matter.  First thing on how to improve the quality of the game:


1. Improve the difficulty!  People have been talking about this for a couple months now.  People also have been complaining about rushers in these games.  Improving the difficulty of every mission will keep people from just running forward.  Implement enemy abilities and level mechanics that keep people from doing so.  The nervo is a #1 example of what I mean.  People complained and whined about how these would kill so many people.  It's safe to say that these people were just running through the level and weren't using any form of teamwork.  Re-implement the nervos please; they were the only true threat the grineer posed.  Another way to improve difficulty is to implement random events that occur and require all 4 people to be at the event in question.  Make it a temporary defense point, a mini-boss, a really difficult puzzle that requires touching a series of panels in a certain order, a panel where a player would have to hold E to decode the button which would take at least a minute, and the other players would have to protect him while he's decoding the door.


2. Make each level more interesting and unique!  This ties in with the idea that the game is nothing more than a grind for a lot of players.  Make each level a person plays unique, each time they play.  This ties in with my idea of random events.  Make more elite mobs with more threatening abilities.  The STALKER is a great solution to both of these major problems; he's a random event that makes the level more exciting because he will appear and he will beat your &#! something raw if you aren't prepared.  We need more stalker-like events for each level to keep the level fresh, and not just some grineer-grinding level.


3.  Improve the normal grunts!  More or less, there's nothing there to stop us from running forward and mowing them down if you have a shield/hp mod, which is just about everybody at this point.  Making them melee was one minor improvement; it knocks you back.  Make them hurt more at close range, or make them use flash bangs or somethin.  Give them grappling hooks where, if you don't dodge them, they can pull you to the ground or pull you to them.  If the normal grunts aren't a threat, then that's a problem because that ties in with the mindless grinding aspect.  Slap more elite spawns with more threatening abilities, and we got a fight on our hands.


4.  Last but not least, give better rewards for doing high level missions.  Make it so that in the pluto system, every time you complete a mission in there, you get a random mod there as a reward, which includes extremely low chances of getting really good items like orokin catalysts/reactors, blueprints for warframes, omni ammo boxes.  Also, increase the cash reward for higher level missions, that is kind've a must.  Otherwise, people will just keep mindlessly farming M prime in one minute for that quick and easy 1k cash.  Improving the drop rate for normal mods probably wouldn't be a bad idea either.


If anyone else has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to post them here.  The more support I can get on this thread, the better.  Help this thread reach the devs, I'm sure they would be interested in hearing what we have to say!

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I was all ready to disagree, but for once someone actually had decent suggestions for it instead of just demanding it get "harder" in some nebulous way. 


1. I agree with teamwork puzzles (disabled when soloing of course) Minibosses would be fine, but I'm not sure how the spawning should work. Hell no to Nervos, they're not hard, just annoying. I think increasing the spawnrate of the Heavies would be a better idea, especially Bombards, since defending against their attacks requires situational awareness and some skill.


2. This is something being worked on already, although nothing concrete has been announced.


3. This one I do disagree with. I actually think the trash mobs should be exactly that. More elites is good though. A grapple would be a great replacement for the super irritating Grineer teleporter guy.


4. Drop rates should be only slightly better, but hell yes to more creds.


All personal opinions of course.

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I'm all in for more team aspect of the game like puzzle or some team-related events but I strongly disagree with using stunlock mechanic as a mean to force teamplay down my throat while taking away my control.

The rest of it I agree with.

MMO's uses those mechanics where you need to rely on your teammate to save your life.  That's what separates team players from players who scream MMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and try to do everything themselves before they get hit with a nervo.  Mechanics like that require you to stay together and work as a team, not see who can get the most kills and who can get to the extraction point the fastest.

Edited by touchmyoldsnake
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MMO's uses those mechanics where you need to rely on your teammate to save your life.  That's what separates team players from players who scream MMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and try to do everything themselves before they get hit with a nervo.  Mechanics like that require you to stay together and work as a team, not see who can get the most kills and who can get to the extraction point the fastest.

My stance is the same, no.

If nervo works differently like prevent player's shield from regenerating while draining it in an extremely fast rate, it would yield the same result without actually disable the player. Fast frame without shield won't go anywhere far anyway.

Alternatives like changing Nervos targeting mechanic and seeker spawn to ambush player nearest to extraction point and slow him/her down would be a good choice.

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So you want this game to be a co-op, but you don't want to rely on other people's help to beat the game...


The whole point of having the nervo disable people is to make people work together, or else -gasp- people die.  If the nervo just drains people's shields, all that does is force you to hide behind a wall until it wears off, which only makes the level even more boring because you're just playing the waiting game.  It doesn't encourage teamwork play or even increase difficulty, it just slows you down.  Besides, we already have an ability that does the exact same thing.  The corpus flying robots that shield enemy units shoot them at you.  Those things have never once stopped me from tearing the moa's a new one.

Edited by touchmyoldsnake
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So you want this game to be a co-op, but you don't want to rely on other people's help to beat the game...


The whole point of having the nervo disable people is to make people work together, or else -gasp- people die.  If the nervo just drains people's shields, all that does is force you to hide behind a wall until it wears off.  It doesn't encourage teamwork play or even increase difficulty, it just slows you down.


As long as there're checkpoints built into the level at regular interval and the mob have ability to slow player down by pinning him under heavy fire or other special abilities, you will have teamwork without resorting to take control away from the player. 


Why do people believe that stunlock is the only mechanic exist to encourage teamwork?

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So you want this game to be a co-op, but you don't want to rely on other people's help to beat the game...


The whole point of having the nervo disable people is to make people work together, or else -gasp- people die.  If the nervo just drains people's shields, all that does is force you to hide behind a wall until it wears off, which only makes the level even more boring because you're just playing the waiting game.  It doesn't encourage teamwork play or even increase difficulty, it just slows you down.  Besides, we already have an ability that does the exact same thing.  The corpus flying robots that shield enemy units shoot them at you.  Those things have never once stopped me from tearing the moa's a new one.

It's not even remotely the same thing. Nervos took away the ability to do anything at all. And guess what? You had to play waiting game without any shields and without the ability to even run away! From what I heard most people just ignored people stuck with nervos and just waited till they died and revived. They are the opposite of a good idea.

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It's not even remotely the same thing. Nervos took away the ability to do anything at all. And guess what? You had to play waiting game without any shields and without the ability to even run away! From what I heard most people just ignored people stuck with nervos and just waited till they died and revived. They are the opposite of a good idea.

Then play wih clanmates if you aren't happy with how you play with randoms.  That's how most online games work.  I see your point in not having any control, but I see the nervo as one way of greatly encouraging teamwork.  If you are hit by a nervo and the teammate just ignores you, whether he's bad or a troll, chances are he'll get hit by a nervo too, then you can laugh as he cries and whines.  If you want to have at least one person who you know will watch your back, invite a friend or a clanmate.  I understand your disagreement with the nervos, but if they decide to keep nervos out, they need to implement something else to encourage people to work together.

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If you're in a clan, you probably don't have any problem sticking together and working together. Nervos did not improve anyones teamwork or fun. If you really want to boost teamwork, I have four words; Multi Tenno Super Moves.

Now THAT sounds badass; I can't believe I didn't think of that before. Only question is, how would they implement it?

Edited by touchmyoldsnake
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The game now is SUPER EZ MODE CHILD 5 YEARS OLD ONLY, i can't see myself playing this game longer than six months, let me be clear, i love this game, i'm playing everyday, but need more hardcore experience, this game wont survive long, i know it is new game, just open beta, but is way to easy, and the beggining is VERY **** EASY, a baby can play it, i almost uninstalled the game, but my annoying friend made me give a chance, and got more interesting, but all other people i showed didnt played even a hour.
I like your ideas, mini-bosses, real puzzles, strategy, and each level diferent, i can almost play with eyes closed, and the bosses...some die in 10 sec(mars)

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Now THAT sounds badass; I can't believe I didn't think of that before. Only question is, how would they implement it?

Same deal with biotic/tech explosion in ME3MP. Two mediocre powers casted successively on the same target capable of producing 'explosive result'. Imagine fireball casted on an ancient followed by shock - BOOM, fire explosion capable of consuming everything in 10 meter radius, Saryn cast venom on Excalibur who then became venomized and produce slash dash with venom effect, etc.

Easy and simple. Teamwork for spectacular result is just.... Spectacular. Power combo is a good way to encourage teamwork and a good excuse to ramp up difficulty when needed.

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Same deal with biotic/tech explosion in ME3MP. Two mediocre powers casted successively on the same target capable of producing 'explosive result'. Imagine fireball casted on an ancient followed by shock - BOOM, fire explosion capable of consuming everything in 10 meter radius, Saryn cast venom on Excalibur who then became venomized and produce slash dash with venom effect, etc.

Easy and simple. Teamwork for spectacular result is just.... Spectacular. Power combo is a good way to encourage teamwork and a good excuse to ramp up difficulty when needed.

Alright, these are ideas I can get behind.  The levels need to be made considerably harder, and in order to clear these missions, teamwork should be required.  I would absolutely LOVE to see a combination of certain abilities make some sort of wombo combo on really powerful elites.  Either way, as long as I see difficulty get ramped up to suit level 30 supercharged players and make the levels more fun, I'll be happier than a pig in S#&$.

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How about a vote at the beginning of a map that goes like:


Come at me, bro!  [Yes]/[No]


If the majority votes [Yes], all spawns are increased. Way more mobs, way higher level mobs, the game instantly becomes more demanding and more challenging.

If the majority votes [No], the map is played the usual way.

If its a stalemate, the mob spawns/levels are slightly increased to make things a bit more challenging. Sort of a middle ground.

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How about a vote at the beginning of a map that goes like:


Come at me, bro!  [Yes]/[No]


If the majority votes [Yes], all spawns are increased. Way more mobs, way higher level mobs, the game instantly becomes more demanding and more challenging.

If the majority votes [No], the map is played the usual way.

If its a stalemate, the mob spawns/levels are slightly increased to make things a bit more challenging. Sort of a middle ground.

You're basically describing a difficulty system, which the devs are already planning on implementing. I imagine it'd be better implemented together with a better lobby system, though. Host sets the difficulty, people just join whatever game they want at whatever difficulty they want.

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