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The Mystique Karyst! (With Rant?)


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This could yave gone to feedback, but I'm posting it here, as it is simply sharing some facts


The Karyst  marks the introduction of a Tenno variant for the Kris or Keris sometimes called a pomar, a weapon popular in my Southeast Asian / Malaysian heritage and culture, even though it originally comes from Indonesia. 

For generations, Indonesian / Malay culture has applied the keris in many aspects of life, owning a keris is meant as a symbol of pride and bravery, it is rumored to give the user special abilities, and heal them in sickness. Some are rumored to contain Jin (or Genies to you chaps) that can be instructed to help the user in many ways, and still more are used as 


The mysticism may have been overlooked in the game, but it doesn't really matter, but  theres also customs that have to be observed when using it.


One of the most overlooked customs for the keris in-game is the sheathing of it. In a while, I will suggest an improvement for the weapon to have a sheath, as it is expressly forbidden to leave a martial Keris unsheathed lest to evoke disrespect to others (Well, not exactly, the literal translation is hard to describe). This is why people don't upload pictures holding martial versions of it online. I know this because a family member owns one that's been passed down for some time


The keris is also a  popular martial weapon in Silat, a south east asian martial art, although the stance in game doesn't do well to reflect the movements that are usually associated with it, at least from the kind of Silat I've observed so far.


The devs intended to convey a feeling of power through it, and it does me pride to a cultural symbol as an in-game weapon, regardless of the disregard of the mysticism behind it.


Note; The keris is a symbol of many things, I may view it this way, but other people from Malaysian culture may view it extremely diferrently


Here's some links about it




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The Keris, much like a Katana, was a symbol of rank as much as it is a weapon. Each aspect of its physique carries its own significance, such as the number of times the blade curves (usually odd numbers, 3, 5, 7 for normal-length blades, I've seen one with IIRC 26 luks. It was MASSIVE, taller than I am). AFAIK to unsheathe a Keris means (again, like a Katana or the middle-eastern Jhambiya) means that you have set yourself to this course of action.


I'm not much knowledgeable, these are only some of the things I can recall from my trip to a Keris museum.

Wish I could have stayed longer then, everything was so fascinating.


EDIT: Also, Jin could also be written as Djinn. Although I don't think there's a specific translation to the blanket term.

Edited by Shion963
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The Keris, much like a Katana, was a symbol of rank as much as it is a weapon. Each aspect of its physique carries its own significance, such as the number of times the blade curves (usually odd numbers, 3, 5, 7 for normal-length blades, I've seen one with IIRC 26 luks. It was MASSIVE, taller than I am). AFAIK to unsheathe a Keris means (again, like a Katana or the middle-eastern Jhambiya) means that you have set yourself to this course of action.


I'm not much knowledgeable, these are only some of the things I can recall from my trip to a Keris museum.

Wish I could have stayed longer then, everything was so fascinating.


The larger versions are more commonly associated with Ornamentation, and are used by sultans often in their entourages

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You raise good points, but I will point out that moves and animations are tied to a stance, if Karyst is to have it's own special moves, a new stance would be needed (which would be compatible with other daggers, which could make things wierd).

Regarding sheaths, I think it does need one, but not because it's special, but because I want most weapons to have sheaths.

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You raise good points, but I will point out that moves and animations are tied to a stance, if Karyst is to have it's own special moves, a new stance would be needed (which would be compatible with other daggers, which could make things wierd).

Regarding sheaths, I think it does need one, but not because it's special, but because I want most weapons to have sheaths.


Not all weapons need to ahve stances usable on otherweapons the nikana stance for example only belongs to nikana and its superior Dragon Nikana


Also, yeah i guess more weapons need sheaths, it's kinda wonky to just have them magnetized to our backs and not in holsters

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Not all weapons need to ahve stances usable on otherweapons the nikana stance for example only belongs to nikana and its superior Dragon Nikana


Also, yeah i guess more weapons need sheaths, it's kinda wonky to just have them magnetized to our backs and not in holsters

yes I thought this to. though like the heat dagger or maybe prova/prova vandal(also any staff or polearm)

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