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My Experience (Dark Sector Conflict)


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Today I tried the Dark Sector PvP, I've been an avid fan of DE and Warframe for quite some time now. Yet the one thing I never did touch was Dark Sector. With a backround like mine, that's practically a feat of strength. But today I decided to try it, after hearing so many balance changes being made. (I figured it would be awful at first, and so it was from what I saw)


I especially was glad to hear that the leveling up wasn't an issue anymore, as once they spoke about it I made a wager that would be one of the problems. So I decided to hop right in today, with nothing better to do. Of course I organized my mods first, and made a build specifically for PvP.


At first it was huge fun, the environment and challenge was great. The feel of a real challenge, pitting my wits against other Tenno was invigorating. However it would seem that this would come to an end, when we went to defend our last objective.


Honestly, I didn't entirely know what to do until I focused on what /they/ were after, assuming it would be what I needed to defend in some manner. At level six, (I started at level three) I noticed an enemy Excalibur was level twenty. I tried to adapt, seeking a solution. Killing NPC enemies mainly in hopes of XP, I realized it didn't help much if at all, and the enemy Tenno were hard pressed against us.


At level eight, I then noticed the enemy Excalibur was level thirty! I began to panic as he tore through me with ease, as expected from the level difference. But that wouldn't be the end, though it didn't happen before perhaps due to him not being in the map, or simply not trying this method, but an enemy Rhino began to use his Galatine. With every strike, my character flinched to which forced me into a permanent cycle of my character performing some type of dance moves that only a creature without legs could appreciate. This happened several times before my prepared mind began to fill with angry thoughts.


I tried running, jumping, and being very careful as to dodge his initial attack, because once it landed, it was over. I succeeded a few times, only with the help of two additional friends to take him down. It happened seemingly enough that he decided to only use it when he saw the opportunity.  In some way I couldn't help but be proud of my team, thinking how they're likely carrying me right now. "I'm doing so horribly," I thought, as they began using longer ranged weapons in order to snipe us from afar.


But at last, it finally ended. We /somehow/ succeeded, to which I presume was only because the enemy focused on us so much, long as I understand how the goals of Dark Sector PvP work. I did a total of 56% of the damage dealt. I immediately went into a type of calm, functionless state. "... But... I did horrible," I eventually began to think, "I died a lot, often being forced to be at medium to close range because of my lack of a long ranged weapon. I didn't even stand a chance against that level thirty.."


So there you have it, I realize this is a beta, no matter how large or how cool it looks for being one. Balance and bug issues are abroad, but I must say I'm disappointed. It's only my personal experience, not others. I'm aware of that, and perhaps I did something wrong. But I figured I would give my feedback on the subject.


I'll occasionally look over this thread, so do tell if there's a method I'm unaware of to gain XP quickly, or to effectively dodge a Galatine onslaught. 

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DS PvP is so fun but we have to admit it needs some fixes, sometimes you'll be level 5 and the enemy team is 20ish or they'll camp you at the spawn zone. ( that sucks )


Don't be dissapointed fellow tenno if we give our feedback im sure we'll get some good fixes in the future, the devs won't know what's wrong if we don't tell them but until then try to have fun.


PS. Wait until you see a single ash kill your whole team with bladestorm and you can't do anything about it.

Edited by Insulino
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My biggest gripe is the leveling system, or atleast how is implemented. I would love to see it in similar way as in awesomenauts style:

When a new player joins the game he has a similar lvl to other players. I had problems when specters, other enemy Tenno's and even trash mobs were +15-20 lvl's ahead of me.

As it stands now to truly enjoy the DS mode you need to join the game as soon as it starts the match.

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Was it a player or a Specter?


Also this is what happens if you rush a mission without leveling up


In this case a Wise Tenno wouls have a single weapon devoted to high DPS for killing Moas and heavy gunners


You gain levels extremely quickly this way and can match up the opponent to even out the fight


Its all about knowing how to tackle the problems


Itll come from experience


Firs impressions are always helpful but alot of the time they leave dark spots of unknown information

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Rush a mission? I was on the defense, is that even possible to rush a mission as defense? (Again, I'm unaware of the true goals other then defend Point A and B) But coming from general knowledge of how defense works in a game, I can't really fathom how you're able to defend, yet rush the round, seems contradictory.


But as stated in the initial post, I did try to focus killing enemy units, to little avail. They were level 30-40, so while I killed them over the course of about ten seconds, long as I was untouched by enemy Tenno, the latter always got in the way of succeeding.


Perhaps in time, it shall be what I envisioned.

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Rush a mission? I was on the defense, is that even possible to rush a mission as defense? (Again, I'm unaware of the true goals other then defend Point A and B) But coming from general knowledge of how defense works in a game, I can't really fathom how you're able to defend, yet rush the round, seems contradictory.


But as stated in the initial post, I did try to focus killing enemy units, to little avail. They were level 30-40, so while I killed them over the course of about ten seconds, long as I was untouched by enemy Tenno, the latter always got in the way of succeeding.


Perhaps in time, it shall be what I envisioned.

So the enemy rushed through your defenses


You entirely missed the part about using enemies to level with damage efficient weapons


Same case

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So the enemy rushed through your defenses


You entirely missed the part about using enemies to level with damage efficient weapons


Same case


I don't believe I did, as by the time I was brought into the match, the enemies were already quite a bit higher then me. After killing several enemies, (about ten non-Tenno) I didn't notice a significant boost in my level. (Over the course of ten minutes, I gained about two levels) While don't get me wrong, I definitely focused Tenno when they charged in, but I killed /anything/ that came close to the defenses, /including/ NPCs. Not to even mention my allies who of course also aided in killing enemies.


To clarify further, I killed about ten enemies in the course of a couple of minutes, (or aided, as can be assumed without even being there) and over the course of ten minutes or more, I did not see a significant boost in XP, so I stopped hunting down NPCs and simply killed whatever was attempting to destroy the objective. If this is confusing, then putting it simply I killed ten enemies, but then was forced to defend, only about seven minutes after (or so) checking in on how much XP I had gained since I had temporarily forgotten about the test I tried to run.


Also remember that we /won/, meaning the enemy ran out of reinforcements. While at this point I really should look up how it all works, but I'm assuming reinforcements means how many times that the attacking force can respawn, and when they run out of reinforcements and die for the last time, they fail as attackers and the defenders win. It's an assumption, but a logical one. Why does this matter? Because that means we killed enough enemies to actually defeat the attackers, and if I'm understanding you correctly, kills (especially NPC ones) give XP.


I could be misunderstanding you entirely, and if I am I'm sorry for the wall of text. If you believe I am I'd be grateful if you could elaborate. Though now I think I'll do some looking up on how it all works to save people trouble within this thread.

Edited by Dymetreus
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I don't believe I did, as by the time I was brought into the match, the enemies were already quite a bit higher then me. After killing several enemies, (about ten non-Tenno) I didn't notice a significant boost in my level. (Over the course of ten minutes, I gained about two levels) While don't get me wrong, I definitely focused Tenno when they charged in, but I killed /anything/ that came close to the defenses, /including/ NPCs. Not to even mention my allies who of course also aided in killing enemies.


To clarify further, I killed about ten enemies in the course of a couple of minutes, (or aided, as can be assumed without even being there) and over the course of ten minutes or more, I did not see a significant boost in XP, so I stopped hunting down NPCs and simply killed whatever was attempting to destroy the objective. If this is confusing, then putting it simply I killed ten enemies, but then was forced to defend, only about seven minutes after (or so) checking in on how much XP I had gained since I had temporarily forgotten about the test I tried to run.


Also remember that we /won/, meaning the enemy ran out of reinforcements. While at this point I really should look up how it all works, but I'm assuming reinforcements means how many times that the attacking force can respawn, and when they run out of reinforcements and die for the last time, they fail as attackers and the defenders win. It's an assumption, but a logical one. Why does this matter? Because that means we killed enough enemies to actually defeat the attackers, and if I'm understanding you correctly, kills (especially NPC ones) give XP.


I could be misunderstanding you entirely, and if I am I'm sorry for the wall of text. If you believe I am I'd be grateful if you could elaborate. Though now I think I'll do some looking up on how it all works to save people trouble within this thread.

Im not sure how you hardly leveled after killing 10 units unless it was specters and maybe regular units who dont give much


Heavy gunners moas and those flying things whatever theyre called literally jump you through multiple levels at a time

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