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[Weapon Concept] Orokin Particle Rifle


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if that gun looks that good.. make it show by getting more damage.. right now its quite low.. inless it has armor ignore :)


Remember this concept was drafted before the "difficulty" buff that increased everything's sheilds and armor, so it's stats weren't designed for the current enemy set. 

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Cause then Space fights wouldn't be as engaging without the noise -See Star wars, Star trek, B5 every Sci-fi show does it... Hell BSG RI did it most of the time and only did true silence when they were trying to be artistic etc etc-



... I don't know, Everything blew up pink in the original gundam too.

Firefly did it fine *shrugs*

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Hey man saw this not too long ago...love the idea with the particle beam-type weapon. Not too sure whether the flux rifle was added before or after this thread? If it was added after you posted, they've probably seen this and given it some serious thought a while back ;)

Anyway, I'd posted a thread a few weeks ago on a sort of particle beam-type crossbow that uses regular ammunition, then can be "over-charged" with energy for a more powerful beam.

(In case you wanna check it out) https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/80680-crossbow-type-weapon-the-auryx-concept-art-included/

Well then I saw this thread just now, and thought of a whole new concept again which grew off your particle rifle concept.

Was thinking of not an actual gun you hold, but a concept of secondary mini cannons, two that attach just above the players hips, and another two that attach on top of the shoulders. Nearly identical to Gundam Freedom if you know of it: Image Below.

Basically, was just posting on here to see if I could use your starting concept of particle beams, and start a whole new thread on these mini cannons for a new tenno secondary? Giving credit to you of course.

Then again, being a secondary-type, they'd have to be alot smaller than the cannons shown in this picture.


What do you think?

Edited by kuryukishi
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Hey man saw this not too long ago...love the idea with the particle beam-type weapon. Not too sure whether the flux rifle was added before or after this thread? If it was added after you posted, they've probably seen this and given it some serious thought a while back ;)


It was before. Quite a bit before, hence. 



It would seem that the Flux rifle is as close an approximation of this concept as we are going to get for now. If this truly was inspired or encouraged by this thread then I am grateful to DE for their attention to player feedback and suggestions. 


If not, well it's still a great concept that should be in the game :I 




As for your...body cannons idea? It sounds pretty cool - but I'm not really sure it fits in warframe. *Imagines their nova with particle cannons flapping everywhere* Yeah...no. 

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As for your...body cannons idea? It sounds pretty cool - but I'm not really sure it fits in warframe. *Imagines their nova with particle cannons flapping everywhere* Yeah...no. 


Ahh I see what you mean with...the flapping problem. I fully agree with you on the point of having cannons flapping around would just look funny. 

However to fix that perception, I'll explain how I picture them fairly smaller than those shown with the image. About the length of the frame's forearm for the ones above the hips, and the ones above the shoulder slightly longer than the cannons on the hips.


The ones attached to the hips would shift down vertically along the thigh, picture it just behind the despair/kunai case, the tip of the cannon pointing towards the ground, not flapping around...but attached vertically along the thigh in a solid position. (When not in use of course)

The shoulder cannons in use would look exactly like in the image, but when not in use, they spin 180 degrees across the shoulder so that the cannons tips are facing backwards, then the tip lowers behind the back for easy manoeuvrability. (Similar to how the "wings" in the image are positioned.)

Not sure if I was clear with those descriptions haha, but it's the closest description I could come up with without showing a diagram. 

Edited by kuryukishi
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Ahh I see what you mean with...the flapping problem. I fully agree with you on the point of having cannons flapping around would just look funny. 

However to fix that perception, I'll explain how I picture them fairly smaller than those shown with the image. About the length of the frame's forearm for the ones above the hips, and the ones above the shoulder slightly longer than the cannons on the hips.




Ah, *adjusts mental image* - that does look a bit better.


I'm still going to have to say that your tastes and mine just differ on this one - but I can see the creative merit in your idea, and I hope you find some sort of way of realising it, either in Warframe or elsewhere. 

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