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End Game Map Progression Idea/s - Post Your Ideas!


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I actually posted this originally on Game play feedback but realized it would be more suited to mainly level feedback since it mainly deals with map progression among other things.


Here's my idea for map progression , please read this all before judging my idea but its a end game system that could really push it in the right direction IMO (without setting it on a determined path, you can really add or do whatever with this type of system) - but its a pretty standard concept with a twist since were in a universal UI based mission setting.


Map drops / Coordinate drops that unlock certain portions or secret areas that span across the universe, maby its a boss drop on a certain level, or maby its several boss drops across a span of areas combined, or maby even its a secret hidden only found by doing parkour!


So you find whatever you need to find, mash them together using some crazy grineer or lotus technology, and poof, its a map leading to a secret mission that has the potential to be anything - and pops up on your grid and by grid I mean mission selection screen


best part is you know you have unlocked the next best thing this could include but is not limited to..


Rare mods found nowhere else (maby needed for the next difficulty)

Rare materials found nowhere else needed to craft a Ultimate Weapon of some sort or Warframe

Other map pieces needed for the next set of difficulty / tier

Or just Maby...


you find the next piece of the map that you and your clan mates need to hit that 24 man raid grineer blast fest of a mission where a gigantic infested monster boss comes flying out of nowhere and destroys all 24 of you cause it was actually a 50 man raid!!


I'm of course kidding at the end there, but you see where I'm going with this, post your ideas!

Edited by Xenogear
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I like the idea. Really. But please, "maby" is so very wrong. Correct is "maybe".

I know I'm being picky, but that really ticked me off. That aside, I kind of like this idea.


Thanks for the props dude! Much appreciated.


However I didn't ask if you liked my spelling or punctuation now did I?


Got any "Ideas" to add on the subject at hand?

Edited by Xenogear
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No, you asked us to tell you what we thought of it. And I said I liked it. It's a good proposition to endgame things. Special missions with several requirements you must fulfill in order to have access to it. Kinda like quests, but at the same time very different.

Secret areas on maps in general that are only accessible through Ninja parkour, that I like the most.

Would be great to have some new mission types, like "Chase" mission types in where you must chase a fleeing enemy to get to his base, and to follow said enemy you must use a lot of parkour. Think the chasing missions in Assassin's Creed.

I'll say more if I remember anything else, or come up with ideas. It's pretty late right now, hard to think when you're sleepy.

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How about this: Hardcore mode.


As if Pluto mobs aren't beefy enough, here's something beefier to deal with. 


ALL - yes I mean ALL the mobs could be changed to heavies/boss mobs for a greater *ahem* challenge.


If you're bored of killing trash mobs, this mode could be activated (pre game of course), which would proceed to spawn waves upon waves of heavies/ancients/railgun and shockwave moas as you complete your objective.


Find them too easy to take care of? Boss mode. This mode will proceed to spawn waves upon waves of boss mobs (J3 Golems, Hyenas etc etc) as you complete your objective. 




The above is just an exaggeration of a possible idea for endgame content.

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How about this: Hardcore mode.


As if Pluto mobs aren't beefy enough, here's something beefier to deal with. 


ALL - yes I mean ALL the mobs could be changed to heavies/boss mobs for a greater *ahem* challenge.


If you're bored of killing trash mobs, this mode could be activated (pre game of course), which would proceed to spawn waves upon waves of heavies/ancients/railgun and shockwave moas as you complete your objective.


Find them too easy to take care of? Boss mode. This mode will proceed to spawn waves upon waves of boss mobs (J3 Golems, Hyenas etc etc) as you complete your objective. 




The above is just an exaggeration of a possible idea for endgame content.


The only thing I don't particularly like about modes per say is that there tends to be not enough reward at the end of them.


A tier/quest/raid system as I mention in my post would in my own opinion be much more rewarding, in other words your locked out of content until you find whatever you need to find, combine it with whatever it needs to be combined with, then you can access the new content and in turn get better gear / rewards


While I suppose a mode system could amount to this, making the same levels harder and in turn having new loot, it just doesn't sound as fun! lol


I think access to new levels only by finding collective pieces for that level and having a huge reward in the end followed by more pieces to find for your next unlock sounds much more appealing then just, going threw the levels until I hit the last one.


Another thing is certain gear / weapons / mods or materials should only be found on these high end levels so you have more to look forward to.

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So... inb4 'ZOMG WOW RIPOFF'. I'd like to see something similar, but it obviously doesn't have to be same thing ;)


What about "Challenge Mode" missions? Maps that are static/unchanging, where timing and/or performance can be objectively measured and posted each on their own leaderboard? The reason I suggested they have static maps is because timing or performance can't typically be objectively measured with randomly generated maps They'd be tuned to be really challenging at endgame, and could have some mechanics that really require not only a team's gear level, but also their coordination to be it's best. Perhaps only a warlord or high ranking clan member can actually queue a squad up for the mission, which would help make these leaderboards clan-based, and would help determine which clan is 'the strongest'... Even among clans, different teams within the same clan can still compete for ranking on the leaderboards.


I like the idea of having each mission unlockable via some hard-to-get drop or crafted map or something, further giving clans more to worry about "redistributing resources" to work toward. I feel like this could REALLY bring out the competition meta game in the leaderboards.


In my opinion:

-The methods for unlocking these missions could totally be available for plat (all the clans shooting for the top ranks would buy them, I'm sure), but the requirements should also be grind-able (with drop rates tuned for an entire clan-worth of grinding), and shouldn't be unlockable with only platinum - some skill should be required (regardless of financial backing) for entrance into a high-skill mission.

-I think this would be best if it were largely clan-based, but think that the drops should be almost purely cosmetic - we wouldn't want someone tearing through regular missions with their new "EXTREMELY OP HAX0R CANNON" or anything, leaving those clan-less players in their dust.

Edited by JoeyZero
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