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Sorry for disturbing you guyz but i saw admin posting here and i would like also his help. Am a new player and kind of rookie so i wanted to ask you  help i bought from the market a melee weapon and i cant find it to use it in the battle  its sure that i bought because i have lost all my money for it and when i went to the market again it says that i already own this weapon where can i find it ?(its not in the inventory)..help me plz!

yours sincerely,

tenno PLAKAS

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After finding this game and have been playing for a few weeks now I must say I love this game. Everything about this game has gotten me excited and eager to play everyday. 


I'm a hardcore Gears of War fan so having this third person shooter/ninja is right up my alley.  


I'm a live streamer and have really started getting into this game the last few days and been streaming it whenever I can. 


Thank you again for making this amazing F2P game and congrats on all the success 

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QuestorWI has arrived.


Hello all, I'm 58yo avid gamer who has been Beta testing games for years, just to name few EvE Online and I have been playing for over 10 years now, WoW Beta and played until they screwed it up with the last two expansions, Tera, and a ton of games on the Xbox & PS3

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What an awesome-looking and great-playing game! I've become a hardcore fan of FPS since I started playing Planetside 2. Warframe was exactly the next thing that I needed to satisfy my insatiable FPS hunger. It's just a blast, even as the first few attempts at missions kicked my arse. I look forward to the game's evolution and I hope to play with you all soon. Gratz to the dev team for making such a formidable game. It truly stands out and is heads & shoulders above much of what is out there.


I am proud to be a founder and I encourage everyone who appreciates this masterpiece to support this game's development.



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Talithan here, saying hello from Florida.

And I'd just like to say to the Dev's, that ya'll are duly a truly incredible job with this game. It runs great, even on my semi-dinosaur of a machine, 

And....I'm just totally addicted to this game, So addicted to it that its awoken my completion-ist blood, and now I won't rest until I've mastered every Warframe and weapon. Very well done DE. Very well done.


You have earned my eternal respect, and I can't wait to see what this game will be like in near future!

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Trying this game has always been on the back of my mind but I always seem to dismiss it for one reason or another.  Boy was I wrong.  


Today was the first time I finally dive into this game and I gotta say, I @(*()$ love this game.  I love the design, I love the UI, I love the lore, background story and the somewhat subtle asian influences.  It's just straight up fun.  


I can wait to meet up with all you in game and become the perfect Tenno.  Hello by the way.  ^^

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying this game. Back in the day, I used to play Gunz and I love that this game has that kind of feel to it. Looking forward to working with you all on the battlefield!

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Just started playing this a few days ago.  I've been playing mmos for over 10 yrs and have been a pursuing writer/poetperformer for 23.  My focus now is writing/directing film.   This game is beautiful and I look forward to seeing what other warframes are coming down the pipe.  The antimatter seems interesting.   I have the lower foundation pack as it is within my budget range but will be a platinum buyer as I always am with games I enjoy.  If you ever need any help with anything, let me know.  Best JD Glasscock(Yes, my real last name, it's scottish lol)  Dividicous  __ Gamer name   

I currently play a Vauban but will prob buy a rhino later this week as I believe it will fit my play style better, throw some dual broncos on there and wala! :P  Put this in wrong thread hence above.    I have spent most of my life carving parchment with creative weaves so again if u ever need anything throw a shout.

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Hey everyone, Metalarcher here!


Just thought I'd post this since I've been playing for a while and finally got my master title.  I look forward to providing even more input on how to make this already wonderful game even better, and I hope to see you somewhere in the stars...


Happy hunting!

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Hey guys,what's going on?
My name is Stefan and I am from Serbia. I recently started to play Warframe simply because it has a unique combination of 3rd person sci-fi shooter and co op gameplay, unlike other MMOs out there. Great game, I am enjoying myself fullest right now and can't wait for further updates.

C ya ingame.

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Hello Everyone. First time posting on the forums, I just had to go become a founder for this cool game. It is so much fun! People say it is grindy, but I think of it more as the ability to continuously slaughter innocent AI, bwahaha! You'll see me around some more!

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