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Addtional Topic Creation Features.


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Would it be possible to add a checkbox (over by the enable signature) for the creators of a topic to decide wether or not they want to allow one line answers to their posts? (or a box for a minimum word limit on responses before the auto-minimize kicks in, essentially hiding worthless responses).


The reason I bring this up, is I've seen a fair number of two hundred line long topic posts that go into painstaking detail, evidence exploration and clearly took a lot of thought to put together, get mired down in 6 pages of "i could totally go for that, man" or "obvious is obvious DEEEEERP!" type statements. That's why the !@#ing plus/minus system exists. I understand that the +/- system can't auto minimize useless posts because people might simply - something they don't agree with.  I'd just appreciate it for myself, and on behalf of a great many forumers who put some serious effort into their posts, some feature that can seperate the wheat from the chaff so we don't have to search and search for the few well thought responses.


If you are witty enough for a really good one liner (joke) then surely you are witty enough to put a few more lines in about your thoughts on the topic, either in support or against.


Mostly I just want a system that encourages people to explain their points of view. That's how productive discussion is made. If you can't find the words, but like a post, +1. If you disagree -1. If you think you have the vocabulary and a few minutes to explain your response, THEN you get to post.  Otherwise, bury that crap.


And while we're on about new features for forums, can we get a button beside the quote buttons for "quote this and start new topic" so that the existing one isn't derailed if you think something is worth discussing but doesn't pertain to the task at hand?  I realise you could just start a new topic, and Ctrl C, Ctrl V some stuff, but little quality of life things like this go a long way :)

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So ... you want your thread only to be replied to by people of a higher eloquence with a penchant for wordy replies, eh? Sounds a little bit elitist to me, but that is fine. Regardless, I do not see the point of 20 essays on agreeing, because eventually, all is said. Removing a portion of the posterbase from your threads only means it drops down further and is not discussed or frequented as much.


Essentially, putting a label "you must be this wordy to be entitled to a reply" on a thread strikes me as a horrible idea.

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I might have phrased it badly in the first post, as any message can be conveyed with simpler words.  I just find it disrespectful that someone would deign to utter a 4 word response on a 400 word post.  It's akin to running up to someone who just received the highest honors of their career at a semi public party and shaking their hand for 5 minutes knowing full well they have bigger fish to fry.  If you're going to waste their time, make it productive, SOMEHOW.


I was more referring to people's lazyness and the fact that they'd even bother to go to the effort to hit the reply and post buttons and not actually contribute anything that their +1 already hasn't.  A view and a +1 still contributes to the post being seen, and hopefully discussed, whereas the doggypile of " nah this post is silly" or "Yeah bro, +1" achieve the same thing with the detrimental effect of burying the responses that actually respect the intent of the topic and DISCUSS it.


Appologies to anyone who read it and interpreted my tone as something other than annoyed. I dont mean to come across as an elitist and a snob. Im just looking for a method to promote staying on topic and actually discussing the matters at hand.  My suggestion/request at the top doesn't need to be looked at if someone can suggest a better way to promote constructive discussion in the forums. I REALLY want to see Warframe go places, and clearly a lot of others do too, but the tools for discussion could be operating better.


To sum up what I'd really like to see come of this topic : Is there a better way than what exists now, to encourage people to actually explain their answers and insights to the people who have gone to all the trouble to come up with an insightful and in depth post.

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