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Old Tenno Reporting In


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ello all ive been playing for while now


still only master rank 8 though

if i really wanted to i could try hard and farm new weapons


ive been a member since an acrid fear event and still ear that badge with pride


but i wasnt able to get founder i was really sad didnt have the cash at the time but i am glad to of support amazing dev and amazing games


and look forward to many updates ahead... ill have my volt ready


i also made a small clan... like 3 members small

BLue BLood Knights

all 4 research made but not everything researched 


i hope to see you out there


before i leave


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Moskau, Moskau, wirf die Gläser an die Wand
Rußland ist ein schönes Land, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, Hej
Moskau, Moskau, deine Seele ist so groß
Nachts da ist der Teufel los, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Hej !!!




Anyway, hello fellow veteran player. :) (MR7 here. :p )

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