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Keep Stalker Nerfed, Or Rebuff Him?


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He isn't much of a challenge at all, I can kill him quicker then a heavy, and the Stalker always come in several levels higher then the highest level enemy in the current mission, which should make him more durable, but at the moment, he just hits hard, but he is squishy. I prefer to see him rebuffed or even better, make him much stronger then he was before his nerf to be more challenging and possibly have some type of reward drop.


He doesn't have the same feeling of terror anymore like when I had first encountered him, he's just another average enemy. I want that level of challenge he brought, all he does now is just interrupts your mission for a few seconds instead of putting you at the egde of your seat fighting to stay alive cause that's what encountering the Stalker was all about.

Edited by __Kanade__
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He has come after me twice so far, and both times was when I first started and really had nothing leveled yet, I started with trinity, becasue a friend of mine thought we needed a healer/dmg combo at the time, yeah he took me very quickly both times, it was a sad thing. I think it depends on the time in for the player he is stalking it should be based on mastery level, makes those worth something after all. You are level 1 he is a bag of cotton candy, you're level 8 he hits like a truck!

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<p>The stalker is hard for new/mid game players. once you reach end game he does not really pose much of a threat to you. They should tier the Stalker based on your Account rank so that way a tenno rank 8 would fight a more difficult version of the stalker than a Tenno rank 2. This would keep it balanced enough to still pose a challenge to "end-game" players. </p>

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A) Make him able to use any four frame powers in the game but randomise it each time he appears

B) Beating him should drop a big reward

C) New type of Alert where players can attempt to hunt the Stalker with a chance of encountering him on this mission but this will be at the highest difficulty

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