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Entry - We Don't Knock! [Recruting]


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ENTRY’s Structure




1. Myo’i – leader, prerogatives in all aspects of the organizations, has veto.


2. Jo’i – highest attainable rank through promotion, prerogatives in all aspects of the organization, second only to the Myo’i, individuals that prove to be skillful in a plethora of activities.


3. Sho’i – Second to the Jo’i in matters of war, highest obtainable strict military rank, individuals that prove to be the most skilled in the art of combat.


4. Gon’i – Second to the Jo’i in matters of administration, highest obtainable strict administrative rank, finance, architecture, overall organization.


5. Jik’i – second to the Jo’i in matters of external affairs, highest obtainable strict diplomatic rank, diplomacy, external affairs, counterintelligence.


6. Mu’i – second to the Jo’I in matters of R&D, highest obtainable strict R&D rank, analytical, curious, able to synthesize, teacher, tactics.


7. Tsu’i – second to the Jo’I in matters of recruitments, highest obtainable strict recruitment rank, able to dissimulate, empathy, social, highly intelligent.


8. Shin’i – ENTRY’s recruits that have passed the Testificari, which are tests organized by the Tsu’i under the supervision of the Jo’i.


The Myo’i has veto power over all decisions, including recruitment.


The Jo'i are the secondary leaders and confidents of the Myo'i. They are skilled in combat, administration, foreign affairs and recruitment. They also have the right to participate at the weekly Consilio Superioribus during which all important matters are discussed alongside the Myo'i.


The Sho'i are the venators of ENTRY, most skilled combatants and hunters. They are the frontline in all combative scenarios and lead the other ranks in combat if no Jo'i or the Moy'i are present.


 The Gon'i are the bureaucrats of ENTRY, following the general guidelines, improving organizational efficiency. They tend to matters of finance, on-site construction supervision and overall administration.


 The Jik'i are the diplomats of ENTRY, conducting discussions with other organizations and parties. They always have a keen-eye for international issues, ears everywhere and always stay informed. They also have to function of knowing what others think before they do.


 The Mu'i are the erudite of ENTRY, skilled scientists and learners. They tend to matters relating to R&D, general status quo research, having to always present the best possible action plan from a scientific approach. They are the ones that work with numbers, optimizing the utilization of in-house resources for further scientific advancement.


 The Tsu'i are the recruiters of ENTRY, skilled in the art of empathy and good listeners. They scour the land and seas to find suitable candidates that would join the organization from amongst the countless squads of Tenno that have been awaken and cannot remember their past. Since some of them might have been corrupted in their long sleep, the Tsu'i are of critical importance to the success of the organization. Tsu’i find candidates - organize the Testificari - make recommendation to the Jo’i that participate to the tests. At least one Jo’i must participate at the final Testificari, which is to be considered the only ENTRY official examination. Prior tests may be conducted by the Tsu’i in order to determine if the recruit is capable of passing the Testificari.





 The Sho'i, Gon'i, Jik'i, Mu'i and Tsu'i have their own separate weekly Inferior Concilio, each rank holding its own during which important matters are discussed and reviewed in order to determine which ones are to be entrusted for review to the Jo'i and Myo'i.


 After the weekly Inferior Concilio, a general Concilium is held between the representatives of each rank. At the weekly Concilium, the representative of the Jo'i always takes part in order to learn of new topics and subjects that are to be presented at the Consilio Superioribus.










My brothers and sisters,


You have awaken in strange times and this uncertain universe is turning us against each other.

The only reasonable explanation is that some of you do not remember what has happened. I do not understand why the Lotus refuses to help on this matter.

Remember! Or we risk to be defeated by our own again.



Myo’i of ENTRY








ENTRY - Lore




Every story has a beginning as every effect has a cause. This one starts soon after the end of WWII with the endless pursuit of the US to craft the perfect tool in order to put a stop to what they’ve considered to be the Soviet threat. The only problem is that neither party was right.


After the 1950s, a new hybrid virus was created. It was named the Technocyte, capable of transforming organic matter in inorganic, it usually provoked such unanticipated mutations that it was deemed a national security risk and although the US Senate committee ordered the immediate termination, a part of the organization that created the virus took matters in their own hands and fled with the creation in unchartered Soviet territory. Once it was found, the remaining agents were tasked with bringing back the fugitives and stop them before the dementia was released upon the world.


One of the agents so tasked with the mission was known as Hayden Tenno, of Japanese heritage. He was the only one capable of getting to the source but not before it was released in the water system of the Soviet Union. Hayden did manage to retrieve it only to get infected in the process. His luck was the fact that he suffered from a rare condition that nullified the attacks on his brain as well as ignoring bodily pain.


No antidote was ever discovered as it was impossible to fabricate one. Being able to change its own genetic code multiple times every millisecond and tricking the organism that it was part of its immune system, nothing could be done.


The Soviet Union was the first to fall. Unspoken mutations took over the villages, small cities and lastly the larger ones. The army was powerless as the infested only came back to life after being blown apart.


Soon Europe followed. The infestation travelled around the glove, capable of the subtlest disguises. Country after country fell, humans running away from the bulk of this formidable and extremely organized enemy. For the Technocyte, as it was later discovered, had a life of its own and was, in a way, sentient.


Only one element saved us from total extinction. Hayden Tenno with his unique characteristics was studied, learned from and his own condition tried to be replicated.


As each bastion of civilization fell, only a couple conclaves managed to survive. The most important one was without doubt Japan with its diverse environment, strong will and discipline. Here is where almost all available resources were gathered, including Hayden. This is where the research continued.


Years passed and hope systematically left the survivors behind their high walls. The only immune to the pathogen was getting older. Soon to die.


As part of a classified project, countless women were impregnated with his seed. Almost all failed. Almost.


Since the scientists knew they weren’t able at that particular moment to replicate what made Hayden be Hayden through artificial means, thus being able to stop the Technocyte from getting other victims, they did their best to preserve his lineage. To their extreme surprise, they were even able to freeze him in order to wake him at a later date through advanced cryogenics. He slept whilst they worked on his children. He slept whilst the conclaves were sieged.


Bullets were not efficient. We ran out of those pretty quickly. We then turned to dirty bombs and improvised traps. Resources were scarce. During one of the worst attacks on the Japan Conclave, one of the last American generals by the name of S. Patton Hamilton, running out of ammunition, looked desperately at his brother-in-arms and now dear friend Yamachi Oshi, an intelligent Japanese admiral. He took him by the neck with all his might and yelled: “We need more weapons!”, as the bodies of the infested pilled by the walls of the Conclave, creating a monstrous wall of rotting flesh. Oshi ran and quickly returned with a pair of long blades, similar to western spears. He threw one towards Hamilton and smiled. “That’s an yari. Honor it!”. Soon after that, most of the human defenders were armed with ancient weapons taken out of museums and were cutting their way through the countless waves of Technocyte infested. They won but at great expense.


Time passed. Humanity endured. Strict population control, rationing, highly concentrated on R&D. But not all Conclaves were so fortunate.


By the time Hayden was awaken, Japan was the last one. This after almost 700 years of resistance. It was the 2680’s when Hayden Tenoo was brought back from cryosleep. Only approximately 90000 humans left.


Continuing the genetic research, multiple breakthroughs were made that naturally lead to Hayden’s awakening. Alongside this genetic race, humanity, or what was left of it, also focused on reaching other planets to colonize, trying to leave behind the scourge and its destruction. Some attempts were successful. Even beyond our own solar system. And this was the second cause of this story.


Although the research teams were successful in unlocking Hayden’s genetic secrets and replicated the results, what they found out was that only a very small part of the remaining humans were capable of assimilating the genetic additions based on certain genetic markers that were beyond current understanding.


Through rigorous testing, all remaining humans were processed and inoculated if found capable. After the project was completed, those immune to the negative effects of the Technocyte virus volunteered for being infected with said pathogen. Results varied but most gained certain traits and abilities that would be so truthfully called superhuman. These special individuals did so in order to be able to battle the infested and regain our planet.


Squads of such individuals were formed and deployed around key points of the planet. Resources were prioritized as they were needed to continue the R&D initiatives.


They were successful. They were efficient. Slowly but surely, we’ve claimed lands and rebuilt old Conclaves. In time, the ones immune, alongside Hayden’s numerous descendants were bred in order to create the perfect army against the Technocyte plague. But not all of the remaining humans wanted to become hybrids. Social unrest followed the joyous moments of liberation.

As more Conclaves were restored, concessions had to be made. Independent factions rose to power in far corners of the planet. Under the threat of the Technocyte, agreements were concluded.


The Tenno Project, as it was later named, was restricted only to a dozen new born per year, granting what was required by the social opponents: control. At the same time, the Japan Conclave knew that enforcement of certain rules had to be in effect to stop similar acts from happening like biological warfare.


Holding the vast numbers of the Tenno subjects under its control, it both used them to fight the infested and enforce the treaties with the now independent conclaves.


Organized its superhuman troops under a new organization called ENTRY, the Enforced Neutrality Treaties’ Regulators of Yari, part soldiers, part diplomats, all Hayden’s heirs in one form or another, honoring the weapons that helped save the Japan Conclave from the worst registered infested assault. An AI was designed to help administrate the new formation. It’s name, Lotus.


We knew peace. We knew prosperity. Although we never completely eliminated the Technocyte plague, we managed to control it through ENTRY’s concise and disciplined actions.


What we didn’t know was the fact that one of our first colonization missions encountered a strange drone of an alien race. Later we came to know them as the Orokin.


By the time they’ve arrived, we had almost reclaimed Earth and had colonized four of the planets in our solar system.


It would be unfair to call them evil or good for that matter. They just were what they were. Inquisitive but lacking required patience. They considered themselves as erudite. We were not as interesting to them as the Technocyte was. Although we pleaded for help to destroy it, they chose to take samples for research. They were warned.


The first samples of the pathogen were brought to one of their capital ships that arrived in Solaris, as they called our solar system. The ship’s name was Agarte Dor. It looked like nothing we had ever seen. This was the third cause.


Whilst working on the virus, they built several structures on all the planets in Solaris. They said they were for communication. Who could argue? We never found out their true purpose. Or at least, we never told anyone else…


Years passed. Humanity continued fighting the virus and growing beyond expectation. The Orokin, in their large ships, observed, cataloged, never interfering. Until one day, when Agarte Dor, one of their capital ships which was in Earth’s orbit, suddenly crashed on its surface.


In just a blink of an eye, countless machinations and Orokin broke out and started attacking human cities, under the influence of the Technocyte. They stole ships, broke orbit and spread through the solar system, fighting what Orokin ships were still present.


To our surprise, their focus was not on us. To our surprise, they were more organized than before. Under the command of an entity that called itself the Sentients, it waged war with the alien race that was the first to visit our solar system.


Apparently, whilst studying the pathogen on board of Agarte Dor, one of the mainframes was infected with the virus through a systemic failure. As we later learned that Orokin technology was partially based on biological systems, it was clear how the aggressive Technocyte found the perfect host in the form of such powerful mainframes of incommensurable calculating capacity.


We thought we had seen the full bulk of the virus’ capabilities when we were on our walls, fighting the countless waves of infested. With the weapons of Japanese heritage, the yaris, long blades, similar to western pikes, we were able to keep our distance.


What was happening was completely different. It got smarter, more organized, access to technology light years ahead of our own. It started building more ships, taking over Orokin vessels and infesting everyone, all through the new hive mind of the so called Sentients that started aboard Agarte Dor.


We didn’t stand a chance. Nor did the Orokin. They fled to their home system, followed by the scourge that knew they were the only ones capable of stopping them.


After each of their controlled solar systems fell, the Orokin fled to subdimensions of the primary one known to them as the Void. They retreated there to learn, to adapt. Realizing that nothing they had was efficient against this form of enemy, their eyes fell on Earth and on how we managed to defeat the virus the first time. Our Tenno Project become of interest whilst we, ourselves, were now fighting a war that should not have been ours.


But the Orokin did not let us fight alone for long. Through covert missions, they extracted the most skilled of the ENTRY and brought them to their towers in the Void were they kept experimenting.


Our own were not enough against the new technology the Technocyte had acquired from the Orokin. Thus, our ENTRY members, our Tenno, needed their help to even the balance.


By using the most advanced prototypes, they’ve crafted suits of intelligent and self-adapting armor that was personalized for each of their subjects. Each one possessing different skills due to the Technocyte mutations, the suits adapted for each particular skill set.


The best of them were then cloned in order to increase our ranks faster. We had too.


Squads coming from the Void launched a guerilla type war against the spread of the Sentients. It was effective. Too effective. The enemy knew it had to stop the mass production of these supernatural humans wielding incredible suits of armor.


The Technocyte started looking for a way of accessing the Void. It found it but it was too late.


Although they manage to destroy the Orokin presence there and infest their countless research towers, some managed to escape. The few Orokin that were not corrupted passed down their scientific library to us, to ENTRY. The remaining squads of cloned Tenno were entrusted to the Lotus to command.


We continued the war against the Sentients and we prevailed. In the end, we were to many even for the Technocyte plague.


After it ended and ENTRY destroyed the last copy of the Sentiets’ infected mainframe, human stupidity struck again.


What factions survived the war, of which some are the precursors of the now known Grineer and the Corpus Corporation, considered that ENTRY held too much power for an independent organization. Although we should have been the guardians of the Enforced Neutrality Treaties, we took upon ourselves to prevent another social crisis and uprising under continuous diplomatic pressure.


Our Tenno squads that had the privilege to wear the Orokin suits were disbanded and placed into cryosleep in random and secret corners of the solar system until such moment they would be needed again.


This is you! Tenno, for some strange reason, you have been awaken by the Lotus. She thinks something is lurking somewhere in the Void. Why she refuses to acknowledge ENTRY’s Myo’i cannot be understood.


Tenno, I urge you not to trust her!


Join your true brothers and sisters and return home!”



The message ends and you suspiciously look at its container. You hear her voice instructing you on your new mission. But something also tells you that there is more to this story. You cannot remember all that you have read. It does feel a bit familiar.


Do you decide to reach out to ENTRY? What you know is that, for the moment, you feel alone. Maybe going back home wouldn’t be so bad. If it was your home.

Edited by BMarkeeth
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Hello members of ENTRY,


After reading your most interesting recruitment post I believe I have finally found what I am looking for and would like to apply to join your clan.

Little bit about me: I am 24 years old, finishing college this month, starting to work hopefully within another month. I'd like to think I am a decent human being but I will let you be the judge of that, bit more of a quiet listening person, but hey, we can't all be too chatty I suppose. I assume the go to language will be English within the clan? Though not my native language, I lived for a years abroad in Ireland and am well versed in English. What more is there to tell, I play a couple of hours a day when I can, though have the occasional hangout with friend/family where you skip a day, which goes for everyone I suppose. 


I started playing warframe 3 weeks ago, got addicted right away and like to think I got pretty far already. Though being in some mass guild atm with not much going on has stunted my growth a bit. That is one of the reasons I would love a smaller bit more tight fun group, who do play seriously though can enjoy a good laugh. My current warframes are a 2 forma nekro desecrate build, a 1 forma nyx build and leveling rhino prime and nova. 


Application should be considered from 2 sides in my opinion though, you guys can see if I fit in your group, and I can see if it is what I am looking for. I would love to give it a shot in this clan though, as it looks promising. 


I hope you consider this application,





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 Hello there Neythar.


 Yes, the language is English as it is the go to language for kewl jokes that only make sense in English. (Cough... we'll pretend that no other language has kewl jokes that only make sense in that particular language).


 Our own progression hasn't been a powerleveling expedition but we can hold own our in T4 and Derelict content so far.


 As the work schedules vary a bit, we are trying to make sure that through recruiting we will have at least 3 players online during the evenings for a couple of runs. You can always find a couple more through the alliance channel.


 I just want to make sure that any one interested in joining our little group understands the fact that whilst we love the game and try to play whenever we can, it sometimes happens not to have the physical time to get to a computer and do it. That is why during the work week, we are aiming for 1-2 hours.


 Invite was sent.

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 Not at all. We do not care about location. The purpose of stating our own location was for individuals from other regions to decide if they want to join or not as the time difference might pose problems regarding proper interaction.


 It would be great if we were able to find one squad (4-5 individuals) from each region (in order to cover the entire day - or most of it) to be able to properly assist our alliance when the time comes. A relative distant thought, but that is towards what we are heading.

Edited by BMarkeeth
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