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Wow! With all of the extraordinary folks posting all of these awesome introductions. I feel that anything that posted about my self as a description may be a bit lack luster. Well, here it goes. Hi, i'm Seth. I'm from Kentucky. Security guard by day. Gamer and writer by night. I do enjoy reading up on ancient lore a fair bit. So, if any of you DE gals' or guys feel the need to bounce some ideas around with a absolute stranger, i'm your dude. Anyways hi and all manner of salutations from your friendly (somewhat educated) Kentucky hill billy.

Nothing lack luster about it my friend I wish I could be a writer. That takes skill, I just write code. Surprising I have more patience for that then writing a book lol.

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Hi everyone, im pritty old in the Warframe world, but i also a little misanthrope too, so... just recently (thanks to some photo events) find the motivation to enter the forum.

By the way, congratulations to all the people working behind this game; let me say: "THE BEST AND MOST AMAZING ONLINE GAME EVER... And Yeah! ITS FREE!"

Much thanks...

P-D: I going to try to keep in touch with the forum :)

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Hello Everyone My Name is Mickey and I'm from New York I've Been playing For 7 months and still loving it I Have a Gaming Channel that's brand new I was on Prime Time Episode 19 so Check Me Out!

Hi DE I didn't even Know Half Of you Who came here so YAY


PS- My Nickname Is SHAD3Y


Channel - TheGodlyGreninja

Edited by UlogNightmare
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Hello all! 


My name is Ryan and I am returning to Warframe after a very long hiatus due to a few IRL things preventing me from playing the game. Before I began my absence I only played a bit and very much enjoyed it and even made a few friends playing. Now that I am back I have recruited a little gang of friends to the game and also decided to become a more active member in the community and look forward to discussing the virtual beauty that is Warframe with you all! (:

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Hello, I'm GhilliEwok,

I play this game way too much and enjoy every moment of it! Great Game DE and I loved all your others, Good luck with making this game Even more amazing and Thank you for the 300-400+ Hours of fun this has given me! And the countless others your other games have added to that!

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Eh, I wanted to wrote my greetings back then, but kinda semi-forgot about this thread, and I kinda wonder if people from DE are still reading this.

But oh well. Better late than never.


Lorche is definitely not my real name. I'm from Indonesia, a country in the South East Asia. Right now, I'm 23, and in my last 2 years of college (hopefully). Living my college life quite well, as I also have college radio as my side activities. As for now, I'm an announcer, talking about my local music charts every Friday. Well, my educational history are kinda unique, since I once learned Medicine before switching major to Psychology (which hopefully I won't need to switch major again). I got used to stick around with people younger than I am, since this is the second time I've experienced this. But that's another story. If things goes smoothly, in 2 or 3 years I will continue my study overseas and pursuing career as a forensic psychologist.


I've been playing games since I was a little brat, and I see the wonders of multiplayer during my extensive gaming years. I played quite many international online games since I was in high school. Hek, I even once fell in love with a girl I've met over video games. Ah, good times. I've joined Warframe since Update 9.3.4, playing for 457 hours and the hours are still rising.


Usually, I always play the 'silent wolf' role in almost every online games. But, this year I've decided to break that and become more active in voicing opinions. And that brings me here.


I hope you guys continue to work with us communities to make this game even better than before.

Edited by Lorche
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zup would love to say high ive been a big fan of the game and love all the updates we get my fav frame so far is ash i would love to meet more cool people in the game my dream is to form a speical op squad in the game im the leader of WolfSqaud and WolfNation cant wait to see eveyone ingame X3

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Hi, I'm KernelMonster or as I am called in the real word James. I'm on PS4 currently however I've loved the idea of this game since I saw alpha gamplay of it.


I am currently building a PC to play warframe on there also just so I can keep up to date as I know PS4 Warframe does need certification for new updates. I have a question regarding Syncing Warframe profiles if i was to get this game on PC when I build it how would I (if possible) transfer what I have done in this game so far over? as I have invested money into this game.


anyway even Tenno have to eat sometimes hope you can respond to this, first time on the forum. 


Kernel Out.



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Hello, I'm argosenpaikun - my ign, real life known as Affian. I'm from Malaysia.


I'm currently playing warframe on PC and start playing the game since the first launch of Warframe since 2012 (if i'm mistaken)


I have my own clan name Fox Zero currently have 10 members which is well, sort of active. Just give me a call to get know me and playing together on any type of mission's. I'm currently played as Loki (my main warframe) and Volt (alt warframe).

Nice to meet y.  :D

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